National Protest and 'disband the cops' discussion (please review page 1)

How else do you classify our elite/bureaucrats/MSM spreading information to destabilize/demoralize the republic other than sedition?
One of my most trusted friends is a prominent member of the MSM. The eye rolls I get when I even broach this topic are enough to cause eye sprains...would you suggest he is deceiving me?

Like it or not, social media is the perfect tool to carry out disinformation campaigns and sow the seeds of insurrection.
Yeah, you’ve pretty much proven that.
We have a handful of 'disband-the-cops' groups in our town, and they have not gotten too much traction. A couple days ago we had four shootings in four hours, and on the news the reporter was asking a (black, poor neighborhood) local what she thought and she responded (paraphrasing) 'we don't need to defund the police, we need more police.' Broken record time: the areas which would be hardest hit are decidedly NOT the 'defund-the-police' crowd.
When questioned for “proof” by @DasBoot back in June, you responded with:

You are free to find the information for yourself dude. All I can do is share what I've found and hope you come to your own conclusions. In a way, this is a labor of love. I don't gain anything by having such unpopular opinions.
I will say again, the problem with people like you who see a grand conspiracy behind every corner is that you refuse to come to the table with your evidence. Instead of saying, “here’s my proof”, we get “prove I’m not right”, or “it’s all out there for you to find”.

I don't gain anything by having such unpopular opinions.
I disagree. I believe you gain a perverse satisfaction and glee in convincing incredibly intelligent and knowledgeable members of this forum to push back on the misinformation you post.

George Floyd/National Protests
No, you don’t hate sounding like a broken record. You use the same 4, maybe 5 phrases (“Dude...”, “Bro...”, “Like it it not”...) to introduce wild shit you never back up (Marxist plot to take over the political bastion you just so happen to support) to use as a bridge to your ultimate demagoguery (“GOOD vs EVIL for the soul of the nation). It’s tiresome. Worst of all, it’s formulaic. At least be original, you know?

You’re on social media right now, spreading disinformation all the while bemoaning the very behavior you display. A coup? Really? That you called before hand and that ended up happening? When did that happen? I’m sure I would have gotten an email. Or an invite. Or something.

Keep obfuscating. Avoid. Distract. Make sure to warn everyone about the evil boogeyman- but thank goodness! Here, in this forum of poor souls- blind to the truth- we have you. To show us the truth.

Spare me. Two posts ago you were talking about putting NBA players in jail for Instagram posts.

You turn the temperature up in every conversation, only to back down with a cute emoji when called on it. “Oh gee, boss, I was jus playin! I wasn’t serious 😉” a la Bill Wharton. The most telling thing you ever said here was when you questioned other members’ motives, openly questioning whether they were trolls here to sow discord. At least you’re consistent- you withered when called out on that one, too.

The lady doth protest too much, methinks.
I'm not the one refusing to acknowledge the reality of the machinations behind this insurrection. As for "withering", this is your world. I try not to step on toes too much because some of y'all are as capricious as a Fayetteville dancer.

Same with some of the muted members screaming into the ether.
One of my most trusted friends is a prominent member of the MSM. The eye rolls I get when I even broach this topic are enough to cause eye sprains...would you suggest he is deceiving me?

Yeah, you’ve pretty much proven that.
Go back and rewatch some of Bezmenov's video's and the posts related to the MSM. There are plenty of examples of MSM duplicity here on these boards. Do the same with posts related to academia and the overt subversion coming outta there, demoralization is real.
When questioned for “proof” by @DasBoot back in June, you responded with:

I will say again, the problem with people like you who see a grand conspiracy behind every corner is that you refuse to come to the table with your evidence. Instead of saying, “here’s my proof”, we get “prove I’m not right”, or “it’s all out there for you to find”.

I disagree. I believe you gain a perverse satisfaction and glee in convincing incredibly intelligent and knowledgeable members of this forum to push back on the misinformation you post.

George Floyd/National Protests
I ain't talking about a grand conspiracy. We are literally seeing Marxists taking to the streets, killing citizens, and burning down homes; all while spewing Marxist talking points and waving around commie iconography. Instead of looking at the micro and falling to emotion, start piecing the small events and figure out how they connect to the broader picture.

As for second point... I think you're being purposefully obtuse. Like I said, "I gain nothing from having such unpopular opinions".
Growing up on the wrong side of the tracks all my life, I'd agree with the sentiment. I'd like to think that most in the areas I lived in feel the same. There are obviously shitbirds and the bad apples that would rather hit the meth pipe and get behind "ACAB" but the vast majority are just on the day to day.

@Devildoc your post reminds me of this guy, and seeing it never gets old.

I'm not the one refusing to acknowledge the reality of the machinations behind this insurrection. As for "withering", this is your world. I try not to step on toes too much because some of y'all are as capricious as a Fayetteville dancer.
Who the fuck are you talking to?

If you’re feeling maligned, use the report function and we will make sure you’re not being held to an unfair standard.

If not though- quit being passive aggressive and implying the staff isn’t doing their jobs. I’ve seen it twice, and that’s two times too many.

The rest of your comment was a mess that has heat applied to it.
On topic though;

We absolutely are seeing a number of anarchists/commie/actual socialist(IE workers control means)/dissident groups out and about causing chaos.

That doesn't mean it's all some plot concocted by the CCP/GRU/"libtards" to overthrow the country; it's that these groups always try and take advantage of public upheaval. They're parasites; they know most Americans wouldn't support them without some sort of emotional issue connected to it.

We've got freedoms enshrined in the Constitution that guarantee these people are allowed to have a voice; shit, the Constitution even gives them the ability to totally change the government if they can get the support to. To be attack people opposed to our current form of government as guilty of treason and sedition is ridiculous.

Words are not actions, no matter how much you don't like the words.

Also, I don't care that Bezmenov supports your viewpoint; I can find a bunch of Holocaust survivors who compare Trump to Hitler's fascist rise and the illegal immigrant internment camps to the work camps, but people would discredit that if they were politically opposed to it.
I'm not the one refusing to acknowledge the reality of the machinations behind this insurrection. As for "withering", this is your world. I try not to step on toes too much because some of y'all are as capricious as a Fayetteville dancer.

Same with some of the muted members screaming into the ether.

Go back and rewatch some of Bezmenov's video's and the posts related to the MSM. There are plenty of examples of MSM duplicity here on these boards. Do the same with posts related to academia and the overt subversion coming outta there, demoralization is real.

I ain't talking about a grand conspiracy. We are literally seeing Marxists taking to the streets, killing citizens, and burning down homes; all while spewing Marxist talking points and waving around commie iconography. Instead of looking at the micro and falling to emotion, start piecing the small events and figure out how they connect to the broader picture.

As for second point... I think you're being purposefully obtuse. Like I said, "I gain nothing from having such unpopular opinions".
Your only source for the majority of your posts is this Bezmenov gentleman. And you rarely cite him directly, you reference him as though you’re citing a religious text.

You approach this entire topic like a religious zealot- you know he truth, nothing can dissuade you from that conviction, and everyone else is ignorant and lost until you can convert them.

Your “citations” for your arguments are the scholastic equivalent of saying “figure it out yourself.” Again, you reference Bezmenov over and over, expecting us to all go and research him as well as you have. Or appear to have- it’s quite likely you’ve indulged in 1-2 YouTube rabbit holes and became an acolyte.

If you made it clear this is all your “opinion” or based on a “feeling”- well who am I to argue with that. Think what you want. When you speak with absolute authority, with virtually no proof or references, you tend to draw the ire of the people you’re trying to “educate.”

99% positive I’m on your ignore list so... I’ll keep aimlessly talking to myself.
@DasBoot said:
Your only source for the majority of your posts is this Bezmenov gentleman. And you rarely cite him directly, you reference him as though you’re citing a religious text.

You approach this entire topic like a religious zealot- you know he truth, nothing can dissuade you from that conviction, and everyone else is ignorant and lost until you can convert them.

Your “citations” for your arguments are the scholastic equivalent of saying “figure it out yourself.” Again, you reference Bezmenov over and over, expecting us to all go and research him as well as you have. Or appear to have- it’s quite likely you’ve indulged in 1-2 YouTube rabbit holes and became an acolyte.

If you made it clear this is all your “opinion” or based on a “feeling”- well who am I to argue with that. Think what you want. When you speak with absolute authority, with virtually no proof or references, you tend to draw the ire of the people you’re trying to “educate.”

99% positive I’m on your ignore list so... I’ll keep aimlessly talking to myself

Solid post, happy to make it more visible.
Clearly Antifa and BLM riots have been well funded and well organized endeavors. They're clearly destabilizing our culture. I would agree with @R.Caerbannog and @Rapid that this has been a long time coming. The only reason that thousands of people hold these beliefs is because they've been educated along a specific tract.

Our education system has been highly left leaning for a very long time. There is minimal diversity of thought when it comes to whom is teaching at the University level. We're no longer teaching people to think and challenging them, or that is ideally what University education should be. But professors are wearing their political colors on their sleeves.

I have a friend that teaches AP classes to High School seniors. Their last exam before they take their AP exam always has the question, which of course has nothing to do with the subject they're taking is- "What political party do you think Mr [blank] supports". And he has said in the last five years the average always comes out to 50-50 D or R.

And as Sharpton says-only the rich latte liberal from the Hamptons thinks that defunding the police is an actual solution. Actual crime ridden communities want more, but, better policing.

Now I'll disagree with the whole prosecuting thousands of people with Sedition, there may be a handful of bad actors that you can successfully prosecute that. What I am completely in favor of is prosecutors doing their damn jobs and prosecuting rioters that burn down buildings, destroy businesses, and go into residential neighborhoods to intimidate people.
I wonder if that report has changed much since I posted it 8 days ago in this post?

We had a BLM protest up in Prescott. Prescott is known for being a conservative town and Yavapai County is pretty conservative. I wouldn't say it's a racist place...there's some other towns in AZ I would point you to. But literally what happened was assholes from Phoenix drove up there to do a march and the people who didn't want the BLM violence that occurred in downtown Phoenix in their town and they yelled expletives. In the footage I saw there were no slurs, no Confederate Battle flags. And it all ended peacefully.

But this whole going out and picking a fight thing that we see today is very strange. You can draw parallels to the Civil Rights movement but it is clearly not the same at all, if anything there's way more violence today across the entire country by comparison.

So a lot of Liberal Leaning papers are touting this report from the ACLED...I have no idea who they are. But according to them only 7% of the protests have been violent. I can see a huge number being non-violent. But as I've watched these things nationally and locally I have a HARD time believing that statistic. And if it's true, think about the inordinate amount of damage done by the 7%. Entire cities are going to be plunged into economic depressions.
Interesting read on the terrorism problem in America.

The Escalating Terrorism Problem in the United States

That was interesting; especially the definitions. Awfully broad and with room for interpretation. For sure the definition, breadth, and scope of domestic terrorism has changed over 30+ years... hijackings and kidnappings are passe now, the activities in the article have increased.