Quitting smoking, need some encouragment!

Just spend another evening in the ER with my mom. COPD exacerbation..again. Just a reminder of the "dont let this happen to you" thing. Keep at it JohnnyBoy!
I started quitting tuesday I quit forever, never to smoke again because I care about my family, friends, and self more than I care to be addicted for life to a nasty, disgusting, expensive, and fatal drug Tuesday of last week so tomorrow will be official start of week 2

Add to this, "And if I leave my wife and children due to a disease I brought on myself, when I knew how to prevent it, Dame will hunt me down like an Iraqi wild dog in the afterlife.
Add to this, "And if I leave my wife and children due to a disease I brought on myself, when I knew how to prevent it, Dame will hunt me down like an Iraqi wild dog in the afterlife.

Well right now I just have a gf and she smokes, trying to get her to quit also, and I have NO intention of having kids, EVER. If anything I do this for my own personal well being and sense of discipline, but of course the thoughts of loved ones do have their role in it all :-)
Well right now I just have a gf and she smokes, trying to get her to quit also, and I have NO intention of having kinds, EVER. If anything I do this for my own personal well being and sense of discipline, but of course the thoughts of loved ones do have their role in it all :-)

You know you're now going to accidentally impregnate some highly fertile woman who's going to have like 9 kids, right? All girls too... :-o
They'll be the loves of your life!
Smoking makes your penis smaller....


LOL! Well over a week now without a smoke, don't really have super hard cravings, and my spikes in anger have gone down a good bit. Gym time seems to be improving too (aside from this constant chronic pain in my wrist that keeps me from lifting, getting it checked at the VA tomorrow). Almost had a cave in moment when I took my dog in for bump on his chest and it turns out to be a tumor. He's getting it removed and we'll find out if it's malignant or not, it looks good but gave me a scare. Still, stayed strong, decided I didn't wanna get any tumors, and remain smoke free. Now just gotta get the coffee here to wake my ass up lol! Thanks again all!
Male dog? Neutered? lump is up on the chest near the surface/skin? Easy to move around an kinda soft and fatty feeeling?
Male dog? Neutered? lump is up on the chest near the surface/skin? Easy to move around an kinda soft and fatty feeling?
Male dog? Neutered? lump is up on the chest near the surface/skin? Easy to move around an kinda soft and fatty feeeling?

Right on all of em. They did the tests already, confirmed it's a tumor. Once it's removed they'll send it off to get tested. If it's a class 1-2 then he's all good, class 3-4 and it's cancer.
Right on all of em. They did the tests already, confirmed it's a tumor. Once it's removed they'll send it off to get tested. If it's a class 1-2 then he's all good, class 3-4 and it's cancer.

If you would like you can PM me with details of the case