The ACA/ Obamacare Website Fiasco Thread

I wonder if this will work out any is only costing 90 Million for the next far...

The Obama administration has decided to jettison CGI Federal, the main IT contractor that was responsible for building the defect-ridden online health insurance marketplace and has been immersed in the work of repairing it.
Federal health officials are preparing to sign a 12-month contract worth roughly $90 million, probably early next week, with a different company, Accenture, after concluding that CGI has not been effective enough in fixing the intricate computer system underpinning the federal Web site,, according to a person familiar with the matter.

Most ObamaCare enrollees already had health plans, report says.

The majority of the more than 2 million Americans who signed up for health insurance under ObamaCare through the end of December were already enrolled in employer-sponsored plans or had previously bought their own coverage, The Wall Street Journal reported Friday.

Early data from insurers, brokers and consultants suggest that the marketplaces are popular with consumers who were previously covered elsewhere, raising questions about a law intended to expand coverage to millions of healthy, uninsured Americans to help offset costs.

A survey by management consulting firm McKinsey & Co. found that only 11 percent of consumers who purchased new coverage under ObamaCare were previously uninsured. The survey was based on a sampling of 4,563 consumers between November and January, according to The Wall Street Journal.

HealthMarkets Inc., an insurance agency that signed up about 7,500 people in exchange plans, reported that 65 of its enrollees had prior coverage, the report said. Fifteen percent of enrollees had their individual plans canceled, and 40 percent switched over from previous individual plans.

Insurers in Michigan expected 400,000 of the state's 1.2 million uninsured people to join private plans this year, according to an analysis provided Michigan-based Priority Health. As of the end of December, only 76,000 people had signed up, many of whom were previously covered, according to the report.

"I don't know we're growing the number of people with insurance here, so much as we're just adding complexity," Geoff Bartsh, vice president for policy at Minneapolis-based Medica Health Plans told the Journal.
Aaaaaaand another delay!

The Obama administration announced Monday that certain employers will have extra time to comply with the new health care reform law’s requirement that they provide health insurance to workers, the latest of many deadlines extended and rules tweaked during the law’s rollout.

In a final rule issued by the Treasury Department, officials said that employers with 50 to 99 workers will not be required to offer health coverage until 2016.

The Treasury Department also said Monday that employers subject to the mandate in 2015 will only need to cover 70 percent of workers to be in compliance with the law. The previous threshold was 95 percent, which officials said will now apply beginning in 2016 instead.

The rollout of the new health care law has been marred by other delays as well. A new health insurance exchange for small businesses has been put off. Some health policies expected to end in 2014 because they were not in compliance with new ACA rules have been allowed to continue. And many consumers whose policies have been canceled have been exempted from the law’s requirement to have coverage this year.
And more "good news" for people with pre-existing conditions.....:rolleyes:

She starts by saying, "I voted for Barack Obama for president. I thought ObamaCare was going to be a good thing."
But Emilie Lamb says she later got a letter saying her insurance was canceled because of ObamaCare, pushing her premiums from $52 to $373 a month.
"I'm having to work a second job, to pay for ObamaCare,” she adds. “For somebody with lupus, that's not an easy thing. If I can't afford to continue to pay for ObamaCare, I don't get my medicine. I don't get to see my doctors."
One of the problems is that drugs for some diseases such as MS do not have generic versions. So without cheaper alternatives and no help from ObamaCare, patients could face huge personal out-of-pocket bills, forcing some to skimp on their medications.

Some say ObamaCare hoped to do better on that problem but ran out of time. Matthew Eyles of Avalare Health, a consulting firm, says although officials wanted "to be able to make sure that all the systems were operational in 2014, they realized that they needed to give an extra year to get those systems changes in place."
Officials intend to try again next year.
They should pay more because they present a "higher risk" for payout by the insurance company. Only a socialist would believe the healthy should carry the sick or the rich should pay their fair share.
I dont see where it is feasible to block people from drugs that they have had covered prior. As stated many of these drugs have no generic equivalent. I dont happen to have 62k a year laying around for meds. I dont know many who do. Hopefully I wont be diagnosed with MS anytime soon.
I just don't see how someone with such a bad pre-existing condition was paying 52 dollars a month.. Something doesn't add up there, because most 52 dollar a month insurance plans do not cover brand name drugs, or drugs period.
Things like this beg for fact checking, "One of the problems is that drugs for some diseases such as MS do not have generic versions. So without cheaper alternatives and no help from ObamaCare, patients could face huge personal out-of-pocket bills, forcing some to skimp on their medications."

Also it highlights that her premiums went up, I wonder what happened to her deductible, and other things, this may also force us to lower the amount of time a drug can remain a non generic, which I think would be a good thing.
Well apparently now that she is paying 363 a month it still doesnt cover. That is the very issue with Obamacare...alot of things dont add up.

ETA saw this letter by Ms. Lamb. I wonder if she just stopped working altogether, claim disability due to her health issues instead of working 2 jobs she would be better off.
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Clearly the President misspoke here:

“We’re going to make a big push these last few weeks,” Mr. Obama said, to a crowd of Obamacare volunteers at a Tuesday evening Organizing for Action event in Washington, D.C., reported by Politico. “I can talk, my team can talk here in Washington, but it’s not going to make as much of a difference as if you are out there making the case. The work you’re doing is God’s work. It is hard work.”

Surely he meant Allah. :p
Talked to a lady today whose husband's company lost their insurance due to Obamacare. Family of six, and she and her husband are relatively young. Their new premiums through the new insurance company went up $600/monthly, and they have a $2,500 deductible. Her husband set up a flexible spending account to pay for the deductible. Yes, Obamacare really helped them, too. :(
Another fine Obamacare navigator quietly fired.
A terrorist from Jordan briefly worked as an Obamacare navigator in Illinois while authorities remained unaware of her conviction for involvement in a deadly grocery store bombing and two other attacks

The Illinois Department of Insurance quietly revoked Odeh’s certification as a Navigator In-Person Counselor on November 24, explaining in a disciplinary report that the decision was “based on an investigation which revealed that she had been convicted in Israel for her role in the bombings of a supermarket and the British Consulate in Jerusalem and failed to reveal the conviction on her application.”

The Illinois DOI conducts background checks on navigators. National Review Online obtained the comprehensive Federal Bureau of Investigation background report for Odeh, which does not note any past criminal offenses.

According to the director of insurance’s Oct. 25, 2013, revocation letter, the Department of Insurance found out about Odeh’s history after the U.S. Attorney’s office for the Eastern District of Michigan, notified the public about her prior convictions.
I'm on my phone, so I'll have to come back with the link after chem lab, but let's not forget Harry Reid saying yesterday that every last one of these highly publicized Obamacare failures is a work of fiction. A lie. Never happened. A tool for the loyal opposition to make POTUS look bad.

Yeah, I feel bad for the NV folks who voted against that assclown.