Super Sweet Movie Discussion Thread

Land of Bad starring who cares, only on Netflix.

I made it 5 minutes. I can forgive Hollywood for a lot. Casual conversations inside a Blackhawk because noise doesn't exist.
"You HALO qualified?"
"You'll figure it out" or a similar exchange.

The Ready Room of the drone squadron, I don't know, maybe it sucks that bad, but I've seen some lackadaisical AF units overseas and even they don't approach that level of stupid.

JTAC asking like a fanboi: Are those the new 5.11 gloves?

Everything about it was horrible, but when I turned it off the Blackhawk was set to climb from a few hundred feet to 15k for a HALO insertion...FROM A FUCKING HELICOPTER, all in 6 minutes. Yup, SOF has those rocketship H-60's that can do about 4k feet per minute.

0 out of 5 boxes of Froot Loops.
Watched that shit on the plan, thoroughly enjoyed it. Russell Crowe was way more believable as a drone pilot than the dudes in Homeland. Considering that I avoided it like the plague...honestly when you think about Ops going FUBAR it's right up there with Red Wings. (And that was real!)
Been on a horror kick lately. Rewatched The Ninth Gate tonight for the first time since that was in the theaters. I finally caught on to the ending this go around. Only took like 25 years. Still just a meh movie.

And I watched Prey for the Devil last night. Hopefully there’s a sequel.

Also if you haven’t watched it yet, Nobody is on Netflix and a good watch.
I finally got around to watching Top Gun: Maverick. Very solid film, nice tie-ins with the first one, and Jennifer Connelly is still a smoke show. There were some goofy parts, a little cringe here and there, is Top Gun. The Hangman character wasn't even a Great Value Iceman, I don't know who thought that was a good idea.

Speaking of Iceman, I thought they way they handled his character was very tasteful. The flying scenes were first rate.

8 out of 10 silver Porsches.
Rebel Ridge on Netflix is a good action movie. (If you seen Hold the Dark or Green Room, it's the same director.)

Former MCMAP instructor tries to bail his cousin out of a small town jail but gets his money seized in civil asset forfeiture. Queue plot of uncovering small town corruption.
Feels like a mix of Rambo and Walk Tall.

Might be the first movie to use Wikipedia to set up an action sequence.
