PJ washouts being discharged???


Dec 18, 2009
Jensen Beach, Fl
My buddy just failed his second week eval because he could not float for buddy breathing(super Lean). The cadre said everything else exceeded graduation standards. So, there is a possibility he gets reclassed for TACP; But word on the street is others are being DISCHARGED from the AF. Is the discharge rumor true or is it a scare tactic??? The contract def says you can be discharged, but it hasn't really been done before.It would be a huge waste of money to send someone through BMT, they fail in week 5 and get totally discharged. :doh::confused:
Those damn AF's, their so snippity. :evil:

Had a guy in the Airborne school who couldn't fall (too lean) so they kicked him to leg land.
You'd think that any PJ washout would a valuable asset to any other job in the AF. Pity if they really are discharging.
Depends on his attitude, they could always make him a cop.

This seems to be the trend. It just blows my mind that there are poeple that can't even pass their tech school and stay in, but you have these guys that are more in shape (most of the time) and more confident in themselves and they are" BYE BYE"
It would be stupid for them to discharge guys for that, but wouldn't surprise me in the least. The AF does stuff like that. I've seen them do dumber things personnel wise...
I call bullshit. The services aren't throwing people out for failing a school, they'll reclass them.

You heard it here first. Bullshit.
A buddy of mine enlisted with a GTEP PJ contract less than a year ago. I remember him saying something about a clause in his contract that stated if he was dropped during the pipeline (for any reason other than quitting), that he would be separated from the Air Force.

I'm not positive, so this could be inaccurate.
I think it would be case-by-case bases. Something to think about is a recruit (or whatever the AF calls them) has signed a contract for a particular field, if he fails to meet the requirements in training then it is in fact a breach of contract on his/her end. The Army way to deal with this is offer then a chance to try again, offer them a different MOS or discharge them. I would think it is the same for the USAF.

If some snot nose failed and then was told you can be a cop (security forces) then that snot nose may say fuck that I want to be a PJ that’s what I signed up to be. At that point the USAF would really have no choice then to discharge them…

Buddies will tell you tall tails about how they were rifted or cheated in some way or form, but in most cases they quit or simply did not like the options on the table and decided to go home.

One of the funny thing I see in the Military is people attempting to join and saying “I will only join if I can be XXXX” well news flash IT’s NOT ABOUT YOU! There can only be so many “Special kids” so many “combat kids” and the rest are support. Just b/c you want it or think you should get it doesn’t mean you should have it. And serving your country, as a member of the Unites States Military is not a right, it’s a fucking privilege.

Personally I think they should make 10 enlisted grades, bump every grade up one and make E1 the official “Bitch” rank where you serve as a go-for this bitch for a good 6 to 9 months before “you are told” what MOS school you are going too… But hey that’s just me…
no its legit. dont agree with it but the AF see's it as the easiest way to cut manning. they are over by 4000 airman the last i heard. yes there are some good airmen that wash out of indoc that would be great airmen in a different AFSC. the ones that wash out due to standards will be looked at but only 10% of those guys will get a chance at reclass. if you quit or are not deemed an asset then chances are VERY high you will be discharged...about as high as the washout rate at indoc.

btw hamijc5 no offense to you but....no one fails buddy breathing for not being able to float. they failed second week eval because they came up for a breath on buddy breathing.

i do agree that there are better tech schools to pull guys from...the AF may be doing this and i just havent heard about it.
I'm leaving for BMT on 23 March with Hamijc5 and we are both on a PJ contract.

I spoke with my recruiter today and she said that it is true and the majority of the cuts are coming from the high wash out rate AFSC's. I think it's wrong, but it is what they are doing. I'm not quite sure what I will do if by chance they do fail me and I am discharged. I asked her if that did happen if I could go back to the AF, or another branch and I didn't get a straight answer. Any one know this? I mean it's obvious it'd be extremely hard to go AF, what about other branches(just keeping options open, just in case)?
I'm leaving for BMT on 23 March with Hamijc5 and we are both on a PJ contract.

I spoke with my recruiter today and she said that it is true and the majority of the cuts are coming from the high wash out rate AFSC's. I think it's wrong, but it is what they are doing. I'm not quite sure what I will do if by chance they do fail me and I am discharged. I asked her if that did happen if I could go back to the AF, or another branch and I didn't get a straight answer. Any one know this? I mean it's obvious it'd be extremely hard to go AF, what about other branches(just keeping options open, just in case)?

It depends on the reenlistment code they give you, they can bar you from enlistment for 2 years to the rest of your life and anything between. I would think if you were discharged for failure in training you would be untouchable for a while, might need a waiver to join another branch. The Army will normally pick people up with bad reenlistment codes. I was bared from enlistment by the USMC at the age of 18, but was able to join the National Guard a year later( no other branch would touch me at the time).
It depends on the reenlistment code they give you, they can bar you from enlistment for 2 years to the rest of your life and anything between. I would think if you were discharged for failure in training you would be untouchable for a while, might need a waiver to join another branch. The Army will normally pick people up with bad reenlistment codes. I was bared from enlistment by the USMC at the age of 18, but was able to join the National Guard a year later( no other branch would touch me at the time).

If thats the case, I'll go back to school and shoot for something as an officer down the road if possible. I've had several current and retired military tell me that I could make it but I'll be screwing myself if something happens, and that I should change my contract. But, I 1). don't want to change my contract, and 2.) can't change it even if I wanted to.

Not much I can really do at this point but make the best of it and bust my ass.
Reaper, I am not a PJ so I won’t tell you anything about that, but what I will say is that you have to fight for what you want. You have to earn your right to be a part of what you want, regardless of what it is. Be it a street gang or an elite military unit, you earn your right become a member of it.

If you are not fully devoted to your goal of becoming a PJ, then maybe you should wait. But if you are in shape and are 110% focused and devoted to becoming a PJ, you should fight tooth and nail to do so… Knowing that if you fail you may be screwed military wise is a good thing IMO. It would tell me that I cannot fail and that they will have to kill me to make me quit or fail in the training.

Only you can decide how important becoming a PJ is to you, but simply quitting b/c of a fear of failure will leave you with a “what if” for the rest of your life. I would make a choice how important it is to you and if it is that important I would give everything you possibly have to make it happen…
Reaper, I am not a PJ so I won’t tell you anything about that, but what I will say is that you have to fight for what you want. You have to earn your right to be a part of what you want, regardless of what it is. Be it a street gang or an elite military unit, you earn your right become a member of it.

If you are not fully devoted to your goal of becoming a PJ, then maybe you should wait. But if you are in shape and are 110% focused and devoted to becoming a PJ, you should fight tooth and nail to do so… Knowing that if you fail you may be screwed military wise is a good thing IMO. It would tell me that I cannot fail and that they will have to kill me to make me quit or fail in the training.

Only you can decide how important becoming a PJ is to you, but simply quitting b/c of a fear of failure will leave you with a “what if” for the rest of your life. I would make a choice how important it is to you and if it is that important I would give everything you possibly have to make it happen…

I'm using it as motivation, I can almost complete all of the INDOC graduation standards, and I bust my ass 6days/week training. I have enough "what if's" in life, this has been something I have been preparing for, for over 1 year, I have just been plagued with injuries. I'm in this, I'm not backing down, no way, no how. It's a stressful thought that is in the back of my head, but instead of letting it worry me, I'm using it to push me in training. Tomorrow was just going to be a 4 mile run, 3000m fin swim and some pt...instead, It'll be RUN,SWIM,RUN,SWIM,RUN-3miles in the runs and 3000m in the swims/PT in between. If I fail its not because I won't be in shape.

Thanks for your input, I appreciate it, and I appreciate you for your service.


Good luck, do your best at BMT and obviously never quit.
Rhe RE Code for those ho fail (for what ever reason) is the key to a continued Military Career. Tell your friend to ensure he gets a code that allows him to re-enlist, I'd also tell him to contact an Air Guard unit with TACP once he is finished seperating from AD.
My buddy just failed his second week eval because he could not float for buddy breathing(super Lean). The cadre said everything else exceeded graduation standards. So, there is a possibility he gets reclassed for TACP; But word on the street is others are being DISCHARGED from the AF. Is the discharge rumor true or is it a scare tactic??? The contract def says you can be discharged, but it hasn't really been done before.It would be a huge waste of money to send someone through BMT, they fail in week 5 and get totally discharged. :doh::confused:

That was what happened to me (many moons ago!) I would sink like a rock! So they reclassified me for SERE Instructor. It was a cool gig!!! It would be a real waste to discharge them because if they make it that far then they are in pretty good shape, highly motivated and can succeed elsewhere in the AF.
Not to rain on the parade here guys, but you two (Hamjic and Reaper) need take this washout shit and throw it right out of your mind. You need to focus on success and not the various options you'll have if you fail, because deep down, what are you telling yourself..."I'm gonna fail." So knock this shit off, get your heads in the game and go pass that course. We need solid quality dudes in Pararescue.
Not to rain on the parade here guys, but you two (Hamjic and Reaper) need take this washout shit and throw it right out of your mind. You need to focus on success and not the various options you'll have if you fail, because deep down, what are you telling yourself..."I'm gonna fail." So knock this shit off, get your heads in the game and go pass that course. We need solid quality dudes in Pararescue.

On Point!!!! Great advice!!!