The China Thread (Threat)

The Indonesians have had some interesting thrust & parry around the Natuna Islands, just outside the Nine (now Ten) Dash Line.
10-dash line was news to me. I had to look it up: New Chinese 10-Dash map sparks furor across Indo-Pacific: Vietnam, India, Philippines, Malaysia - Breaking Defense

This is totally consistent with China's "creeping normalcy" program; keep pushing the boundaries and norms, and keep saying outrageous things, and eventually it becomes the new normal.
They are masters of gaslighting....
People keep allowing it to happen.

We've talking about it before on the board--appeasement never works. They keep getting away with shit because everyone wants some of that sweet, sweet billion-person-market, and they're terrified of China's military power.

Plus they've absolutely mastered the race card. Remember when it was "racist" to simply call the virus that originated in Wuhan, China the Wuhan Virus or the Wu-Flu? Or that it was a lab leak instead of an infected bat? Because I do...

All of US entertainment, from the NBA to Hollywood, is in bed with China. They are terrified to do anything that might anger them.

When I was reading up on the 10-dash line a few minutes ago after CQB's post, I saw an article about the new line and the Barbie movie:

Here's an article, but so that you don't have to support Vox by clicking on the link, I'll summarize it by saying in the Barbie movie (which I haven't seen and have no intention to), there's apparently a scene involving a scrambled map of the world. You know what's NOT represented on the map? Taiwan. You know what IS represented? The 9-dash line.

There's no way that's a coincidence.

It could TOTALLY be a coincidence - the Barbie movie could be part of a multiverse.

In fact, an argument could be made that Taiwan is located just off the north eastern coast of Africa in the photo you posted...
...because, multiverse.

Besides, that line only has 8 dashes.
People keep allowing it to happen.

We've talking about it before on the board--appeasement never works. They keep getting away with shit because everyone wants some of that sweet, sweet billion-person-market, and they're terrified of China's military power.

Plus they've absolutely mastered the race card. Remember when it was "racist" to simply call the virus that originated in Wuhan, China the Wuhan Virus or the Wu-Flu? Or that it was a lab leak instead of an infected bat? Because I do...

All of US entertainment, from the NBA to Hollywood, is in bed with China. They are terrified to do anything that might anger them.

There are only two people I have been terrified to anger, my mother, and my wife. Or another way, I fear no man, but two women.

My esteem for the Chinese government is up there with @AWP concern for the Paki's. We still hold the edge against China, and why we have allowed this to happen, and the edge to get so narrow, is so absolutely maddening.
Very interesting.

However, no one respects Indonesia enough to call it that. The map in the article doesn't even call it that.

When I was in the Philippines I saw a lot of shirts referencing the "West Philippine Sea," which I also liked, but which also isn't going to go anywhere unless the countries that matter start using it. Which they won't.
Very interesting.

However, no one respects Indonesia enough to call it that. The map in the article doesn't even call it that.

When I was in the Philippines I saw a lot of shirts referencing the "West Philippine Sea," which I also liked, but which also isn't going to go anywhere unless the countries that matter start using it. Which they won't.
Yep concur, its more like a case of ‘well how dya like them apples?’ It’s more relevant that the HQ was moved.
Just taking China out of the name, however slight, is a good move though. It will irritate them, it's a nice little jab.

For example, for years it was the "Persian Gulf" and then we started calling it the "Arabian Gulf" which pissed off Iran and flattered the Saudis. (Yes, I know it is the Arabian peninsula with the UAE, Oman, etc.)

These passive-aggressive diplomatic moves send a message, so call it whatever, just take the piss out of China.
Gavin Newsome: Who run Bartertown?
Lesko Brandon:
Dammit, Gavin, I told you, no more embargoes
Gavin Newsome:
Who run Bartertown?
Lesko Brandon:
...You know who.
Gavin Newsome:
Lesko Brandon:
C'MON MAN, you know... ...the thing
Gavin Newsome:
Lesko Brandon:
Gavin Newsome:
Lesko Brandon:
Gavin Newsome:
Xi Jinping... what?
Lesko Brandon
: Xi Jinping runs Bartertown.
Gavin Newsome:
Lift... Embargo.
Gavin Newsome: Who run Bartertown?
Lesko Brandon: Dammit, Gavin, I told you, no more embargoes
Gavin Newsome: Who run Bartertown?
Lesko Brandon: ...You know who.
Gavin Newsome: WHO..RUN.BARTERTOWN!?!?!
Lesko Brandon: C'MON MAN, you know... ...the thing
Gavin Newsome: SAY IT !
Lesko Brandon: Xi
Gavin Newsome: SAY IT LOUD !!
Lesko Brandon: XI JINPING
Gavin Newsome: Xi Jinping... what?
Lesko Brandon: Xi Jinping runs Bartertown.
Gavin Newsome: Lift... Embargo.
Xi run Bartertown.
