Just to keep the XFit related shitty items in one thread- we had a member here post his hospital stay for rhabdo due to- you guessed it- XFit. I would have to assume the verified cases of rhabdo across all fitness levels attributed directly to xfit has to be over the 300 mark now. Can anyone here name me another "sport" that has 300 confirmed cases of rhabdo (and hundreds more suspected) in less than 15 years of existence? What happens when we have the first death at a cf box? Oh yea, that
already happened.
Can anyone name an activity with a higher incidence of injury to participants than xfit? Some of their most elite athletes have gotten rhabdo AT THE GAMES. It's for this reason that I refuse to believe that any impact xfit may/may not have had can be labeled as "all good". Especially since they embrace things like "Uncle Rhabdo" and the like.
Unfortunately I had plenty of time to research this (9 days in the hospital...), and as much as I find Crossfit to be a great form of training for a certain group of people, I was quite unhappy with how Crossfit somewhat pokes fun at Rhabdo and other potential injuries that can occur. This is the side of Crossfit that, in my opinion, needs to change. There needs to be a lot more education for the coaches and their customers/athletes.
My bout with Rhabdo was somewhat self-inflicted. I was a little dehydtrated, which is rare for me. I also tackled a heavy workout a lot harder than I should have considering I was just starting up with crossfit after 5 months of basic training and airborne school. I hadn't done kipping pullups in that stretch and now I was taking on 100 of them. I could have slowed them down and done them in smaller sets, but I didn't. The coaches at my gym were pushing me to do it faster. We all forgot that I hadn't done workouts like this in 5 months.
Crossfit was an excellent program for myself prior to shipping to Basic. I had never done olympic lifts, and my gym spent a lot of time on learning proper form. All of my main lifts saw tremendous improvement over the course of 5 months. My cardio endurance also improved. So for me it was great. With that said, I have seen too many people start Crossfit being completely out of shape and I'm shocked that there are not more injuries (especially Rhabdo) due to Level 1 coaches not building them up slowly to prevent injuries and so people can learn how their body reacts to heavy workouts. I also have to admit, like in my case, a lot of the people that enjoy Crossfit tend to be the type of person that has that need to push themselves as hard as they can. I'm sure a good chunk of the members here probably fit that mold. So when you match up personalities like that along with a workout program that pushes you to the brink, it is easy to see why injuries are popping up.
Now if you want to talk about the culture, I have to agree that there are a lot of annoying people. You have to love the people that spend $500 on a shirt, shorts, compression sleeves, designer headband, and of course 3 different pairs of shoes for a single workout. This is the part of Crossfit that just kills me...