Quitting smoking, need some encouragment!

First day of no tobacco went fine. Was on phone duty all day and didn't feel like killing anyone, so that's a positive. Today I'm a little irritated, but I managed to do a 1 hour class with the ANA without hitting anyone with a clipboard, so thats a big step! If day 3 goes well Im positive I can call this a wrap.

Nicotine actually is gone from your system in 72 hours. Drinking a lot of water helps to flush it out. After that, it's all mental.

Good work, this is one time when it is good to quit.
Yea, it is gone out of your system within that time period, but your still something of a unpleasant person to be around for at least a good two weeks so just be prepared for that.
A little incentive. This was a picture of my Mom when she was a charge nurse in the nursery around the mid 1950s. Note the no smoking sign. Apparently one could smoke in the hospital but not in the nursery. From what I understand this was taken before my Mom started smoking.
Don't call it over yet. Come back and spill your guts about any cravings so we can all support you if day 5 turns into a bitch or something.
So I have decided to jump on the band wagon and quit tobacco as well. I dip yes I am a female and I dip. I started back in 2007 so only for about 5 years now. I tried quiting before about a year ago and failed miserably when the PVTs got under my skin. Well only 60 more days until I am done with being a DS so I am starting now. Misery loves company so I am throwing my hat into the ring as well.
Good work, everyone. I know breaking one's tobacco addiction is difficult, but it can be done!
I'm at three weeks without one as of tomorrow, got my GF to start quitting while I was in NYC the past few days (hence my absence from the forum lately), and while I'm not a big fan of flying and had some of those "damn I need a smoke" moments after the flights, didn't give in, still going strong!
I was interested previously that your GF smoked. Getting her to quit is a real bonus for you in terms of secondary smoke as its also a killer. That's really good news, for both of you.