The ACA/ Obamacare Website Fiasco Thread

I hope not, I think that would set a bad precedent.
What? Having politicians give up their piece of the pie for the rest of us? I thought that was exactly what Michelle Obama was preaching. Consider it Harry Reid's contribution
They don't want the whole pie," she told the women. "There are some who do, but most Americans feel blessed just being able to thrive a little bit. But that is becoming even more out of reach. If we don't wake up as a nation with a new kind of leadership, for how we want this country to work, then we won't get universal health care. The truth is, in order to get things like universal health care and a revamped education system, then someone is going to have to give up a piece of their pie so that someone else can have more."
- Michelle Obama
Not to worry, the good Citizens of Maryland are ponying up more pie.

Maryland could end up spending as much as $30.5 million as a result of a glitch in its ObamaCare website, as the Obama administration steps in to help states with problematic exchanges.

Because of Maryland’s defective exchange, the state cannot determine whether customers remain eligible for Medicaid, according to a report by state budget analysts released Thursday.

As a result, the state has agreed with the federal government to a six-month delay in determining eligibility, meaning that payments will continue to be made to customers who are not eligible until the system is fixed. The delay will cost the state $17.8 million in fiscal 2014 and $12.7 million in fiscal 2015, the analysts estimated.
What? Having politicians give up their piece of the pie for the rest of us? I thought that was exactly what Michelle Obama was preaching. Consider it Harry Reid's contribution

You are comparing taxation to donation. She is saying that taxation should be different, you are saying he should just donate his money to someone he has never met.
You are comparing taxation to donation. She is saying that taxation should be different, you are saying he should just donate his money to someone he has never met.
I never met the taxman, but I seem to donate a lot of money to him.

Taxes=Government spending my money as they see fit.
Donation = me spending my money as I see fit.

Give me more say and I'll gladly pay some extra, but I (and the majority of Obama's supporters) have no say.
This is a report by "Unite Here" a union organization representing workers throughout the U.S. and Canada who work in the hotel, gaming, food service, manufacturing, textile, distribution, laundry, and airport industries.

“Having already made efforts to accommodate businesses, churches and congressional staff, it is ironic that the administration is now highlighting issues of economic inequality without acting to preserve health plans that have been achieving the goals of the ACA for decades,” the report concludes. “Without a smart fix, the ACA will heighten the inequality that the Administration seeks to reduce … We cannot sit idly by as the politicians carve up our health plans while they carve out exceptions for themselves and every special interest feeding at the trough in Washington.”
FLOTUS just highlighted her Marxist ideology.
That is exactly what it is and she is not the only progressive eating away at our basic beliefs this nation was based upon. Obama care is about nothing more than being a trojan horse for the redistribution of wealth
Jimmy Kimmel Savages ObamaCare and Uninformed Young People Who Support It

Conceivably the best job done to date was by ABC’s Jimmy Kimmel who during his opening monologueTuesday evening absolutely savaged the law whilst ridiculing the uninformed young people in this country that have ignorantly supported something that clearly harms them (video follows with transcript and commentary):