Multiple shootings + explosions in Paris

We are fucked.

The Paris attack happened less than (?) 24 hours after the last pronouncement, he's importing terrorists just in time for Christmas.

I wonder if the Democrats have a clue what happens when these imported jihadi start killing?

I have come to believe that reality is not present @ 1600 Penn Ave. There is just the one, and he is a cool dude8-). He believes that nothing bad will happen to him or those within his sphere. I firmly believe that he has that part correct. Anything outside the sphere does not concern him. Everyone else are the ones that have problems. Pefhaps in time, he will become more aware of things, but that will not translate into any usable solution. If it worked for the past 7 years, it will work for the next nine. They only worry about what they can't control, and those around them, you know; like a feudal system of thinking.
When gun owners are declared to be a threat to society and locked up, that's okay? All of the gun-related deaths in America, just lock up anyone who possesses a gun. Problem solved.

Tbone, you talk about a threatening ideology and then say "I want to be able to freely think what I think"....your position doesn't make any sense.

Break, break:

Look, if I woke up tomorrow and realized that all 1.whatever billion Muslims were dead my only concern would be "I'm out of a job. Can I collect unemployment in the States." I genuinely don't care if every single one vaporized, but my "focused dislike" doesn't mean we should discard the Constitution which is exactly what you're advocating. We've surrendered enough with the Patriot Act and associated data collections, so now we'll decree Group A to be a threat and lock them up without a trial? That's the America you want to live in?
I should of made it more visible that I was trying to make sense of why people say things like that. I wasn't agreeing with it like it may have sounded(and that is my fault). I totally agree with your point of view and realise it would probably be in vein to argue another point with such a wise chap as yourself. :rolleyes:

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I should of made it more visible that I was trying to make sense of why people say things like that. I wasn't agreeing with it like it may have sounded(and that is my fault). I totally agree with your point of view and realise it would probably be in vein to argue another point with such a wise chap as yourself. :rolleyes:


We're not going to hijack the thread so if you want to continue this via PM that's fine, but I'll close with an "LOL" at your post above.
Here's another thing that fucking pisses me off. All these idiots on social media criticising the gestures people are making towards Paris -- going on about how lots of other people died in other parts of the world on the same day, and that they don't get the same gestures. So what, motherfuckers? We already know that people die in conflict-ridden countries every day. We're used to that. The point is that Europe is not a warzone (or at least it didn't use to be). This is pretty fucking significant, as opposed to car bomb #157623 in Iraq. Sorry, but it's true.

On another note, France is bombing Raqqa. Hopefully even the spineless socialists will push for some hefty payback for this.
Here's another thing that fucking pisses me off. All these idiots on social media criticising the gestures people are making towards Paris -- going on about how lots of other people died in other parts of the world on the same day, and that they don't get the same gestures. So what, motherfuckers? We already know that people die in conflict-ridden countries every day. We're used to that. The point is that Europe is not a warzone (or at least it didn't use to be). This is pretty fucking significant, as opposed to car bomb #157623 in Iraq. Sorry, but it's true.

On another note, France is bombing Raqqa. Hopefully even the spineless socialists will push for some hefty payback for this.
All these people are saying 'where is the hashtag for Kenya or Iraq?' Well fuck head those places are at war. Paris is major city. Which is this far west. That's the reason Paris is a big deal. ISIS is trying to show they can hit us this far away from countries that have been at war since 10,000,000 B.C.
All these people are saying 'where is the hashtag for Kenya or Iraq?' Well fuck head those places are at war. Paris is major city. Which is this far west. That's the reason Paris is a big deal. ISIS is trying to show they can hit us this far away from countries that have been at war since 10,000,000 B.C.

Kenya is at war?
if it took locking every Muslim up in a camp for a few years, to gain some kind of control on this extremism bullshit
So, you are advocating another Manzanar?
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I have to disagree with you based on the above... but do not have an answer for the extremist immigrant issue.
There are a few events throughout our history where we have dealt with ideological terrorism within our nations borders. A few examples:

Apache & Comanche raids on settlers in the Midwest. (although it was their territory first)

Private Militia raids leading up to and during the Civil war.

The KKK, during reconstruction and up to current times.

Communists movement in the early 1900's, never really got off the ground (or maybe they're just democrat's). lol

Black Panther and similar groups during the civil rights movement, lead to the militarization of Law Enforcement.

Obviously radical Islam from the 1970's to current.

These are just a few of the obvious situations where we have dealt with a form of terrorism that was used against American people. Some of our approaches in dealing with it have worked, some have not. As tragic and horrific as it was, the native American solution worked. Nobody wants to admit this, understandably, however, bands of Apache and Comanche no longer raid our cities, kill our people, rape our women and enslave us. I view what we did to the native Americans as atrocious and irreparable, however, it was in fact necessary to secure this current nation and the security of our citizens.

Now in dealing with smaller groups of people who use terrorism, we have tried the approach of intelligence and law enforcement, and it mostly works, and I'm for continuing to use these tools. But on a grander scale, how effective is it? How many of our people do we allow to die or be grievously wronged, before we say "we need to nip this in the butt once and for all"? How would we do that? What can we look to historically, that has worked on a grand scale, with long lasting effects?

As stated before, I am fully aware of the hypocrisy of taking the position I am, and my stance on the constitution and civil liberties. But unfortunately, I don't see us moving forward until we finally deal with this problem. I don't want my son spending his early adulthood in a fucking sandbox like I did, dealing with the same problem. I don't want my daughters feeling like they need to strap body armor and a gun on, to go watch a concert or sporting event. I don't want to kick this "terrorism" can down the road, for my kids and future grand kids to deal with. The future of my family and friends cannot in my opinion abide political correctness and emotional grandstanding.

And I am open to other idea's that are actual feasible, as in they would actually work. But I really haven't heard/read any, and the sabor rattling talking heads all repeat the same old crap " we need to hit them hard, go on the attack, tighten up our strategy". How about give us, the American people an actual strategic solution to this problem. How about we stop thinking in the present and think 50-75years down the road. Hell I would settle for the next decade.

I'm obviously frustrated and voicing some thoughts/opinion's. My goal isn't to hijack this thread or bombard it with crazy off the wall posts, and I do apologize for the lengthy posts. ;)
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I come here daily, mainly to read the thoughts of men and women who have seen it first hand. I wanted to share this video which I thought was insightful. She makes some solid points from an Arab worldview and I believe we need more people like her to speak up. I would be interested in hearing your thoughts.

*if the video doesn't fit here delete my post. I realize I am a guest here.
Hollande has said France will "destroy IS". That the attacks were an act of war.

What does it say when even a French socialist sounds tougher than Obama? Time will tell if these words will be backed up, but I know that a lot of people are unbelievably pissed off and eager to see this through.
Hollande has said France will "destroy IS". That the attacks were an act of war.

What does it say when even a French socialist sounds tougher than Obama? Time will tell if these words will be backed up, but I know that a lot of people are unbelievably pissed off and eager to see this through.

Just out of curiosity, what is the French military capabilities? Specifically, putting boots on the ground and ability to route ISIS on the ground. I don't know much about the French military and its capabilities, outside of some of the smaller operations they've conducted in recent years.

I hope you're right and France kicks the shit out of ISIS, someone needs to.
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Hollande has said France will "destroy IS". That the attacks were an act of war.

What does it say when even a French socialist sounds tougher than Obama? Time will tell if these words will be backed up, but I know that a lot of people are unbelievably pissed off and eager to see this through.
We'll see. Will they ask to invoke Article 5? It was done after 9.11.

For Obama's part, he says, "We have the right strategy and we're going to see it through". Clearly. :rolleyes:
Just out of curiosity, what is the French military capabilities? Specifically, putting boots on the ground and ability to route ISIS on the ground. I don't know much about the French military and its capabilities, outside of some of the smaller operations they've conducted in recent years.

In 2013 their Army had about 115k personnel, 7,100 armored vehicles, and 300 helos. The Navy has around 30 Rafele's and a few E-2C's. The Air Force has 220-ish combat aircraft plus cargo, tankers, etc.


Something to consider though: when they went into Africa a few years ago they did so with US cargo and ISR support. Basing in a friendly country with access to sea lanes can greatly offset the former, but the latter would still need help.

My layman's view is if they gutted their AF and Navy they could put a sufficient number of a/c in theater to place them on par with our commitment. They would still need our ISR and tanker support. Troops...they would need a nation that allowed them to pass tens of thousands of troops across its borders.

I feel for France and her people but "destroy" is rhetoric. They can't do it without the rest of us being on board in a major way.
Yes, it's probably not going to be what many of us would like it to be. But the pressure is going to be stepped up, and I think that more than a few countries will be willing to help.

At the very least, they will not survive in their existing form.

Russia to JOIN West to beat ISIS - Putin tells Cameron it's time 'we worked TOGETHER'

And at least the rhetoric is better than anything coming out of the Obama administration. It's just shockingly bad.