Presidential Debate, Part 3

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Unemployment being at what economists call "full employment" is a bunch of bull. The media and Administration ignore the number that includes people that have stopped looking. The one that they quote all the time is based on unemployment claims, which does not include people whose benefits have run out.
Sure sounded like it.

Donald 100% avoided the question- your economic plan doesn't check out. Thoughts?


Agreed. He made another one of those mental leaps I talked about in the second debate. His plan has some work to be done on it to get feasible, but it actually is closer to a working plan than the tax and spend she's proposing.
OOOOOOOH she went pretty hard there with "my 30 years versus your 30 years".

OMG, so many openings... She was off working with companies on women's rights? What about the Clinton Foundation accepting money from countries that have been censured by the UN for violations of women's rights?
OMG, so many openings... She was off working with companies on women's rights? What about the Clinton Foundation accepting money from countries that have been censured by the UN for violations of women's rights?
Yeah I think this is going to be the "missed opportunities for Trump" stories.

Annnnnnnd now he's claiming that he has tapes of Clinton and Obama inciting and paying for violence at rallies? yeesh.....


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