School/Mass shootings are now part of our culture.

I'm not so sure honing is the right term. I think desensitization is.

Parenting is a lost art, and in my view, the death of the nuclear family has much to do with some of the problems we see today. Certainly there are single parents who do an absolutely excellent job raising their children--I know several. But the lack of a supportive family structure can be a contributing factor to unacceptable behavior.

I don't think there is a causal relationship here. I do think people tend to focus on the cause du jour--video games, in this case--and overlook the cumulative effects of the many, many other things that contribute to the problem. Violent video games aren't responsible for mass shootings on their own, but may contribute to the action in susceptible populations.

Agree. With all of it. Video games certainly aren't causal; there were bad people shooting good people well before video games came out. I doubt Charles Whitman played Xbox. I do think it is correlational, along with TV and movie violence, the 24 hour news cycle, and the like; and all of it desensitizes it.

Regarding the family, we homeschool, we have six kids. My wife and I have this talk frequently. Anyone with half a brain can teach the ABCs and how to add, but it takes a strong family unit to teach character, coping skills, and critical thinking. If parents are not on top of 'bad' behavior at the first sign of it, it becomes a growing and worsening problem very quickly.
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Agree. With all of it. Video games certainly aren't causal; there were bad people shooting good people well before video games came out. I doubt Charles Whitman played Xbox. I do think it is correlational, along with TV and movie violence, the 24 hour news cycle, and the like; and all of it desensitizes it.

Regarding the family, we homeschool, we have six kids. My wife and I have this talk frequently. Anyone with half a brain can teach the ABCs and how to add, but it takes a strong family unit to teach character, coping skills, and critical thinking. If parents are not on top of 'bad' behavior at the first sign of it, it becomes a growing and worsening problem very quickly.

Though I am in favor of gun control, I agree with assessments here that this isn't a "one cause" issue, and an absence of built in values of right and wrong is a big one.

Many children in our society become ugly and even furious when anyone dares question their behavior, as thought it were an infringement on their very rights, or a robbing of birth right. Parents not setting and then enforcing limits on acceptable behavior, and going through the necessary battles of will to service those limits, creates adults who will place a low value on respecting he life and rights of others, IMHO. Their adult lives are usually a long process of continuing to test those behavioral limits with much heavier consequences and potential costs to their society.

Did you watch the video?
Do they show kids lying around?

I would like to see for my self Peterson standing around, but I have no interest in seeing the victims if they are part of it.

I watched the video all the way through. The students are very heavily pixelated.
He has to live with what he failed to do. I hope the memories of that day haunt him for the remainder of his time on earth and his eternal time in hell.

I have my own theories on why he acted the way he did that I will keep to myself.

I don't want the NSA up my ass:ROFLMAO:

Those are some pretty pointed accusations to end with such a crazy backtrack. You damn the guy to hell, said you had and idea why he acted like he did and then stopped short because of the NSA?

Shoot your shot fella. If you want to make the false flag argument, go ahead. But at least follow through, you know?
My problem with most conspiracy theories is the amount of people involved. For political reasons, its often easy to see why a conspiracy could take place but the amount of hush-hush involved would be astronomical and eventually somebody would crack. One example in this case; If I'm Peterson, as soon as you label me a coward I'm singing like a bird.
My problem with most conspiracy theories is the amount of people involved. For political reasons, its often easy to see why a conspiracy could take place but the amount of hush-hush involved would be astronomical and eventually somebody would crack. One example in this case; If I'm Peterson, as soon as you label me a coward I'm singing like a bird.

Someone off topic I live around the are of Sandy Hook. Recently I went to a local bar and a man next to me and I talked about this shooting and then Sandy Hook He claimed SH was a conspiracy, tin foil hat, child actors, etc. Point by point with facts, evidence and Google Fu I took him down and proved everything he said was wrong. People like that cause my blood to boil.