Pakistan elite talk up imminent US invasion


SOF Support
Feb 8, 2007
Land of Swine and Maple Syrup
We wouldn't want to leave them disappointed... lol It sounds like they want the US to invade.

Pakistan elite talk up imminent US invasion

Salman Masood

September 29, 2011


Angry ... Prime Minister Yusuf Gilani. Photo: Reuters

ISLAMABAD: The United States might still be weighing its options about how to deal with Pakistan, but many politicians, retired army generals and television personalities here have already made up their minds that America is on the warpath with their country.
Such is the media frenzy and warmongering that popular talk show hosts have begun discussing possible scenarios of how Pakistan should react if the US attacks the country. One television news channel has even aired a war anthem.
The Prime Minister, Yusuf Raza Gilani, has called on a conference of opposition political parties and government allies today to discuss the crisis. The government is also enlisting foreign allies. There has been a flurry of diplomatic activity in the capital Islamabad, with the visits of Chinese and Saudi officials.
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The US ambassador, Cameron Munter, has met with the President, Asif Ali Zardari, along with the Foreign Secretary, Salman Bashir.
After meeting with the Vice-Premier of China, Meng Jianzhu, on Tuesday, Mr Gilani said that ''China categorically supports Pakistan's efforts to uphold its sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity,'' an oblique reference aimed at the US .
Earlier in an interview with Reuters, Mr Gilani warned against any cross-border raids by US forces in Afghanistan. ''We are a sovereign country,'' Mr Gilani was quoted as saying. ''How can they come and raid in our country?''
Pakistan's powerful army and intelligence chiefs have conveyed their message through their posturing. The army chief, General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani, cancelled his Monday visit to Britain, stoking a sense of crisis.
On Sunday, General Kayani led a meeting with his military commanders. No statement was issued, but leaks to local media outlets warned of a ''stern response'' to any attack on Pakistan by US forces from Afghanistan. A military official, privy to the meeting, said ''certain decisions were taken, primarily of some defensive nature, in the event of a possible US attack''.
The head of the Pakistan spy agency ISI, Lieutenant-General Ahmed Shuja Pasha, also flew on Monday to meet officials from close Pakistan ally Saudi Arabia.
Senator Javed Ashraf Qazi, a retired lieutenant general and former head of the ISI, said on Tuesday that the US was ''pressurising Pakistan to hide its own failures in Afghanistan'', a widely held view in Pakistan.
He added that ''US officials often lie for their own interests''.
Criticism of the US has increased in the past few days, since the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Admiral Mike Mullen, made a statement describing the Haqqani network, a militant group based in Pakistan's tribal areas, as a veritable arm of the ISI.
He also said that the ISI had supported an attack this month by Haqqani militants on the US embassy in Afghanistan.
''Why cannot we snap diplomatic relations?'' asked a retired colonel, Shuja Khanzada, during a live talk show Tuesday on Dunya TV, a private television news network.
On Monday, Hamid Mir, the host of Capital Talk, a talk show on the popular news network Geo, started the show asking, ''Is United States going to attack on the ground in Pakistan?''
Another retired lieutenant general who appeared on the show, Abdul Qayum, said that a US attack was a possibility.
A further participant on the TV news show, Farukh Saleem, a columnist and widely quoted analyst, criticised the local media by saying they had ''put more fuel on the fire''.
This prompted Mr Qayum to interject and he said Admiral Mullen's statement was an insult to the whole nation.
''You cannot trust them,'' Mr Qayum said of the Americans. ''There is a history of betrayal.''
The New York Times

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If they want us to invade, they are certainly doing all the right things to provoke us:

Dr Shakil Afridi is accused of running a CIA-sponsored fake vaccine programme in Abbottabad, where Bin Laden was killed, to try to get DNA samples.
He was arrested shortly after the 2 May US raid that killed the al-Qaeda chief.

The commission has been interviewing intelligence officials and on Wednesday spoke to Bin Laden family members.

Pakistan, which was deeply embarrassed by the raid, has described the covert US special forces operation as a violation of its sovereignty.

A government commission, headed by a former Supreme Court judge, has been charged with discovering how the US military was able to carry out the raid deep within Pakistan without being detected.
It is also investigating how Bin Laden was able to hide in Abbottabad, a garrison town, for several years.
For Pakistan to start cribbing about cross-border raids from Coalition forces is absolutely laughable.

When they stop aiding the HQN maybe, just maybe, they may have a bit of credibility when it comes to discussing the pro's and cons of cross-border raids.

What would you do with it once you owned it? Foreign aid donations for their second flood ( enema) in 12 months is at about 3%. No-one cares. I don't.
What would you do with it once you owned it?

Cut the baby in half like I was King Solomon.

The reality is we'd get chewed up in PK. Vietnam, Somalia, Iraq and Afghanistan have taught the world how to beat America.
Best way to destroy them would be to leave Afghanistan, send all their Visa/Green Card Holders back, and stop all trade/aid.
Then the elite wouldn't have a ready source of cash.
Best way to destroy them would be to leave Afghanistan, send all their Visa/Green Card Holders back, and stop all trade/aid.
Then the elite wouldn't have a ready source of cash.

Why we continue to fund those whom we should rightly declare enemies is beyond me. I'd love to see what would happen if we scratched out "Pakistan" on the aid checks and wrote in "India" instead. Direct everything we send to PK to India instead, deny Pakistanis visas, and see how things shake out.
Why we continue to fund those whom we should rightly declare enemies is beyond me. I'd love to see what would happen if we scratched out "Pakistan" on the aid checks and wrote in "India" instead. Direct everything we send to PK to India instead, deny Pakistanis visas, and see how things shake out.

If I thought listening to the entire Nickelback discography would trigger this event, I'd fire up iTunes.....
Because they've got your balls in a vice, that's why. Without Pakistan you guys don't have an Afghanistan to wander around in. No one else with a border against Afghanistan is suitable. Sucks but at the moment it's the way the cookie has crumbled.
Hamid Karzai has switched his allegiance to India recently, the US have taken taken funding away from the Haquanni network ( please clarify this if you can anyone, within reason) so it's ta ta Pakistan, you're now fucked.
No it's not. There's no way to get supplies into Afghanistan without Pakistan. They're still relevant for as long as Afghanistan is.
They were (are?) working alternative routes so we can reduce the tranload through waki-stan.
Biggest problem is the volume, so reducing the troop levels may help down the road.
I really wish they'd just go back to a SOF centric war and tell most everyone else to go home.