Thanks folks. Im not using Chantix or anything. Im going to switch to Snus for a while to break the cycle of habits I've got associated with smoking (In the morning, after lunch, after PT, etc). Then just start using fewer and fewer. Hopefully I'll start to reap the benefits of increased lung function soon enough![]()
I'd suggest the route I took, which is (and this was some helpful advice from the quit meetings at the VA) switch to a lower level nicotine brand of cig first to start weaning ur body down to having a lower amount of it in your system and go from there. I switched from lights to ultra lights but kept the pack a day habit and slowly got my body used to having less nicotine in it. When quit day came I used the nicotine gum ( VA wouldn't give me chantix) for about a day, then next day I felt good enough in the morning to just go cold turkey the rest of the time, and here I am smoke free! Was drinking with my sister good last night and here in TX you can smoke in bars so the temptation was hitting hard but I resisted :)
I'd been on chantix before and aside from weird dreams never had any bad side effects. Only thing I was on that had bad side effects was some anti-depressant that they gave me cause they found it also helped in quitting smoking. My mood swings were like a roller coaster, I stopped that shit fast! Never have or will be a fan of mood stabilizers for any reason what so ever! Glad this helped inspire you Deathy! We're all here for ya!