National Protest and 'disband the cops' discussion (please review page 1)

That was interesting; especially the definitions. Awfully broad and with room for interpretation. For sure the definition, breadth, and scope of domestic terrorism has changed over 30+ years... hijackings and kidnappings are passe now, the activities in the article have increased.

Right wing terrorism is said to be the most common since the 90s, yet I can only think of 1 large right wing attack in the past few years, the clown who shot up a Walmart somewhere. California, Pulse Nightclub, vehicle attack near me at Ohio State all jihad inspired...haven't heard of an abortion bombing or racial killing in a while.
Right wing terrorism is said to be the most common since the 90s, yet I can only think of 1 large right wing attack in the past few years, the clown who shot up a Walmart somewhere. California, Pulse Nightclub, vehicle attack near me at Ohio State all jihad inspired...haven't heard of an abortion bombing or racial killing in a while.

The Wisconsin Sikh Temple Shooting, Charleston Church shooting, the Portland train attack, the Charlottesville car attack, the Synagouge shootings in Pennsylvania and Cali, the El Paso shooting....

ETA: I'm not including anything involving sovereign citizens(2014 Vegas shooting) or militia movements(IE: OKC bombing), but those are usually placed under the banner of "right wing".
The problem I have with the definitions in that article, if I say I don't like the government's policies regarding abortion or the second amendment, that clearly connects me with a dotted line to right-wing fringe, and just a step away from being under suspicion for colluding with domestic terrorist organizations if I ever join a club to march against abortion or join a militia that fights for second amendment rights. Am I a right-wing terrorist because I want to see the government blown up (metaphorically) because it's too big?
Charleston was one in forgot about, the Sihk temple too. El Paso was the Walmart guy I couldn't remember the city.

I really have one the high profile attacks in my head, the LV guy was a random maniac too, I refuse to remember their names.

Cali was the AQ or IS inspired couple as far as I remember. I guess I'm not including random small scale attacks, amd only thinking about the best g ones.
The Wisconsin Sikh Temple Shooting, Charleston Church shooting, the Portland train attack, the Charlottesville car attack, the Synagouge shootings in Pennsylvania and Cali, the El Paso shooting....

ETA: I'm not including anything involving sovereign citizens(2014 Vegas shooting) or militia movements(IE: OKC bombing), but those are usually placed under the banner of "right wing".

If you're talking about the 2015 San Bernardino Regional Center attack, that was a radicalized Muslim, the wife was Pakistani and he met her either on a trip to the ME or online. Unless you're thinking of something different?
So horrible to see. No respect for them. My dad been a firefighter for 20 years now and I can’t believe they suspended these players.


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If you're talking about the 2015 San Bernardino Regional Center attack, that was a radicalized Muslim, the wife was Pakistani and he met her either on a trip to the ME or online. Unless you're thinking of something different?

Maybe the Cali garlic or olive oil fest or whatever it was?
Who the fuck are you talking to?

If you’re feeling maligned, use the report function and we will make sure you’re not being held to an unfair standard.

If not though- quit being passive aggressive and implying the staff isn’t doing their jobs. I’ve seen it twice, and that’s two times too many.

The rest of your comment was a mess that has heat applied to it.
You and the peeps on my ignore list who seem to enjoy mocking me. It's no biggy though, as some of the quips and comparisons are rather humorous. That said, if we're going to partake in barracks talk don't be upset when I respond in kind.

As for using the report feature, I see no point in wasting the staff's time over petty insults. Staff is doing just fine.