There's nothing wrong with being happy about something you've still failed to show as fact to prove your point in the context of a discussion that relies on demonstrable evidence to move forward with claims of truth. Your enthusiasm about your claim just does nothing to demonstrate its truth until you present the facts that prove it, which you haven't done.
This is my favorite part about the internet. I looked at all available facts, put 2+2 together, and made a read of the scenario- and you said I haven’t proven anything. It’s not science, man. Also- I was right, so how is that not ‘proof’? As stated above- more documents found. No declassification authority as a senator.
Biden scandal intensifies as FBI finds six more classified memos in search of his Delaware home
It looks like you're picking at a point with which we already agree: the basis for his investigation stands regardless of whether or not he claimed to declassify (he didn't) the documents that were found.
No, I don’t agree with that point. The president
doesn’t need to say he declassified anything at all and therefore the basis of the investigation is politically motivated by a partisan DOJ. That’s why I asked you to go back and do a little more research so we aren’t rehashing old ground, but here we are.
If Trump- while president- thought to himself, “These documents are cool I want to declassify them and keep them”, that’s it. Poof. The national archives had been in contact for months with Trump. This wasn’t spillage. Despite what the MSM will have you believe (Thanks, Comey and Hillary)- ‘intent’ has zero to do with this crime; it’s purely possession. Period. And in Trump’s case,
there’s no crime and he needs to make zero claims. It doesn’t matter if he’s saying publicly they were declassified or not. There’s no process to follow.
“Do you have secrets stored outside of proper storage? Did you hold the proper authority at time of taking them?” If you answered yes and no respectively, you’re guilty. That’s pretty much it. So, the ‘basis for this investigation’, which is actually 2 separate investigations, is not the same.
The basis for Trump’s investigation was a desire of a sitting president to hurt his political opponent before the midterms, by raiding his house although he’d been cooperating with a national agency for months.
The basis for the Biden investigation is (my opinion the most likely scenario) is ‘tip or flip’, meaning, the political machine wants Biden gone, so someone on his team either tipped off the feds, or someone got caught up in another investigation (Hunter and Joe both being investigated RN) and flipped for a better deal. E.G., some low level nerd gets squeezed for some Hunter Burisma malfeasance. LE says, “Hey, if you got any info on bigger crimes, we can help you out.” Senior Squeals A Lot says, “Alright, yeah, there are all these documents…”
It’s the only logical explanation as to why they keep finding docs in all these locations- because these agencies didn’t become some sort of lawful do gooder taking down their boss. The same DOJ that called parents domestic terrorists because they yelled at school meetings did not just suddenly become this ethical watchdog, fighting evil on search of the truth.
More likely- someone went to the DOJ and said, “I know where all these documents are and unless you go find them in these specific places, I’ll go to the press, so don’t try and sweep it under the rug or your organization goes down too.”
So, I’ll say it again- Biden had docs he didn’t have the authority to declassify stored outside of accepted processes. Those documents were stored at
at least 3 different locations. The security of the storage location and intent of the person possessing (Biden) make no difference to the case, at least as the code states.