Pay it Forward - Free Gear from and for Shadowspear members

Helo, :cough: :cough: ?

I already told you, I'm pretty sure I found you one.

what I didn't tell you, is that it's in San Antonio. when I get it in my hands, I'll mail it to you.

JAB and the Troll have packages from me, and VooDoo and EAT III have a similar problem you do - the bags I was supposed to send them from Florida got moved around and hid somewhere. I found 2 of the 3 for EAT III, but only 1 of the 2 bags I promised VooDoo. there's my status update for the gear I've been trying to get shipped for 2 months.
I already told you, I'm pretty sure I found you one.

what I didn't tell you, is that it's in San Antonio. when I get it in my hands, I'll mail it to you.

JAB and the Troll have packages from me, and VooDoo and EAT III have a similar problem you do - the bags I was supposed to send them from Florida got moved around and hid somewhere. I found 2 of the 3 for EAT III, but only 1 of the 2 bags I promised VooDoo. there's my status update for the gear I've been trying to get shipped for 2 months.

Roger that mate!

xSF, Padus, 91B, HeloMedic, PB: your boxes are ready, PM me your mailing address and I will look to get your stuff in the mail this week.

SOWT- sorry, no luck :(

I still have like three duffel bags full of BDUs/DCUs and assorted bits of kit-mostly woodland pattern, if anyone needs anything.

Also, someone was asking for the chocolate-chip style old school ALICE ruck cover... got it boxed up to but don't remember who wanted it.
xSF, Padus, 91B, HeloMedic, PB: your boxes are ready, PM me your mailing address and I will look to get your stuff in the mail this week.

SOWT- sorry, no luck :(

I still have like three duffel bags full of BDUs/DCUs and assorted bits of kit-mostly woodland pattern, if anyone needs anything.

Also, someone was asking for the chocolate-chip style old school ALICE ruck cover... got it boxed up to but don't remember who wanted it.

I could use some size Large Reg. BDU or DCU pants over here. Its an APO , will pay shipping.
Most of my pants are large long or large XL, if you still want them PM me your address. And they come as a set- I don't want to be stuck with a bunch of blouses with no matching pants ;)
I have a set of the Navy's new working uniform (blue, black and grey digital) / BDUs in med/long and a cover too a friend gave me when he was getting out of the Navy. I don't even know why I took them because I can't get my fat ass in them. They would be great SWAT uniform or what ever you want to do with them.
Pardus, 91B, HeloMedic, your stuff shipped today. Should get there on SAT. Everyone else, your stuff will get mailed next time I can make it to the post office.

Not taking any more requests until I get all of the current orders filled.

I got this mon-gosso huge ass box witha shit load of 100mph tape on it today. I opened it up and after 3 or 4 pieces of gear was removed, I decided this would be much more fun if I waited until I got my son home.... packed it back up and am picking him up at 1530.

Thanks very much, it ought to be like Christmas in April tonight

Here's how I'd like this to work- you PM me with what you're looking for and I'll see if I've got it. If I do, I'll mail it to you; you send me a check for the postage. If you like what you get, I encourage you to send Boon a small donation for the site.

I received my box today, a LOT fuller than what I expected!

Thanks a lot mate.

As per your request, a check for postage is in the mail and I made a donation to SS.

Many thanks to you mate!
i sent my box to recycling and forgot to check the postage. LOVED the fleece, though, it's even close to the right size!! a little big never hurt anybody, though!! thanks!

so, again, what do I owe you for postage? $15? and then I'll donate to the site, also.
Glad you guys liked what you got.

HeloMedic, the postage on your package was.... "one MILLLLLION dollars."

But $15 to me and a donation to the site will cover it :)

More packages going out tomorrow.
Polar Bear and xSF Med, your packages shipped today.

Edit: Pardus, got your check today, thanks.
I have a SOF-T Tourniquet gathering dust. Powers that be will only let me use CATs. I figure somone on here could use it.

Also have a fair few 100rd soft nutsacks for the Minimi in Auscam. Most are brand new.
I have a SOF-T Tourniquet gathering dust. Powers that be will only let me use CATs. I figure somone on here could use it.

Also have a fair few 100rd soft nutsacks for the Minimi in Auscam. Most are brand new.

I'll take the SOF-T mate, might as well throw in a couple of the pouches too.
I'm looking for a spare AR15 upper. Preferably LWRC or LMT piston type. If you have an Aimpoint or Eotech laying around, I can use another of those too.

I have a few extra mag pouches and grenade pouches up for grabs. They are the dual mag pouches that hold 4 magazines, and dual grenade pouches. There are a couple of pouches that look like they would hold smoke grenades or anything about that size. They are UK made, coyote color. They are the same Molle design as US gear and attachs the same. PM me if interested.