School/Mass shootings are now part of our culture.

Come on man. PLEASE.

There are 10 pages of conversation in this thread.

What do your “bullets” (and using that word in the context you did was tasteless in this thread, by the way) mean?

If you are only going to supply a list, can you at least share what the list is supposed to be of?
I would state that School Shootings are not a part of our national culture and that they are isolated incidents each with their own issues. The really only similarity between say Sandy Hook and Stoneman is that both young men were mentally deranged.

When you look at the list, yes, we've had school shootings for a very long time. But when you measure them against the aggregate student population they are extremely rare.
Again, I would like to hear the radio traffic....

"It's still unclear whether deputies did indeed hesitate before going inside the school.
Israel was asked Thursday during a press conference about whether his deputies were told to wait for SWAT officers before going into the building. The sheriff told a reporter he did not know anything about that and quickly moved on to another question."

Florida school shooting: Broward sheriff probes claim that more deputies did not immediately enter school

If you guys have the time, watch this interview. Sheriff Israel's attitude is absolutely mind boggling.
Standby for numerous lawsuits against the BSO and FBI. Compare to NYPD and NYFD actions on 9/11. They went the fuck in and did their jobs and the hell with their own safety, unlike the stories we're hearing from S. Florida.

Fucking yellow bastards.:mad:
@13:35 they talk about a EMS responder claiming he was denied entry onto the scene, and in mass casualty situations he was taught not wait for the scene to be cleared, and to just go in armed to retrieve casualties.

Is that standard for EMS? And are EMS armed in FL?
@13:35 they talk about a EMS responder claiming he was denied entry onto the scene, and in mass casualty situations he was taught not wait for the scene to be cleared, and to just go in armed to retrieve casualties.

Is that standard for EMS? And are EMS armed in FL?

No, and no.

While there is training for some EMS providers to enter the scene with SWAT, it is not standard training to enter a hot zone prior to it being cleared. Likewise, some EMS providers may be armed (depending on if they are attached to a tac team and the team's policies for its medics), but again, not the standard.
CNN with real hardball questions is good, and I am surprised to hear CNN questioning the attack on the NRA. The Sheriff has a lot to answer for and I think that no matter how things turn out, the next election will be pretty hard for the Sheriff. This was a great interview.:thumbsup:

There have been so many missed opportunities to stop this well in advance of the shooting, right up to him walking into the school with an AR-15 in hand. Even the ride to the school armed with the AR-15 going unquestioned.

As an aside, if my name was Peterson and I had a son, "Scot(t)" would not be the first name I would pick.

Not a CNN fan, but Tapper asked some fair and tough questions. This Sheriff was seemingly on his way to fame, but the truth seems to be turning it to infamy. He's not helping himself much.
I saw the Twitter video of him and thought that maybe he meant something else, but then watched the full CNN video...Yeah he isn't going to be sheriff for long. Yes, it's terrible that the school resource officer didn't go in as soon as shots were fired, but there is a special place in hell for people like the sheriff.
This just gets worse every day.

According to the report, “sources near the Broward County Sheriff’s Office,” said that deputies that arrived or were present at the high school, located in Parkland, Florida, were instructed not to enter the building “unless their body cameras were turned on.”

Ingraham went on to state that none of the deputies had body cameras with them at the time of the incident, “so they did not enter the building or engage the shooter.”
My first thought when I heard the body camera story was that the leadership was so concerned about it being a minority shooter, and what would happen if they shot and killed him, that they decided it was better to just wait.
My first thought when I heard the body camera story was that the leadership was so concerned about it being a minority shooter, and what would happen if they shot and killed him, that they decided it was better to just wait.
They fire cops at LAPD for not synchronizing body cams. My son has been warned himself. Not unusual.