Multiple shootings + explosions in Paris

Society, on the whole, is too soft, and coddled so often, that it is almost physically impossible for them to recognize what this fight will take, much less acknowledge and commit to it.
Society, on the whole, is too soft, and coddled so often, that it is almost physically impossible for them to recognize what this fight will take, much less acknowledge and commit to it.

...In other words, done properly this will be a long and bloody affair. If we haven't figured that out after 14 years of an active war and 30+ years of this shit on the fringes then we deserve another Paris or 9/11. Yes, deserve because we aren't "getting it" and history will repeat itself....

This will be a long and bloody fight, militarily, politically, and even socially. We have to kill the ones taking up arms against us and their supporters while stopping the generational recruitment of their replacements. Our grandchildren...let that sink in, our grandchildren might see the end of this fight.

If we're up to it.

The Whole Damn Post
@CDG and I were talking about this very thing last night.

I agree with all of you guys. It's all good to see these bullshit cartoons of the Statue of Liberty in kit and all this "we're coming" nonsense- I wonder if the general public actually understands what that means.
I agree with all of you guys. It's all good to see these bullshit cartoons of the Statue of Liberty in kit and all this "we're coming" nonsense- I wonder if the general public actually understands what that means.

Somewhat off-topic: I have a particular contempt for two groups within the US: the "Fly 10,00 miles to smoke a camel"/ eagle sharpening its talons crowd and those who suppose disengagement, talks, or agreements are the solution. The former usually didn't wear a uniform or if they did had a job with no chance in hell of discomfort much less danger, certainly have never even seen a low-threat place like Bagram, or will even see their children wear a uniform. The latter are so out of touch with the world I expect them to spend their weekends looking to pet unicorns.

The children need to take their pudding cups back to the living room and let the adults talk.
Yet after all this shit you can guarentee no western government will abmit we are at war with these motherfuckers. Despite this countries will still be letting in "refugees" and will still act suprised when this shit happense again. I don't want to sound like an alarmist but this shit ain't over. They're probably going to act this out again and again through all of Europe.
Yet after all this shit you can guarentee no western government will abmit we are at war with these motherfuckers. Despite this countries will still be letting in "refugees" and will still act suprised when this shit happense again. I don't want to sound like an alarmist but this shit ain't over. They're probably going to act this out again and again through all of Europe.

I believe ISIS when they say this is just the beginning.
Europe is fucked. It needs to do something serious to combat this as do all free countries in the world.
Islam is a plague on the Earth IMO.
I believe ISIS when they say this is just the beginning.
Europe is fucked. It needs to do something serious to combat this as do all free countries in the world.
Islam is a plague on the Earth IMO.
Shit loads of White Phosphorus dropped on their so called "caliphate" might help us out. But apparently it's too "mean" and "in-humane" to kill sub-human Ted Bundy clones according to the pussies who are the ruling politicians in the western world.
Today at West Point:
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At some point we need to accept we can't kill our way out of this, we can't disengage, and we can't throw money or "hugs" at the problem. I liken it to a patch of weeds. Even if you Roundup it to oblivion the weeds will grow back. Pull the weeds and they grow back. Throw grass seed down and that will go nowhere. We have to pull the weeds, sow the grass seed, water that seed, keep pulling weeds, and wait for the grass to grow and choke out the weeds.

In other words, done properly this will be a long and bloody affair. If we haven't figured that out after 14 years of an active war and 30+ years of this shit on the fringes then we deserve another Paris or 9/11. Yes, deserve because we aren't "getting it" and history will repeat itself.

Go back through the last 1400 or whatever years and you'll see this is cyclical. You'll see that it was eventually stopped militarily, that the expansion of "radical" Islam was a military solution. Times have changed though, this is as political as military. Armies aren't fighting armies, and the Lepantos and Tours' are behind us. We're in a new cycle but with different rules and we need to feed, house, and clothe orphans even as we create them.

This will be a long and bloody fight, militarily, politically, and even socially. We have to kill the ones taking up arms against us and their supporters while stopping the generational recruitment of their replacements. Our grandchildren...let that sink in, our grandchildren might see the end of this fight.

If we're up to it.

This is in essence a global COIN war and we must fight it as such.
Somewhat off-topic: I have a particular contempt for two groups within the US: the "Fly 10,00 miles to smoke a camel"/ eagle sharpening its talons crowd and those who suppose disengagement, talks, or agreements are the solution. The former usually didn't wear a uniform or if they did had a job with no chance in hell of discomfort much less danger, certainly have never even seen a low-threat place like Bagram, or will even see their children wear a uniform. The latter are so out of touch with the world I expect them to spend their weekends looking to pet unicorns.

The children need to take their pudding cups back to the living room and let the adults talk.

Been reading a lot of articles and analysis on Paris today. Just reading a NYT article and saw this, bold emphasis is mine: Pausing from her morning run near the Musée d’Orsay, Marie-Caroline de Richemont, 32, said she was still trying to process the events, but without succumbing to fear. “This is not Iraq or Afghanistan,” she said. “We are not at war here. We need to stay confident and hopeful.”

Link to the full article:

This is the exact mindset that will destroy countries like France if too many people buy into it. We are absolutely at war. Confidence and hope will accomplish nothing but more death.
The war is going to be lost. In the short term anyway. Only when we'll have really screwed up will we start to fight back.

Even with all this shit going on, the top trending theme on social media is stuff along the lines of 'terrorism has no religion' and other bullshit. People will gleefully lap up any bullshit like that because they're still too addicted to being "progressive", even in the face of catastrophes. In fact, the greater the catastrophe, the more progressive they can appear. For young people who have no career, no morals, nothing to strive for, their self-worth comes from crap like this. It's all they've got.
This is the exact mindset that will destroy countries like France if too many people buy into it. We are absolutely at war. Confidence and hope will accomplish nothing but more death.

I couldn't agree more.
Dammit. Toll keeps rising...
RIP to those who lost their lives today. Prayers out to the families and friends.

@CDG and I were talking about this very thing last night.

I agree with all of you guys. It's all good to see these bullshit cartoons of the Statue of Liberty in kit and all this "we're coming" nonsense- I wonder if the general public actually understands what that means.

I doubt many have any idea as to where this could go. It depends on what the media says about it, because that is the information source., & my rants on our media still apply.
These motherfuckers. May those that perished rest eternally in blissful peace, and may the wounded survivors heal and find the strength to flip these assholes' plan on its head by living long, full, and complete lives.

As usual, President Obama's initial cookie cutter, rehashed statement last night was very disparaging. Even Xi Jinping (whether he is, or is not, completely full of shit aside) offered a better message of solidarity than this administration did. There certainly was nothing said by our so called "leader of the free world" to give any impression that ISIS will now pay in full for its actions, that ENOUGH is ENOUGH. I certainly hope that I'm wrong, but I'm not fully convinced that had this attack occurred on American soil, that Obama would have had a response that would have been any more forceful nor provide any sense of direction that this country could get behind. Sadly, I also believe that a very large amount of American civilians (while posting all their stock condolences and peace symbols on social media) have any true outrage, concern, or foresight as to what the ramifications of this attack will mean in the long run for our safety here at home, if the populace and government doesn't become truly serious about eradicating these dipshits from our planet. It wouldn't surprise me in the least if there are many people in this country sitting on their fat asses secretly saying to themselves "well, that is terrible, but at least they didn't attack US." What chance does any plan for destroying these fuckers have if the citizens of Allied countries, and the citizens of the U.S. in particular, aren't even willing to put their focus and full support behind it? Sadly it seems that not even something as simple as that is within the grasp of many these jackasses.

The more and more I come on this forum, the more stories and opinions I read, from those that provide this country with the possibility of the ultimate blank check for our freedom, about the American populace in general, and the more concerned I become about how far the disconnect is between our military members/first responders and civilians. We who haven't worn the uniform have been asked to sacrifice precisely dick over the past 14 years, and collectively we couldn't even continue to give our armed forces something as simple as the support that they needed to finish the job that WE initially overwhelming pledged needed to be done and was worth it. This newest heaping pile of shit has cropped up as a result of that political and public pussyfooting, and now the most recent price paid are 129 deceased (hopefully that number is final now, not to mention, of course, the 350+ wounded) Parisians' and citizens of multiple nationalities. Men, women and children who were guilty of nothing more than being where they were at that time. What more do these fuckers need to do to the citizens of the U.S., France, England, and the rest of our combined allies for people to pop their heads out of their asses and back a combined solution as well as the men and women who will carry it out for as long as necessary to get the job done? We're to the point in America where I've talked to people who have said with almost indifference that these types of attacks are simply becoming a new common and normal aspect of life! They catch the blip about these "incidents" while waiting for sports scores and the weather, and then don't give it a second thought after it passes on the ticker. The very thought that anyone would even consider that acceptable makes me sick to my stomach, and I can't fathom having belief that groups like ISIS are something that will always exist in this capacity.

I hope those members here that are vetted (which I understand is naturally the vast majority, and regular Joe American me is the vast minority, which is somewhat sad in its own right to me at least, as I learn something fascinating and hear the opinions on issues that actually affect our Nations as a whole, and not just my own personal bubble, every time I log on without the political bullshit) have had experiences with civilians that don't just see the suffering France is dealing with right now, and nearly every major Western European and North American power has gone through at multiple points throughout the past 30+ years at the hands of Radical Islamic terrorists, as some interesting sensational story for a while, and as the real threat to our ways of life that they are. Those voices just aren't nearly loud enough yet.
At some point we need to accept we can't kill our way out of this, we can't disengage, and we can't throw money or "hugs" at the problem. I liken it to a patch of weeds. Even if you Roundup it to oblivion the weeds will grow back. Pull the weeds and they grow back. Throw grass seed down and that will go nowhere. We have to pull the weeds, sow the grass seed, water that seed, keep pulling weeds, and wait for the grass to grow and choke out the weeds.

In other words, done properly this will be a long and bloody affair. If we haven't figured that out after 14 years of an active war and 30+ years of this shit on the fringes then we deserve another Paris or 9/11. Yes, deserve because we aren't "getting it" and history will repeat itself.

Go back through the last 1400 or whatever years and you'll see this is cyclical. You'll see that it was eventually stopped militarily, that the expansion of "radical" Islam was a military solution. Times have changed though, this is as political as military. Armies aren't fighting armies, and the Lepantos and Tours' are behind us. We're in a new cycle but with different rules and we need to feed, house, and clothe orphans even as we create them.

This will be a long and bloody fight, militarily, politically, and even socially. We have to kill the ones taking up arms against us and their supporters while stopping the generational recruitment of their replacements. Our grandchildren...let that sink in, our grandchildren might see the end of this fight.

If we're up to it.
