No, you don’t hate sounding like a broken record. You use the same 4, maybe 5 phrases (“Dude...”, “Bro...”, “Like it it not”...) to introduce wild shit you never back up (Marxist plot to take over the political bastion you
just so happen to support) to use as a bridge to your ultimate demagoguery (“GOOD vs EVIL for the soul of the nation). It’s tiresome. Worst of all, it’s formulaic. At least be original, you know?
You’re on social media right now, spreading disinformation all the while bemoaning the very behavior you display. A coup? Really? That you called before hand and that ended up happening? When did that happen? I’m sure I would have gotten an email. Or an invite. Or something.
Keep obfuscating. Avoid. Distract. Make sure to warn everyone about the evil boogeyman- but thank goodness! Here, in this forum of poor souls- blind to the truth- we have you. To show us the truth.
Spare me. Two posts ago you were talking about putting NBA players in jail for Instagram posts.
You turn the temperature up in every conversation, only to back down with a cute emoji when called on it. “Oh gee, boss, I was jus playin! I wasn’t serious

” a la Bill Wharton. The most telling thing you ever said here was when you questioned other members’ motives, openly questioning whether they were trolls here to sow discord. At least you’re consistent- you withered when called out on that one, too.
The lady doth protest too much, methinks.