SITREP THREAD. Post your Progress Here.

We need to tread lightly here in terms of G2'ing a course.

I agree but reading his follow-up I don't see anything that would be a giveaway. It just shows that regardless of how prepared you may think you are going in that you have to give it your all and not give up. Assessment was never intended to be easy. I believe that CupCake's remarks will show others on this site what those on here with the Green Tab, regardless of military branch, have gone through and made it. Assessment is only the beginning of the pipeline. A lot more sweat and tears to go. A lot of eating sand and drinking salt water. Suggest individuals watch the YouTube films on the different branches assessment and training programs.
For me, the biggest thing was running. Specifically, running as fast as you can, every where you go, including the pool days. A "swim day" will involve running at a break neck pace, doing the pool workout, and running that same pace back, with some calisthenics to finish it all off. The runs burnt out my legs for the rucks and I paid for it.

Swimming and pullups, I did good at. We had at least a few people who got maybe 7 pullups because they didn't do exactly what the order on proper pullups say to do. Swimming; everybody says you have to swim, but its really more like "pool stuff". Go find a MCIWS, ask him/her what "water aerobics" are, and be prepared to do that in full cammies.

The prep guides harp on how the swim test is breast and side stroke only, but I think you wind up freestyle sprinting 500 meters or more. Make sure you can brick tread, AND tow a brick, with the back and side stroke. Thats one of those things they'll drop you for if you can't do it.

By the time you get to a timed event, you're pre exhausted from all the stuff you've done the days before. Your 19 minute 3 mile will turn into a 21 minute 3 mile. I saw the average run/ruck times for a different class, and I shot for those, not knowing this. So my 21 minute 3 mile turned to almost a 23 minute 3 mile, and i wasnt the only one in this boat.

Id say knowing what I know now, make sure you can run a 300 PFT and CFT while you have the flu, go through advanced water survival if your unit has a class coming up, and ruck using the threads on this site for pointers.

Proud of you. This is post is good for people to understand. This is f@$&ing rough. Over prepare but do so without pain. I also had an experience where I was good at water skills and running but I felt that running was really what was hurting me day to day.
Proud of you. This is post is good for people to understand. This is f@$&ing rough. Over prepare but do so without pain. I also had an experience where I was good at water skills and running but I felt that running was really what was hurting me day to day.
That is one thing I am grateful for, is that I wasnt injured or having any joint pain at all. We had dudes the first week who were icing their shins or l knees after every workout. Granted, some of them are still there.

And you're right, it was rough! But it was rough for everyone, which is encouraging for some reason. When you see someone who can run 5 miles in 33 minutes dying next to you during a workout it just made me think "okay well im not the only one dying here".
That is not my intention at all, and I'll add for everyone reading that anything and everything that is allowed to be discussed regarding A&S can be done at the MARSOC recruiters office.

I did not mean to imply you gave anything sensitive away. It was meant as a general reminder for the board as a whole. You're in the clear @CupCake
My recruiters submitted the packet to request the needed paperwork from the Navy so now it’s just a waiting game. PT wise I’m working hard to improve my weaknesses.
My most recent scores are:
5 mile: 35:00
2 mile: 12:04
100 push ups
95 sit ups
22 pull-ups.
My goals are to drop that run time by a few more minutes on both the 5 mile and 2 mile, but anyways I’m happy with the progress I’ve made.
It’s been a very long time since I’ve posted an introduction, but after about a year and 4 months of dealing with MEPs, joining the Army and a LONG time at Pre RASP. I’m happy to say I’ve finally completed my goal. I am fully aware I haven’t done a single thing yet, and I hope to earn my place every day.

To any aspiring Rangers, as important as PT is (A LOT) the biggest thing was having the guts to stick it out when it starts to suck and staying injury free. I’ve seen absolute animals quit or break themselves and I’ve seen 5’2” 120 pound dudes absolutely crush it. Don’t worry about your age, height or weight. Older dudes, short guys, skinny guys all do well if they want to, just get after it and DO NOT QUIT.
It’s been a very long time since I’ve posted an introduction, but after about a year and 4 months of dealing with MEPs, joining the Army and a LONG time at Pre RASP. I’m happy to say I’ve finally completed my goal. I am fully aware I haven’t done a single thing yet, and I hope to earn my place every day.

To any aspiring Rangers, as important as PT is (A LOT) the biggest thing was having the guts to stick it out when it starts to suck and staying injury free. I’ve seen absolute animals quit or break themselves and I’ve seen 5’2” 120 pound dudes absolutely crush it. Don’t worry about your age, height or weight. Older dudes, short guys, skinny guys all do well if they want to, just get after it and DO NOT QUIT.
Congrats. Off to airborne school or do you already have that done?
Wrapped up week 7 today. Passed the final PT test we took on Monday and spent the rest of the week blowing stuff up including some pretty cool non-standard charges. I find out my battalion on Wednesday and don the tan beret Friday.
I am incredibly inspired by your dedication, hoping to be there one day, too!

BUD/S, here we come, going to need to keep up with this thread more. Goldmine for constant motivation, love it. Awesome stuff.
I'm green now. :D last SITREP in this thread I think its time to let the other guys in here report in. The words of advice I can give is simple DON'T FUCKING QUIT. Every selection has a worldwide and I can assure you no matter how much pain you're in that worldwide relief is never worth it. I say this because you will walk past buddies of yours still in the course that see it through to the end just about everyday. It doesn't matter if the end goal is a scroll, tab, both, trident, or anything else quitting what you started is never worth it. If you sign the dotted line to do it, then fucking do it. It's harder than you think but not so hard that you can't do it.
Awesome brother, great fucking advice. Fired up to hell right now.
I got back from meps today. They barely had any jobs available simply because I’m prior service. They actually didn’t even have even 11x, but I got lucky and an officer from my recruiting area pulled some strings to get me an 11x. I leave in November, and I’m going to volunteer for RASP in OSUT. I’ve been keeping in touch with the Liaison at Benning to ensure highest rate of success.

Note to guys who are prior service: Don’t be shocked if you get up there and they only have like 3 job opportunities for you. I went up there today and they only had 19D, 12B and 13B. It’s extremely rare to get option 40s as prior service. If it wasn’t for an officer at my recruiting station then I wouldn’t have even gotten 11x. I’m not saying it’s going to be like this for everyone, but this COVID thing has really jammed everything up.
About 2-3 months ago now I was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease called Hyperthyroidism, and have been put on medication. While my dosage has been steadily being reduced it is unclear if I will ever be removed from medication. The future is uncertain but I'm working on my degree and I'll leave it to the good Lord to guide me where to go next.
Graduated from IDMT school last week and am now back at the home unit doing my initial training. Honestly glad to be back and doing real patient care. Now comes the hard part of not killing anyone and becoming a sponge.

IDMT? I've seen it before. What does it stand for, if I may ask?