The ACA/ Obamacare Website Fiasco Thread

I could not believe that. The Senate Majority Leader calling any American who lost their healthcare and/or whose premiums rose as a result of this law, a liar.

Harry Reid has never been a scrupulous individual. But this level of insult to the American people has got to be unprecedented.
I'm on my phone, so I'll have to come back with the link after chem lab, but let's not forget Harry Reid saying yesterday that every last one of these highly publicized Obamacare failures is a work of fiction. A lie. Never happened. A tool for the loyal opposition to make POTUS look bad.

Yeah, I feel bad for the NV folks who voted against that assclown.

Fact checker looked into that statement...

Let’s say, for the sake of argument, that Harry Reid’s dismissal of Boonstra’s pain was entirely justified. What about the pain of Catherine Blackwood, who also lost her insurance due to Obamacare and lost coverage for her cancer medication as a result?

Her previous insurance covered Sandostatin as a treatment for her terminal carcinoid. But despite being repeatedly assured during the problem-plagued enrollment process that her new Obamacare-approved plan would cover the drug, she found out this month as she was going into surgery that her plan would not cover the drug. It costs $14,000 just since the beginning of the year, and now Blackwood will have to cover it all herself.

What about the pain of Katherine Cadman? She signed up for coverage through Covered California, expecting to have access to doctors listed for her plan on the exchange. Instead, out of 41 doctors supposedly in her network and in her area, only four were taking new Covered California patients – and only one of those was board-certified. Julia Turner made a similar discovery after selecting her Covered California plan. The only doctors who will see the San Francisco resident are clinics in the high-crime East Oakland area.

These are just the anecdotes from the last week

Given the rapidly escalating costs for providing insurance, even the penalties for opting out of coverage for employees will not stop many from bailing out of group coverage. If so, many more will end up experiencing the same pain as Boonstra, Blackwood, Cadman, and Taylor.

Harry Reid and the Democrats can keep ignoring that pain at their own electoral peril. It’s amazing how quickly they have gone from feeling our pain to causing it, and then trying to convince us that pain doesn’t actually hurt anyone. Not even Bill Clinton can sell that nonsense.

Two Pinocchios. Compared to four Pinocchios on a regular basis coming from POTUS, or pants on fire? On that scale, two Pinocchios isn't all that bad. At least WaPo acknowledged that Reid was overboard, and that at least one ad was pretty truthful (as far as ads go).

Personally, WaPo only has its age to lend it what little credibility it has left, in my opinion.

WASHINGTON — Representative Mike Kelly (R-PA) – a member of the House Ways and Means Committee – issued the following statement today in response to the false claim made yesterday in a floor speech by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) that in regard to the “horror stories being told” about the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare), “All of them are untrue.”

“Just when I thought the Leader of the Senate couldn’t possibly become more out of touch with the American people, he regrettably proves me wrong. By claiming that all of the tragic stories currently unfolding from coast are coast due to Obamacare are somehow fake, Harry Reid is attacking the integrity of countless victims of a terrible law that he helped force onto a country that never wanted it. Having heard from so many of my constituents about the personal consequences that the health care law is having on their lives, I cannot help but find Mr. Reid’s remarks profoundly insulting. Perhaps if he truly believes what he has said, he could pick up the phone and console those in my District injured by the law – from a mother and daughter in Hermitage to a small business owner in Fairview to a waitress in Butler – and convince them that all their higher premiums, reduced hours, and cancelled plans are just the products of their imagination. Otherwise, he should reconsider his offensive charge and confront the brutal effects that Obamacare is having on our nation and work with my colleagues to forge a solution."

And then there is this.


Interesting. I like how Rep Kelly embedded linked to an article that embedded (<---edited) the CSPAN2 clip which caught Reid dead to rights saying what he said. After a second reading of the WaPo fact checker article, the question that comes to my mind is this: if you take away all the ads that the OMIGODEVILKOCHBROTHERS!!!!! (yes, you're supposed to yell that obnoxiously loud and in one breath, preferably with enough airborne spittle as to warrant a diagnostic exam for rabies) financed, and actually sent reporters out to the people who were adversely affected by the newly implemented ACA regulations, at what point would the "Oh, that's just anecdotal, show me some facts" line become bullshit. At which point do the anecdotes become facts? Oh, yeah, I forgot, that would be NEVER because if you call yourself a journalist then you have an agenda.

While one can hope that objectivity has something in common with a coelocanth, I think it has more in common with the dodo or passenger pigeon.
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What bullshit. Two Pinocchios? Because someone thought this was an isolated incident? It's still true. The context they find lacking is an example of what makes this even worse! This woman had worked out a way to keep her own costs down but by Obamacare standards she should be paying more for that care.

Shit like this just makes me madder. :mad:

She was on government subsidized healthcare before. The context matters because if people knew she was on subsidized care before her story wouldn't ring out as well.
She was on government subsidized healthcare before. The context matters because if people knew she was on subsidized care before her story wouldn't ring out as well.
I now know and think she was doing a better job than if her employer was just picking up the tab before. That's my point. She was helping to manage her costs by working with her doctors. Obamacare screwed her over.
I now know and think she was doing a better job than if her employer was just picking up the tab before. That's my point. She was helping to manage her costs by working with her doctors. Obamacare screwed her over.

I thought you were against govt healthcare? She had healthcare through her state .