National Protest and 'disband the cops' discussion (please review page 1)

Well, well, well.....

You know, that one time I tried to become a cop they require your DD-214 and your last three evals. Just to make sure you're not a turd. Privates don't get evals. So was he chaptered but still got an honorable discharge?

But I think I didn't have bodycam of the outside of the home in the first video, he put his finger on the eyelet hole so she couldn't see who it was when they kept saying police.

But also she called about a prowler, right? One of the guys could have sat with her and they clear they house room by room and say goodnight. I don't know, just act neighborly and stuff, right?

There are a lot of factors at play, not the least of which is the "ACAB/Defund the Police" attitude which is negatively affecting both recruiting and retention.

If you don't have to scrape the bottom of the barrel and/or retain people you'd otherwise weed out, you normally get better results.

8 years Ago, the city of Phoenix was 400 officers understrength, but they were hiring 1 officer/month. City of Glendale was hiring 4 officers/month and there were like 400 applicants at the time. Law Enforcement in Arizona at least is highly competitive. But the wages are not like California wages. Starting wages for teachers and cops is barely scraping by around here. The difference is LEOs get overtime and teachers don't.
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You know, that one time I tried to become a cop they require your DD-214 and your last three evals. Just to make sure you're not a turd. Privates don't get evals. So was he chaptered but still got an honorable discharge?

But I think I didn't have bodycam of the outside of the home in the first video, he put his finger on the eyelet hole so she couldn't see who it was when they kept saying police.

But also she called about a prowler, right? One of the guys could have sat with her and they clear they house room by room and say goodnight. I don't know, just act neighborly and stuff, right?

8 years Ago, the city of Phoenix was 400 offers understrength, but they were hiring 1 officer/month. City of Glendale was hiring 4 officers/month and there were like 400 applicants at the time. Law Enforcement in Arizona at least is highly competitive. But the wages are not like California wages. Starting wages for teachers and cops is barely scraping by around here. The difference is LEOs get overtime and teachers don't.
Back in 2015/2016 we had the Tucson police chief come in and guest lecture. Tucson had cut the entire gang unit down to 4 detectives because they didn't have enough people. Tucson Metro was around 1 million people. At that time, sheriff's deputies were starting out at $21/hr. Also, the county mismanaged the pensions and mandatory contributions were 11% or so.
Gotta love the fat douche with a drop holster!

In my current state, you have to either be in a marked unit or in uniform if in an unmarked to conduct a traffic stop. I suppose what he’s wearing constitutes a uniform. That said, his actions were no where near justified and now his sorry ass is unemployed.

I was rolling in my unmarked ride last week and had what I believe to be a trooper light me up while he was in business attire and driving an unmarked charger. It must not have been that bad because I kept going and he didn’t pursue. All he did was pull up next to me and shake his head. No I didn’t hit my lights.

Did folks forget about how citizens got treated during Katrina?

This isn't just "coming" - its been here - its been here for a hot couple of minutes.
...while the administrators continue to get reelected

I'll never forget a former member, Guard 18D type, telling us how the SF guys were approached first to carry out door-to-door weapons seizures. They declined the opportunity to shit on the Constitution, but the authorities shopped around until they found a Guard unit that would bend the knee.
I'll never forget a former member, Guard 18D type, telling us how the SF guys were approached first to carry out door-to-door weapons seizures. They declined the opportunity to shit on the Constitution, but the authorities shopped around until they found a Guard unit that would bend the knee.

Between guard and feds like Marshall's, I read. Don't know if that's true though.
Between guard and feds like Marshall's, I read. Don't know if that's true though.

Brother, the Guard is a double-edged sword in situations like this. On one hand, those units have cops, teachers, etc. who either understand the law or are suspicious enough they won't jump immediately when told to do something.

The other side is if the order comes from a State authority I think the veneer is pulled down and you'll see MORE violations. Personal experience (not Katrina) is your combat arms units are less likely to do things like take your guns; Support and CSS units are more likely. They are more political and have softer spines. Sure, good folks exist in those units, but the overall mentality is just different.

If I had to pick a combat arms branch the most susceptible to carrying out "Constitution defying" (illegal if you prefer) orders, my money is on ADA. I'd place MP units at the bottom end of protecting your liberties. Sustainment Brigades, Troop Command, etc. will be your center or left of center units to watch.

If I were a guerilla leader in waiting and shit kicked off, I'd target combat arms and SF for recruitment. My emphasis would be (in order) Infantry, SF, armor/cav, arty, and aviation. CA units can better replicate CS/ CSS than the other way around. Aviation is a different beast and best addressed outside of the above.

I should probably stop typing.
I'll never forget a former member, Guard 18D type, telling us how the SF guys were approached first to carry out door-to-door weapons seizures. They declined the opportunity to shit on the Constitution, but the authorities shopped around until they found a Guard unit that would bend the knee.
LAPD was more than happy to help.