The "CrossFit Culture" is a bunch of DORKS!!!

I find your opinion disconcerting. As athletes in competition, that's when you ignore all of the pain. Rugby, Football, and soccer players finish games with broken legs. In Rugby, Soccer, Football, Basketball, Baseball etc there is a crazy amount of sports medicine folks involved at the upper echelon that stop athletes in their tracks for a variety of reasons. One of those is for the future health of that athlete, the other obviously being the future of the club. More often now, we don't see guys getting shot up with cortizone every week in their knees (Mark Schlereth) IOT to play on a Sunday.

I'm saying based on what I saw, the sports medicine portion for CrossFit during the games was missing. Yeah, they kept going, but some of them should probably have been forced to stop. Maybe it is there, but it isn't evident. If 100% of all the athletes are chilling, and feeling like villains that competed in the games, ok. However, that doesn't mean shit about next year's games.
Again, your response is completely baseless. Coupled with the fact that Froning just 4-peated...:-/ So I guess you could have said "that doesn't mean shit about next year's games" for the last 4 years and you would have been wrong about that as well.
Explain to me how it's baseless. We make Soldiers stop in training all the time from exhaustion, heat stroke, heat exhaustion, injuries...but in the guise of this weight lifting competition you won't force an athlete to stop for their health?

Are we sipping Kool-Aid or are you saying I'm full of it? I'm making an observation based on what I can see.
It's baseless because you continue to say, "based on what I see" and your argument ends there. I could say, "based on Froning 4-peating, you're completely wrong" or "based on the fact that these guys are not dropping like flies during Frantasyland, Big Bob 200, Thick N Quick, Double Grace, etc... you're totally wrong in your assertion".
They are in Southern California. They're wearing fucking shorts, sneakers and very little else. You're comparing apples and staplers. Do you seriously not think these guys/gals are not completely in tune with what is going on as far as their body/health is concerned?
@SkrewzLoose I think you're missing the point @ThunderHorse is trying to make.

Perception is reality. Sure, he's looking at the TV coverage, but his question isn't necessarily about the athletes. If he can see signs of fatigue or poor form, why can't the officials? Why aren't they doing anything about it? Conversely, it is TV and we don't know what is being said. We're only given that window.

I say this as a man, not as staff member: This "discussion" is kind of funny. One of you is looking at events through the multiple filters provided by TV and the other isn't addressing the question, yet both of you are a little worked up?

Whatever gets you through the day....
Starting to feel like an ass about the question I asked. But why were none of the athletes stopped by officials for exhaustion and safety concerns? Because I would have stopped a handful of folks.

An ass also has no fear? If any have insight I'd love it to be explained. Because if these dudes want to be legitimate, this is a big deal.
OK, so the original question/concern is in bold, yes?
FF made a good point that I had not considered. Perception is reality and truth is in the eye of the beholder.
That taken into consideration and addressing the question, I would ask a question: What are the judge's qualifications and how/why are they chosen to judge athletes at the highest level of this competition? TH, I'd ask you the same thing. I would also ask what signs of exhaustion and safety concerns you saw that were overlooked by the officials? Was it poor form as FF pointed to or was it something else? That was my main gripe about your posts, you said, "I saw XYZ" but you never defined what XYZ was.
My apologies for not being more clear.
The medical support was more visible in the Master's Competitions. It's there, but it is usually off the screen. Whether intended or not, that's the case. The medical support was in a tent just off the competition field.

As far as why they don't make the call, this is an athletic competition. In sports, athletes will usually take themselves out of the game to rest or for an injury if it affects their ability to perform. Referees don't tell players that they look tired and should probably have a seat. The judges at the CF Games are there for one thing, "judge" their competitor and make sure their form is meets or is "close enough" to pass for standard. It is fairly subjective, but, it is what it is. Judges are there to judge form and exercises, not the health of the competitor.

Remember, the goal of Crossfit is to push yourself to be the fittest person on earth, or win a case of Rhabdomyolysis, whatever comes first. :hmm:

Full disclosure: I was out of town for the Games, but caught the Masters, The Beach, and part of the Overhead Squat. What I did catch, I didn't see where anyone seemed to be in any danger.
@SkrewzLoose Respect to Rich Froning and his inability to run 5k :ack:. He's a beast and that is evident by winning this thing a fourth time in a row. I saw poor form from some of the athletes on Friday both male and female. I wouldn't say poor form would get you to exhaustion, because many xFitters do it with poor form often and are never stopped. But by the time Double Grace came around it would have been a clear indicator of fatigue. And many of the athletes were exhibiting signs at that point. So how does CrossFit get around litigation? Contracting a lot of sports medicine physicians and athletic trainers to support the games in monitoring fatigue. Because, if you see an athlete pulled for fatigue much like when a fight is stopped, it will be very serious and it will quiet many critics within the medical community.

If I'm comparing apples to staplers...I'm just looking for insight, because as an athlete, I've been stopped, and had teammates stopped. As a Soldier I've been stopped and had Soldiers stopped. I've never taken myself out, it was always done by either the coach or a medical professional. Very rarely do professional or even amateur athletes take themselves out of a competition, they have to be overruled by a separate authority.

Being off to the side is not being proactive.
Someone help me out. I honestly know nothing about this Froning dude, but if you Google Rich Froning 5k you can find various 5k what's the deal with him NOT running 5k?
I think they are referring to the workout in my question above.
Row 3K meters
Perform 300 double unders
Run 3 miles
If that's what they are talking about, he started walking at one point during the 3 mile run and has caught some flack for it.
If that's what they are talking about, he started walking at one point during the 3 mile run and has caught some flack for it.

I appreciate the answer.
1. My curiosity is piqued because I know little about this topic.
2. The "uninitiated" lurking the thread are probably curious as well.
3. I laugh at "The XXXX in the YYYYY" lists/ competitions; they are marketing gimmicks. "Up next on the Military Channel, The Top Ten Tanks of All Time." Yawn.
4. I'd like for the board's academic integrity to exceed that of the Army War College, hence the follow-ups.
So he should maybe be called "guy who can do a lot of kipping pull-ups and snatches fastest guy on earth"
I appreciate the answer.
1. My curiosity is piqued because I know little about this topic.
2. The "uninitiated" lurking the thread are probably curious as well.
3. I laugh at "The XXXX in the YYYYY" lists/ competitions; they are marketing gimmicks. "Up next on the Military Channel, The Top Ten Tanks of All Time." Yawn.
4. I'd like for the board's academic integrity to exceed that of the Army War College, hence the follow-ups.

A beacon of probity as always, FF.

Those are lofty aspirations brother :p

But to stay on topic, I was legitimately asking if he dropped out of the 5k. I don't really keep up w Crossfit outside of this thread so that's my bad for being a headline intellectual in this case.
Rich was apparently getting over a bug he caught earlier in the week, which was why he didn't perform as well at the beginning of the competition as he did towards the end. Are we seriously arguing whether Rich freaking Froning can run a 5k?
Rich was apparently getting over a bug he caught earlier in the week, which was why he didn't perform as well at the beginning of the competition as he did towards the end. Are we seriously arguing whether Rich freaking Froning can run a 5k?
Armchair quarterbacks always show up when someone on top has a bad day...
Sick burn, bro.
It applies everywhere else too...
"Peyton Manning should have done this"
"The US soccer team should have done that"
"Randy Johnson should not have thrown that curve ball"
"The Rock should have delivered the People's Elbow sooner in the match"