National Protest and 'disband the cops' discussion (please review page 1)

the other "good" cops in the above video probably just didn't see what was going on - or maybe they ALL thought the guy was carrying a semiautomatic assault gopro...

its only a very small amount of cops that abuse their power and betray the public trust like that - besides - if civilians didnt what they were told the first time - cops wouldn't have to pull their guns like that
So, a few things.

This is not the whole video. It’s heavily edited. That means we are missing important context.

I wouldn’t be surprised if this guy’s First Amendment activity consisted of ‘auditing’ the police, or taping infrastructure. At least, that’s usually what we deal with.

These guys do their best to toe a very thin line and make the cops do something like this. And as angry as he sounds, he’s cumming in his pants.

Now, that said….

It’s very hard to justify this. That is precisely why the tape is cut and edited this way. But I’d like to see the officer’s unedited body cam. Like I said, context.

If it’s clearly a GoPro on a selfie stick or gimbal then WTF.

To @AWP’s point, any cop that doesn’t know he’s being taped is an idiot. Most of us are taping ourselves, for fuck’s sake. Hell, in my agency we’re mounting sensors to our holsters that start our cameras recording when we draw our weapons. That’s because if we point a weapon at someone we have to document it and the film and report are reviewed all the way up the chain When the dude you’re dealing with is telling you it’s a camera, that should be a clue that you’re gonna be YouTube famous.

But here’s the thing. It shouldn’t fucking matter. Do the job right. Respect the Constitution. Treat people fairly (which can include arresting them). Don’t be a punching bag or a douchebag. Cameras then become irrelevant.
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Former Uvalde police chief indicted over response to Robb Elementary shooting

Pete Arredondo was indicted by a grand jury on 10 counts of felony child endangerment/abandonment and briefly booked into the county jail before he was released on bond, Uvalde Sheriff Ruben Nolasco told The Associated Press in a text message Thursday night.

The Uvalde Leader-News and the San Antonio Express-News reported that former school officer Adrian Gonzales also was indicted on multiple similar charges. The Uvalde Leader-News reported that District Attorney Christina Mitchell confirmed the indictment.

Good SJPD response
I watched that earlier. Ese thinks he owns the place. Probably yelling out a gang war cry of defiance while doing so. Vato dropped like a sack of potatoes when being confronted thinking he can shoot at anything and anyone without repercussions. Pinche then cries like a girl after realizing he FA and FO after getting his innards destroyed by a cop hombre with a rifle.

More news of the worthless pendejo probably at 11 about how worthless said puto is.
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That little snippet straw man right there at the end while being half right, is also half wrong.

A lot of people could have been let go with a warning but after the video being mandatory, they have no other choice but to do their jobs or get reamed. And many cops that I know in person and randoms from the web have all mentioned that.
Even if she was a mentally disturbed caller, that cop had a shit attitude from the time.they made contact. Shes a woman alone with a possible prowler inside or outside. She was probably scared shitless....


Exactly. Fucking POS attitude. Apparently, I'm reading that this cop has been employed by 6 different agencies in 5 years, something like that.

Major red flags. I've know a few hot head cops in my 25 years as a paramedic, fuck them and fuck this guy.
If you want some entertainment please go to YouTube and type in "Audit the Audit" and watch until your little heart is content. The 'influencer' (poster?) is a lawyer that has 10-130 minute videos of LE/non-LE interactions with dashcam and body cam video and discusses what they did wrong or right and cites case law. Fascinating. In most cases the cops get fired/arrested and/or sued, but in some cases there are righteous cops that do the right thing.