The "CrossFit Culture" is a bunch of DORKS!!!

The narrator sounds like he smoked waaay too much.

Btw I'm looking at the leaderboard for the last CF games and, I don't understand how a guy who really wasn't too hot in most of the competitions (not to mention the 3 mile run) WON the games?
So is it about just making to the finals and then going 1st in them? That is how the "measure the fittest man/woman on earth"? Kinda stupid ...
Armchair quarterbacks always show up when someone on top has a bad day...

Nah bro all your hero worship aside. Didn't say he couldn't do it per se.. but I did see him QUIT lol.

A BMCM (SEAL) B.D. Was the fittest man on Earth as far as I'm concerned. Froning or whoever isn't shit compared to that guy. And I'm sure there are others.

I just think it is a pretty pretentious and pompous title to throw around.

Point is, Couchfit is a marketing machine and the Ty Beanie Babies of the fitness industry.
Nah bro all your hero worship aside. Didn't say he couldn't do it per se.. but I did see him QUIT lol.

A BMCM (SEAL) B.D. Was the fittest man on Earth as far as I'm concerned. Froning or whoever isn't shit compared to that guy. And I'm sure there are others.

I just think it is a pretty pretentious and pompous title to throw around.

Point is, Couchfit is a marketing machine and the Ty Beanie Babies of the fitness industry.
We've already discussed the idea of perception being reality.

I don't think the title is as important as the hard work and dedication that goes into achieving the title. If the title was "Person who can only do CF better than anyone else" it wouldn't matter. So yeah, the title itself is whatever.
We've already discussed the idea of perception being reality.

I don't think the title is as important as the hard work and dedication that goes into achieving the title. If the title was "Person who can only do CF better than anyone else" it wouldn't matter. So yeah, the title itself is whatever.
Okay cool,

So I can go work hard and win a competition in something pretty much regardless of what that something is (ie basket weaving) and then start calling myself a Navy SEAL because the title is "whatever" and it wouldn't matter or sound cool if I accurately conveyed what I did as basket weaving?
I never said it was OK for anyone to misrepresent themself as something they are not.
Any other words you care to mince?
Attachment went here

Let me tell why his post still stands and your post above is unnecessary.

The Staff has already rejected your Reported Post message. In other words, regardless of what we think about his post, YOURS has zero merit. "Gay as fuck" is a legit excuse? Seriously? Are you 12?

I was going to deliver this via PM, but you forced my hand with your ridiculous screen grab. Nicely done. "Gay as fuck" indeed...
Let me tell why his post still stands and your post above is unnecessary.

The Staff has already rejected your Reported Post message. In other words, regardless of what we think about his post, YOURS has zero merit. "Gay as fuck" is a legit excuse? Seriously? Are you 12?

I was going to deliver this via PM, but you forced my hand with your ridiculous screen grab. Nicely done. "Gay as fuck" indeed...

It was a joke FF.
We've already discussed the idea of perception being reality.

I don't think the title is as important as the hard work and dedication that goes into achieving the title. If the title was "Person who can only do CF better than anyone else" it wouldn't matter. So yeah, the title itself is whatever.

Not mincing words. You said that the accomplishment doesn't matter without a cool title for said accomplishment. It made me want to ask a question.
San Tan gear coffee?

Rich Froning is good at Crossfit, cool for him. Fittest man? I haven't seen a 35lb 25 mile footmarch in xFits programming yet. I know some guys who can put up big boy weight, run super fast, and march far. The title is dumb.

Froning can definitely put up the big boy weight.
Here's the thing, CFHQ/CF the brand name are not what I'm defending here. I could not possibly care less about all the stupid rules they have and the way they run their home offices. I belong to a CF gym here in SD where I get great coaching and great programming. Does the last name Burgener ring a bell? I have also visited other CF gyms (I refuse to use the word "box") and when my form is critiqued, it is always about the same few issues. So, someone must be doing something right. I use CF as more of a term to describe the kind of workout it is, vice the brand. I also do 5/3/1, TFB, MA and I run. The guys who excel at CF don't "do CF" to train. Their programming is not random by any stretch of the imagination.
Can you get your Level 1 certification on a Friday afternoon for $20? Probably.
Do we all know that does not make anyone a legitimate coach? I hope so. But, everyone has to start somewhere.
Are there guys/gals coaching who have no business doing so? Of course.
Are there coaches who promote speed and reps over proper form? You bet.
Does this happen at every single CF gym for every workout? Absolutely not.
Guess what, I buy workout clothes/gear from places like Rogue, 2Pood and Forged. Why? It's comfortable and 99% of it is made in the US. I also have Nike, Adidas and Under Armour stuff I wear when I work out.
You're allowed to drop weights and there's chalk everywhere.
CF made Hero WODs popular.
The sad part is, this is one of my favorite forums to read and post in. Now a couple of you are turning it into a troll fest. These guys put in work to get where they are at, just like so many other guys/gals who compete in different arenas. Froning, Khalipa, Bridges, Bazinet, Thorisdottor, et al didn't come up with the "fittest in the world" title to suit their needs. Anyone knocking them for that should probably check their ego at the door. If that's "hero worship", so be it...