Raid on President Trump's Home

This is my favorite part about the internet. I looked at all available facts, put 2+2 together, and made a read of the scenario- and you said I haven’t proven
anything. It’s not science, man. Also- I was right, so how is that not ‘proof’?

Well, you claimed a few different things. This one, which you haven't proven:
So, in internet *ackshually* terms- sure, the VP has OCA. In the context of this specific conversation, no, he does not possess that authority.

This claim, the last bit of which appears to be more conjecture than written fact:
What he does not have, however, is the authority to declassify documents that his office did not initially classify. President Obama enacted executive order 13526, denoting who possesses declassification authority and while the VP is named, his power is much more truncated than a sitting president.

This one, which appears to be an unproven extension of that conjecture:
For example, then-VP Biden would have to show the process he used to declassify any document that his office itself did not initially classify; then he will have to show that he could possess those documents when he left office.

This one, which you were able to demonstrate by providing a fresh news article reporting more classified materials found from POTUS' days in Congress.
I’m happy to say, right now, that the documents stored in 3 separate locations (office, home, garage) were not classified by Biden’s office as the OCA, and
therefore are in his possession in conflict with the reg. Mark the time, call me on it later.
Marked, called, and noted! Thanks.

And this claim, which would depend on whether he was given declassification authority by an OCA for those materials while in Congress (not very likely):
As stated above- more documents found. No declassification authority as a senator.

As for this:
It looks like you're picking at a point with which we already agree: the basis for his investigation stands regardless of whether or not he claimed to declassify (he didn't) the documents that were found.
No, I don’t agree with that point. The president doesn’t need to say he declassified anything at all and therefore the basis of the investigation is politically motivated by a partisan DOJ. That’s why I asked you to go back and do a little more research so we aren’t rehashing old ground, but here we are.
Rather, I'm speaking about the basis for the investigation into President Biden, which stands whether or not he claimed to declassify any materials because either way he did not store them properly, which is all Justice needs to proceed with a case.

I'm going to guess the rest of your response was based on that same misread of the comment, since I wasn't making any of those points.
You'd make a really good fact checker.

Biden did not possess the authority to remove the secrets he has. Call it conjecture, make 40 quotes of different context and respond to them specifically to your lil heart's content, it doesn't change the facts on this one.

While I do like waiting for facts of the matter to be made more apparent before passing a judgment, you can also take that too far by not seeing the forest for the trees, which is exactly what's happening here.

As always, if you have any ideas of your own, as opposed to what you're doing, we are all ears.
You'd make a really good fact checker.
Biden did not possess the authority to remove the secrets he has. Call it conjecture, make 40 quotes of different context and respond to them specifically to your lil heart's content, it doesn't change the facts on this one.
It's a strong claim which I'd happy to accept as true if the investigation reveals this to be the case. In the meantime, none of us are consigned to share your immediate convictions, much less if they aren't supported with evidence.
While I do like waiting for facts of the matter to be made more apparent before passing a judgment, you can also take that too far by not seeing the forest for the trees, which is exactly what's happening here.
I support the sentiment but don't think it necessarily applies to my responding to strong but unfounded claims that may feel correct.
As always, if you have any ideas of your own, as opposed to what you're doing, we are all ears.
Sure, as I've stated before it looks to me that the DOJ already has more than enough to challenge President Biden, just on mishandling alone. I also think it may only get worse if more materials are found, and do not completely discount the theory that the DNC may be carefully orchestrating President Biden's 'graceful' step-down from office to prop up someone healthier and what they deem more electable to beat Governor DeSantis or Trump.
Sure, as I've stated before it looks to me that the DOJ already has more than enough to challenge President Biden, just on mishandling alone. I also think it may only get worse if more materials are found, and do not completely discount the theory that the DNC may be carefully orchestrating President Biden's 'graceful' step-down from office to prop up someone healthier and what they deem more electable to beat Governor DeSantis or Trump.
This is confusing. I say things like, "Biden has these documents, he's outside of the statute/law on this one, and we are going to find that to be true", and you take 60 minutes out of your Sunday to pick that apart to get to a place where... you say the same thing?

I am telling you (royal you)- the last 2 years (probably back to 2016) just fundamentally broke discourse in any real sense, at least on the internet. It's just logical fallacies and "missing context" stickers and misinformation claims in order to scramble to some high ground. It's frustrating. Supremely frustrating.

The government doesn't have to work nearly as hard to gaslight people as it used to; the acolytes of their parties do it to each other much more.
We who? All of us? You? Me? Where is that proof?
I’d hardly call it ‘agree’, maybe align is more apropos of our current opinions regarding the specific statues and regulations heretoforthwith a la torte.
Please see above as that change in context may have changes this word; if we don’t agree (but align) we couldn’t possibly do it again.
This is a very strong ending to the sentence.

😎 this day and age....classified items (Cables, IIRs...etc) aren't numbered when people print them out, you can print out as many as you lose any accountability.

(Note: I don't know how the classified passage happens on capital hill or the white house...PDB...I can only comment from the field)
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In other news, the FBI searched residences of the Vice President and found numerous boxes of Mad Libs with Similar boxes discovered at homes reportedly belonging to Willie Brown. A spokesperson for the Vice President stated that a box was just a six-sided container that could hold anything because it’s a box and boxes hold stuff so we shouldn’t rush to judgment until we know what the box holds because a box can hold anything.
spokesperson for the Vice President stated that a box was just a six-sided container that could hold anything because it’s a box and boxes hold stuff so we shouldn’t rush to judgment until we know what the box holds because a box can hold anything.
See also:

"Discovered." As if they were placed there by someone other than him.

Shocked GIF by The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon
RIGHT?! The worst part of this is being intimately aware of exactly how absolutely shit hammered our operators and 2-shop folks would get if they did this exact same thing.

Show me an E6 with a couple of TS/SCI docs found in her garage and I will show you some chick that's going to jail as an E4. GTFO.
Why are all of these politicians suddenly being forthcoming about illegally possessing classified? Is this some new version of virtue signaling?

For the record, if I ever "discover" any classified docs in my house after being in a national-level political office, it's going straight into the shredder.

LOL, told my wife the same thing last night.
Proof these guys are not living in the real world.
Even if you didn't go to jail, you would (sing it Taylor Swift) never, ever, ever get back together (with the government) again. That sexy AF dishonorable discharge, no clearance, nothing, nada. You are now pushing in shopping carts at a Walmart while some methed out trailer trash part-time motel clerk makes fun of you for not having "a real job."