The "CrossFit Culture" is a bunch of DORKS!!!

17.1 and .2 have been absolutely flabberghasting. I don't even know how they are coming up with these. Are there gonna be dumbells in every workout? Are they all going to be idiotic? Has Couchfit finally jumped the shark?!
Just bringing on the hurt. With the "clue" that castro gave for this week (not that any of them thus far have meant shit) I think .3 is gonna be some type of dumbell medley.
17.1 and .2 have been absolutely flabberghasting. I don't even know how they are coming up with these. Are there gonna be dumbells in every workout? Are they all going to be idiotic? Has Couchfit finally jumped the shark?!

What always gets to me is the look on Dave Castro's face while he's announcing. It's like he thinks he's god's gift to the CF community, and everyone is waiting with baited breath for the Chosen One to reveal the Holy WOD.
Whoever the guy is MCing the open workouts needs to be their guy, Dave Castro neeeeeeeds to disappear.

So they count the reps based on where your feet are and not a full extension of your arms on a hand stand uh, wtf.

So the 15.5 announcement was in Vegas, and I ended up getting tickets and going.

If anyone had any doubts that Annie Thorsdottr or Camille were not really, really hot in person, you can put that shit to rest.

And Dave Castro is s douche.

Two years ago an still relevant asf
It was nasty. Made it to the first round of #185 snatches and my back blew up so I had to stop with 3 minutes left to work. Drank a couple beers and redid the workout wearing my belt cinched down, made it through the first round of #185 snatches and the following set of pull-ups. Redemption.
I didn't sign up for the open as I have geared my training more towards TACP related stuff but I still do the open workouts at the local CrossFit gym. It's a good time and I get to hangout with my friends I used to compete with.
@ThunderHorse She's incredible^

I love how she is one of the most elite Crossfit athletes after only 2 years of Crossfit games experience. It just goes to show that people with gymnastics backgrounds probably have a significant advantage over people with weightlifting/powerlifting backgrounds. Matt Fraser can put up some massive weights but when it comes to aerobics and control over his bodyweight, him and athletes like him really struggle.

I think it takes far more skill and dedication to truly master gymnastics skills than mastering any specific lift.
@ThunderHorse Matt Fraser can put up some massive weights but when it comes to aerobics and control over his bodyweight, him and athletes like him really struggle.

Lol. Are we talking about the same Matt Fraser who won the Games last year, and placed 2nd the year before? I think he's doing aight.
I'm always impressed at how many women that are new to crossfit can break into the sport.

I have a buddy that is a beast and he has yet to do an open but has done a bunch of regional competitions as a team and individual athlete. I keep waiting to hear the name Joe Munno when I watch the games, and I keep getting disappointed.

ETA: Joe has finally done the Open Leaderboard | CrossFit Games

Lol. Are we talking about the same Matt Fraser who won the Games last year, and placed 2nd the year before? I think he's doing aight.
Yes, we are talking to the dude that dominated the games last year in such a fashion that people forgot Rich Froning's name, and the dude that is currently winning the open.
@CDG , now we are talking about Mat Fraser, 2nd place 2015, winner 2016, and open winner 2017. Dude is a straight up beast. If I had to bet on CF (which is borderline retarded because of the idiots involved), I would put my money on Fraser.
Regardless of one's personal beliefs regarding CF, there are a multitude of "beasts" among their members. Matt Fraser is certainly one of them. He has earned his due when it comes to CF.
Regardless of one's personal beliefs regarding CF, there are a multitude of "beasts" among their members. Matt Fraser is certainly one of them. He has earned his due when it comes to CF.

I think people are so quick to cast stones they throw the baby out with the bathwater.

It has done a lot of good for a lot of people and if it has helped one person become healthier, then it works.
Although I don't agree with a lot of what CF HQ does, they have driven innovation in both the movement and equipment realm. Crossfit has made strength sports stronger as a whole.

When it comes to the games they put out some stupid programming, but the athletes are very impressive.
Although I don't agree with a lot of what CF HQ does, they have driven innovation in both the movement and equipment realm. Crossfit has made strength sports stronger as a whole.

When it comes to the games they put out some stupid programming, but the athletes are very impressive.
And I'll give credit where it's due- the focus on fitness as a lifestyle has been carried forward quite well by CF. Lots of kids growing up in the child areas of gyms, and that wasn't necessarily so 20 years ago.
And I'll give credit where it's due- the focus on fitness as a lifestyle has been carried forward quite well by CF. Lots of kids growing up in the child areas of gyms, and that wasn't necessarily so 20 years ago.

Has your opinion of CF changed over time?
Has your opinion of CF changed over time?
Yeah, for sure. I was in close to the ground floor (started around 2004, used it to prepare for my crosstraining, got my level 1 in 2008), but really got sick of HQs antics in general, the personalities, the programming.

My wife is still a full time coach, I have 3 close friends that run gyms (and do well by their memberships and do it well), so on and so forth. I know a ton of people that follow the methodology. This was the first year in probably 10 that I didn't do the open.

But I've gotten to a point where if I have the choice between a 'globo' gym or he local Crossfit affiliate, I'll take the globo gym. Cause I can go in, lift hard, and not be butt-sniffed by some ironically tatted 23 year old in knee high socks hawking a program he didn't write or understand and insisting it's the cats pajamas.

I don't openly bash it as much as I used to, because like all things, I just don't care as much anymore. You wanna do 75 power snatches for time and then try to invert yourself because that's "functional"? Fine, I just have different goals.