National Protest and 'disband the cops' discussion (please review page 1)

Odd…the most recent, publicized stories about police using deadly force are all undue escalation. Not “I thought he had a gun”, but an officer showing up and going from 0-kill in a heartbeat.

Look at traffic stops and other videos of bad cops. They typically don’t know the law or just go ape for no reason.

It’s almost like there’s a pattern of behavior that could be addressed with better training and leadership.
Now I know, to a LOT of people, that looked like a premature debuking by an angry cop, but if somebody rebukes you in the name of Jesus, you can't just let that slide - you gotta retort - especially if that rebuke is accompanied by a pan full of fresh cooked holy water.

She didn't even 'buke him first - she skipped the initial 'buke and went straight to the REbuke - twice... he unbuked her

He had no choice - you always have to unbuke a rebuke - even if they apologize

...although, I'd have much rather debuked her with a tazer gun.
...tazer victims are so funny the way they just buke all over themselves.

I can't wait until Kamala is coronated - then we can defund and disband ALL of these premature debukers.
...we live in such interesting times

Well, well, well.....

You know what I just noticed...and maybe the camera angle is bad, but my man drew and then walked into his partner's line of fire. Brilliant Tactician #2 basically shoves his weapon into Grayson's back twice.

I rebuke these idiots in name of Jesus. Okaloosa County in FL is hiring.

ETA: Did we ever learn why he received 3 counts of 1st Degree Murder? One for each shot fired?
DA will toss it.
Cop just created another group of hostile jurors.

Concur, but he also shouldn't have a badge. If he is THAT fucking stupid he shouldn't be allowed to patrol a Walmart parking lot with a flashlight, much less the legal authority to take a life. "He just needs retraining" some will say. He put a dude in cuffs for laughing at him. That's not a retraining issue, not something that basic.
Fired, then rehired by a sketchy small town department nearby that’s desperate for bodies.

You can thank HR and lawyers for that. In many industries (mine) all we can ask a previous employer is "would you rehire this person?" Sometimes if you frame it "is this person eligible for rehire" you can read into it. Also a lot of the suits have attached NDAs, which I hate. I have also dealt with that.
You can thank HR and lawyers for that. In many industries (mine) all we can ask a previous employer is "would you rehire this person?" Sometimes if you frame it "is this person eligible for rehire" you can read into it. Also a lot of the suits have attached NDAs, which I hate. I have also dealt with that.
There are a lot of factors at play, not the least of which is the "ACAB/Defund the Police" attitude which is negatively affecting both recruiting and retention.

If you don't have to scrape the bottom of the barrel and/or retain people you'd otherwise weed out, you normally get better results.