The "CrossFit Culture" is a bunch of DORKS!!!

Good post, Skrewz.

If this thread could go back to a discussion/ debate instead of some Internet "9mm vs. .45ACP" or "Glock vs. 1911" whargarbl that would be great....
I'll re-state my question regarding the games: Does anyone think the other competitors are upset about Froning retiring on top or are they glad he's gone? Again, the whole "beat the man to be the man" thing...
I'll re-state my question regarding the games: Does anyone think the other competitors are upset about Froning retiring on top or are they glad he's gone? Again, the whole "beat the man to be the man" thing...

I don't think you would actually have to beat Froning in person to beat his numbers so I don't think that really makes a difference. Roger Bannister held the record for a while and now he doesn't. He may not have lost in a head to head race but it can most likely be agreed upon that he is no longer the reigning champion in the mile run.
I'll re-state my question regarding the games: Does anyone think the other competitors are upset about Froning retiring on top or are they glad he's gone? Again, the whole "beat the man to be the man" thing...

I would think some are glad to see him go... And there are some competitors that would rather see him stay so they'd still have the opportunity to beat him.

I don't think Froning will be done for long though... The guy is a competitor and once someone else wins it may be something to kick him into gear again. At least that's what think.
My 0.02

Good point about not having to beat someone head to head, I had not considered that. The difference between something like this and a 1 mile run, a course record at Augusta or the home run record is that the events at the CF games are different every year. I think it will be interesting to see if the spirit of competition brings him back from his Daddy retirement. No one wants to see another Brett Farvabeans fiasco...
Good point about not having to beat someone head to head, I had not considered that. The difference between something like this and a 1 mile run, a course record at Augusta or the home run record is that the events at the CF games are different every year. I think it will be interesting to see if the spirit of competition brings him back from his Daddy retirement. No one wants to see another Brett Farvabeans fiasco...

Lol Farvabeans. Agreed on that one man.

Like you said, the games are most likely going to continue to evolve and with that said...even though he has his numbers, it may not end up being a direct comparison after all.

But hey, the guy set the bar pretty high in any case.
The standards for the games are known, right? Someone could replicate the weight/ time/ reps so even if the events change every year you can see how you stack up against the man.

As a Vikings fan I hope Favre contracts leprosy.
The standards for the games are known, right? Someone could replicate the weight/ time/ reps so even if the events change every year you can see how you stack up against the man.

As a Vikings fan I hope Favre contracts leprosy.
Yes and no. Someone would have to be drinking some serious Kool-Aid and have way too much free time to replicate an entire week of games events. Also, judging would be an issue. Who is going to judge? A good buddy...someone who might not critique form as much as the judges at the games. There would be a lot of variables (for lack of a better word) that would go into something like that. Could it be done? Yes. It would be an serious undertaking though and I don't know if most people would consider it to be legitimate.
Could the leprosy start with his face?
Yes and no. Someone would have to be drinking some serious Kool-Aid and have way too much free time to replicate an entire week of games events. Also, judging would be an issue. Who is going to judge? A good buddy...someone who might not critique form as much as the judges at the games. There would be a lot of variables (for lack of a better word) that would go into something like that. Could it be done? Yes. It would be an serious undertaking though and I don't know if most people would consider it to be legitimate.
Could the leprosy start with his face?

True. While I don't mean to hijack the thread at this point....dirka, dirka. For someone to claim an aerospace record (for example) they have to beat the old record by a certain %. It is small, like 5% or something, but you can't claim a record with a few seconds off or a few feet more in altitude. Academically, anyone replicating the games isnt' doing so under strict circumstances and to say one more rep or so makes them "more fitterester" or whatever laughable title is absurd. For someone to "beat the man" in non head-to-head competition you'd have to apply similar logic or math. For the layman at his local box/ gym/ concentration camp or whatever, he/ she could follow the series of events in the same amount of days and know where they stand against "the best" but using that claim a title is laughable. At best anyone taking that seriously should be slapped about the head.

For me, I could care less about Crossfit though I do enjoy the dicussion and good vs. bad points. You can learn from anyone so I don't consider this to be a wasted thread. With that said if I ever told someone about a "Fran" time or whatever I'd deserve a dick punch so hard my eyes permanently change color. There's no single system which is "the best" and anyone buying into such a notion is an intellectual midget reaching for the top shelf.

As an outsider, Crossfit's biggest problem is its success.
As an outsider, Crossfit's biggest problem is its success.

I'd like to disagree with this. It's biggest problem is the ridiculously litigious, thin skinned, bully-tactic "founders" that create an elitist bro-type atmosphere that can really only be compared to a similar attitude displayed by hipsters.
I'd like to disagree with this. It's biggest problem is the ridiculously litigious, thin skinned, bully-tactic "founders" that create an elitist bro-type atmosphere that can really only be compared to a similar attitude displayed by hipsters.

I guess we get into a chicken/ egg argument then. If it isn't successful would they be the same d-bags they are today? Probably. If it isn't successful would they be in a position to impart their d-baggery across the planet? No. If this thing stays in their garage or one or two local gyms none of it would matter. If the original consumers voted with their wallets this thread wouldn't exist.

Plus, if you look at large "organizations"/ belief systems you'll find rabid attack dogs because despite their persona, those people are weak-willed followers. They buy into the cult of personality for a variety of reasons (power, ego, a sense of belonging, etc.) and then do the dirty work for the "system." Some founders join them and others feed the beast so the beast will keep attacking, thus defending the system from which the founders profit while keeping their hands "clean."

So, even if the core members are all flaming d-bag Favre fans (a bit redundant), they are relatively benign until they have a brand to protect. Once that occurs, the brakes are off and the train rolls along until it derails. If it stays local there is no impact outside of their tiny, failing circle. When you see evil you need to kill it in the womb before it grows. Once it reaches adulthood it becomes a powerful Hydra which is difficult to slay.

Ultimately, I don't think Crossfit is bad, but it isn't "the answer" as some like to shout. Again, brand protection. Is it better than me sitting on my ass at a desk all day? Most likely. Does the culture potentially push people into dangerous places? Sure. Are every coach and gym like that? No. Does it have a strong cult of personality? I think so, think about the "brand".

I personally would not give one dime to a local Crossfit gym until I checked it out from top to bottom. Some are good, some are bad, and if I'm going to waste my money I can do it in other areas.

For me, I could care less about Crossfit though I do enjoy the dicussion and good vs. bad points. You can learn from anyone so I don't consider this to be a wasted thread. With that said if I ever told someone about a "Fran" time or whatever I'd deserve a dick punch so hard my eyes permanently change color. There's no single system which is "the best" and anyone buying into such a notion is an intellectual midget reaching for the top shelf.

As an outsider, Crossfit's biggest problem is its success.
The bold x 1,000.
Idk. I just remember when all this shit was called "working out" or "PT".

Yep...when I try to discuss the "CF" type workouts that I do now...I simply call it "thrashing myself". Brings back fond memories of being thrashed for what seemed like hours. Worked then and still works now. ;-)
Idk. I just remember when all this shit was called "working out" or "PT".

Ah, the good old days.

"Yo, let's go workout."
"What do you want to do...upper body, chest, back, legs?"
"Let's just mix things up. Let's add some cals and run at the end?"
"Yeah, I read that in one of Weider mags."
"Fuck, Arnold didn't run."
"What protein shake you drinking?"