SSgt August O'Niell


Verified SOF
Dec 29, 2008
Sin City
SOF Mentor
SSgt August O'Niell's story is contained in the link here.

I am proud to say I went through the pipeline with August, from Indoc to Apprentice Course and together at the 58th now.

He is a warrior, pure and simple. This man does not know how to quit. Those who profess to be hard men- take note. This is what one looks like.
- Seeing the dad's love for his son, it made me tear up a bit.

- If being a member of this forum has done nothing else for me, it has made me realize that Air Force is not the punch-line to every joke about what is the easiest service.

SSgt. O'Niell shames me tonight as I sit at home pissing and moaning about my sore knee, missing another consecutive workout. Tomorrow morning when my alarm goes off at 5am to hit the gym, I will think of this man when my pussy instinct kicks in trying to tell me I'll go to the gym later.
the vid keeps stalling on me.... but up to that point it reminds me of somebody I know in dedication and tenacity...
Oh, and amlove.... that other guy says you owe him more beer and bbq and icecream....:ROFLMAO::thumbsup: and next time, he rides in the back seat of the jeep.
I can not wait to make that happen! I will have the upgrades done. Shit, he can drive!
the vid keeps stalling on me.... but up to that point it reminds me of somebody I know in dedication and tenacity...
Oh, and amlove.... that other guy says you owe him more beer and bbq and icecream....:ROFLMAO::thumbsup: and next time, he rides in the back seat of the jeep.

Same problem on my I-pad...try on the offce MAC in a bit. I'd really like to see this.
I can not wait to make that happen! I will have the upgrades done. Shit, he can drive!

Um......... you deserve the title of Danger Mouse if you let him drive in that idiocy you took us through.... we'd all need hockey helmets, hell, we'd need full rollerball padding.... Here, hold my Monster and phone and watch this shit, it's gonna be epic!