The "CrossFit Culture" is a bunch of DORKS!!!

I pay 155 a month for my wife and I combined (discount for couples and discount for military). For me, I need the coaching. I did it out of my garage for about 18 months, and finally admitted to myself that I was not where I should be, technique-wise. I need someone to show me the proper movement for Oly lifts, and to spot correct me on other movements. I enjoy the folks I work out with, since they are the only like minded people I am around out here on recruiting duty. Also, my wife loves it, and is her favorite part of the day. We get a lot of bang for our buck at the one we go to, one of the coach's is an actual doctor for his day job, one is a Ranger-tabbed cpt. who was shot 5 times in iraq, and did a full recovery, as well as played D-1 baseball in college, three of the other coaches played at the D-1 level as well for other sports, and they all have a host of certifications, and no, they are not all just CF certs. So, for my wife and I, we get a great ROI on our 155 a month.
Guess what, it's twice that here in SOCAL. Least expensive I've found is $135 with a military discount, and that's on Coronado island. I'd be willing to bet you could easily come up with worse shit that you spend $110 on every month. It's all about perspective.
I'm from the hills in SoCal up in the La Verne. This was the place I looked at when I was off after school waiting for activation: They have a new location and website and don't list the discount. There's also another Box apparently there must be enough people willing to throw down. But this was also when I was a mooch and had no cash flow. And I was on a different style of program which was designed by a friend of mine...he owns his own gym

Here on Benning Audie Murphy is supposed to be modeled off of the Tucker Fitness Center at Bragg. Knox where I'll be PCSing to has one just like an NCO told me: You go to Smith if you're looking for a married piece of ass, you go to Audie Murphy to workout. But why in the world the Crossfit class at the Murph is being offered for 100 bucks makes no sense to me when the gym is owned by the .gov...unless the dude is paying a fee.
I pay 155 a month for my wife and I combined (discount for couples and discount for military). For me, I need the coaching. I did it out of my garage for about 18 months, and finally admitted to myself that I was not where I should be, technique-wise. I need someone to show me the proper movement for Oly lifts, and to spot correct me on other movements. I enjoy the folks I work out with, since they are the only like minded people I am around out here on recruiting duty. Also, my wife loves it, and is her favorite part of the day. We get a lot of bang for our buck at the one we go to, one of the coach's is an actual doctor for his day job, one is a Ranger-tabbed cpt. who was shot 5 times in iraq, and did a full recovery, as well as played D-1 baseball in college, three of the other coaches played at the D-1 level as well for other sports, and they all have a host of certifications, and no, they are not all just CF certs. So, for my wife and I, we get a great ROI on our 155 a month.

This is the kind of gym that people need to attend. Ran by prior/current mil, former athletes, or physical therapists, doctors, people who eat sleep and breath this stuff for years prior to starting a gym. Both of my coaches are prior service and trained at a gym ran by CF Games competitors for 3 years then went out on their own. I'm with Goon I need the coaching. Form is key and critiquing it during my lifts has made the difference between a 400lb squat and a 430lb PR. I also suck at snatches, form is corrected every-single-time. Without coaching my shoulders would be wrecked. I've started to implement CF and military athlete as well as mma(3-4times/week). It's taken time but crossfit has been a huge help with my military preparation.
I've been in CrossFit and yes It is a culture, chiefly. But CrossFit is absolutly good for anyone that wants to be fit.
The biggest problem with crossfit is the elitist attitude that headquarters has. They trash anyone who doesn't fall in line with their teachings like they did with Rob Wolf. He pushed paleo and HQ wanted him to push the crossfit trademarked zone diet so they could profit off of zone bars and what not. They pretty much excommunicated him and refuse to do anything with him. He didn't tell people not to do the zone diet, he didn't talk smack, he didn't do anything other that continue to educate people on the paleo diet. Not only did they banish him, they were rather unprofessional while doing it.

If you read this site you can see some of the latest ridiculousness they get into. HQ is basically bashing reebok for throwing the term "reebok-crossfit" around. Crossfit sold out to reebok a few years back and now reebok is buying up affliate gyms and calling them reebok crossfit gyms. HQ didn't like that so they went off on their homepage and made a lot of unprofessional comments about reebok. Affliate owners asked them to turn down the volume because such unprofessional behavior in public makes everyone look like an asshat. So HQ started bashing those affiliates for being weak etc. None of it makes any sense. It's fairly standard for Crossfit HQ though.
That is pretty freakin' stupid, Reebok is a big reason why they've become so mainstream as Reebok (read:Adidas) threw their name and money behind promoting cross fit; and that's one reason why they were able to go live on ESPN 2 for last year's games...because of Reebok money.
If you want to do "Crossfit" that's all well and good, more power to you. What I can't stand is the "elitist" attitude that has been pointed out already. I did CF for awhile. I came into it from a bodybuilding/weightlifting background, with a few years of boxing ect. The only thing I got from CF was...smaller..and I'm not the biggest guy in the world. In fact, in street clothes I look like a nerd/jogger type. However, having spent most of my training geared towards strength, I found it allowed me to easily beat most CF'ers when it came down to a WOD without any technical lifts...Cindy comes to mind.

The $$ is asinine... When I was at DLI I paid for my g/f at the time to go to CF back home. She had been a collegiate athlete and I figured this would be a good outlet for her. How little did I know that she would end up screwing some FATASS from the box...ALL because he did CF and I just refused to get into it. I couldn't stand the attitude there. That "my workout is too hard for you BS", "why don't you come here and train, too tough for ya?" mentality. YET...I would do pop in and do a WOD here and almost always came in the top 3...

I'm a SOT-A, tell me why in the hell I need to master a clean and jerk? Snatch? ect? The only thing I see coming from that is an injury. I'm never going to compete in the Olympics, Crossfit Games, or even some low level weightlifting event. But here we have command making their soldiers do 30rep for time C&J or Snatch WOD's....are you kidding me? These are highly technical lifts and we have idiots that have drank the Kool-aid, offering half-hazard coaching and then breaking their guys off improperly all because they have bought into the "NEXT BIG THING". As this disease spreads through the military community I see nothing but LOD's galore...

Sorry...this was just a rant and I bet it didn't make any sense.

I still can't believe she screwed that guy....
If you want to do "Crossfit" that's all well and good, more power to you. What I can't stand is the "elitist" attitude that has been pointed out already. I did CF for awhile. I came into it from a bodybuilding/weightlifting background, with a few years of boxing ect. The only thing I got from CF was...smaller..and I'm not the biggest guy in the world. In fact, in street clothes I look like a nerd/jogger type. However, having spent most of my training geared towards strength, I found it allowed me to easily beat most CF'ers when it came down to a WOD without any technical lifts...Cindy comes to mind.

The $$ is asinine... When I was at DLI I paid for my g/f at the time to go to CF back home. She had been a collegiate athlete and I figured this would be a good outlet for her. How little did I know that she would end up screwing some FATASS from the box...ALL because he did CF and I just refused to get into it. I couldn't stand the attitude there. That "my workout is too hard for you BS", "why don't you come here and train, too tough for ya?" mentality. YET...I would do pop in and do a WOD here and almost always came in the top 3...

I'm a SOT-A, tell me why in the hell I need to master a clean and jerk? Snatch? ect? The only thing I see coming from that is an injury. I'm never going to compete in the Olympics, Crossfit Games, or even some low level weightlifting event. But here we have command making their soldiers do 30rep for time C&J or Snatch WOD's....are you kidding me? These are highly technical lifts and we have idiots that have drank the Kool-aid, offering half-hazard coaching and then breaking their guys off improperly all because they have bought into the "NEXT BIG THING". As this disease spreads through the military community I see nothing but LOD's galore...

Sorry...this was just a rant and I bet it didn't make any sense.

I still can't believe she screwed that guy....
This was probably the most refreshingly honesty and cathartic post in this thread, and it matches to a T the impression I have received from others that have gone Waco and scoffed at everyone outside of their 'box'.

Bravo Zulu. :thumbsup:
I'm from the hills in SoCal up in the La Verne. This was the place I looked at when I was off after school waiting for activation: They have a new location and website and don't list the discount. There's also another Box apparently there must be enough people willing to throw down. But this was also when I was a mooch and had no cash flow. And I was on a different style of program which was designed by a friend of mine...he owns his own gym

Here on Benning Audie Murphy is supposed to be modeled off of the Tucker Fitness Center at Bragg. Knox where I'll be PCSing to has one just like an NCO told me: You go to Smith if you're looking for a married piece of ass, you go to Audie Murphy to workout. But why in the world the Crossfit class at the Murph is being offered for 100 bucks makes no sense to me when the gym is owned by the .gov...unless the dude is paying a fee.

Agreed...the most useful place in Smith for me is Smoothie King after I leave Audie Murphy.
Wow... that's unfortunate that they act like that up there. Thank goodness it doesn't filter down to the gym level.

While this thread has become a redundant example of bashing something that I could care less about, it has reached the gym level. Look at the fees many CF gyms charge for one such example. A friend of mine whose gym used to be a CF gym has the best slogan: "elite doesn't mean expensive.". He told CF to pack sand several years ago when they tried to strong arm him into buying into their liability insurance scam even though he had already had his own. Bottom line is that he had an old affiliation which CF wasn't making a lot of cash on (500/yr as opposed to 2000 or so a year).
That is still an example of Corporate acting like ass-hats though. I meant as far as, most gyms aren't complete douchebags about how they go about business. You'll note that I said "most", as I am sure there are examples out there to the contrary.
I've been in CrossFit and yes It is a culture, chiefly. But CrossFit is absolutly good for anyone that wants to be fit.
I disagree. Define "fit".
Crossfit is the exercise community's Scientology.
The latest HQ kerfluffle has only pointed out what ass-hattery these guys engage in. They alienate every single good coach they ever had (except Mike Burgener), and piss off a large part of the world. You'd be more likely to find apostates to the CF "CULTure" than you would happy, healthy, uninjured x-fitters with ten years under their belts. Well, except the gym owners, cause getting a gym is 100% a license to print money.
While this thread has become a redundant example of bashing something that I could care less about, it has reached the gym level. Look at the fees many CF gyms charge for one such example. A friend of mine whose gym used to be a CF gym has the best slogan: "elite doesn't mean expensive.". He told CF to pack sand several years ago when they tried to strong arm him into buying into their liability insurance scam even though he had already had his own. Bottom line is that he had an old affiliation which CF wasn't making a lot of cash on (500/yr as opposed to 2000 or so a year).

ANOTHER great example. Look up the "x-fit RRG situation" and read about how they took hundreds of thousands of dollars from their affiliates- and did nothing with it. The RRG doesnt exist, none of the money has been returned- where did it go?

All bashing aside (which I could do for days), the main two reasons I don't affiliate myself with it more than is absolutely necessary are really the same reason. The community is packed with lying, douchey amateurs, and that community supports a homophobic, lying, disingenuous leadership that only actually cares about making money. The thing that pisses me off the most is that they just don't come out and say as much. They'll look you right in the face and defend their shitty business practices, terrible moral behavior, deplorable ethics and straight up thievery under the ruse of "just wanting to get people fit."

Well, it's that and the knee socks I guess. Just- why?
That is still an example of Corporate acting like ass-hats though. I meant as far as, most gyms aren't complete douchebags about how they go about business. You'll note that I said "most", as I am sure there are examples out there to the contrary.
Yea, I am only buying that "come on bro, that's just corporate! That's not how we work!" once.

After the 100th (200th? 500th?) time the Russels and Castro and Saran do something completely and utterly idiotic, and you continue to fly their flag- sorry. You get lumped in.

Because why WOULDN'T you distance yourself from a company that routinely shoots themselves in the foot publicly? Because you still want to make money using their name. You can't call yourself an "x-fit gym" and bash the HQ- ask Freddy C. from Oneworld how that works out in the end.
Most gyms I have seen don't have a proper ramp up to their main programming. It's literally throw you to the wolves.

The hype behind CF goes beyond what Stalin could of ever hoped for when he was running the Soviet Union. Young Joe sees this and believes that if he is not beating the living piss out of himself every training session then he won't ever be "elite" There he goes, smoking the hell out of himself day in and day out. Most soldiers I believe are Type A personalites, they won't quit, especially the younger ones who feel they have something to prove. While this recipe for disaster brews let's just sprinkle in some spice.....I mean a little substandard let's watch this baby come to fruition...

Sadly I've witnessed units demonstrate horrible coaching for the WOD they were going to do (this one involved "floor to overhead" anyway you can 3 reps per 60 seconds) Leadership allowed their guys to just stand there leaning against their PVC pipes :rolleyes:. I mean we can't actually take the T in Physical Training seriously, we have people to look hard in front of. As long as higher has never suffered a serious orthopedic injury it's just not possible right? We can't actually take the time to instruct...breaking people off is what's important!

During this event I had to cover down on one of the bars because their was a shortage. So me and my buddy are doing clean and presses. I made sure to coach him before this abortion took place. We were both getting done within the minute. We kept the weight decent and I just made sure that our form was good. I knew once fatigue set in that form would be the first thing to take a dump. So I was pretty anal about the form before weight. I also am careful about injuries I have. It doesn't really limit me but I have to think about my position and I just can't run in like a drugged out wildabeast on meth.

Fast forward to a circuit of pullups, box jumps, handstand pushups, med ball slams and ring dips. I never do any of this shite in my training. I can knock out 20 deadhang and one good deadhang single weighted with 80-90lbs....100pounds depending on if the planets are align. So I do this workout no bs with a pelvis injury...take my time to focus on not killing myself on the box jumps ect. I don't finish first..that went to a Radio Recon Marine who was a freak of nature...but I beat command who is pimping this out....because this is all they ever do...

Afterwards, I am told that I should of moved up in weight during FTO (floor to overhead) because our form was too perfect and obviously we could of done more. I explained that I wasn't really familiar with this programming and I wanted to be on the safe side instead of risking injury...I also had limited time since I was sharing a bar.... "If you can't do this type of training then you can't perform in the field" :rolleyes:

Now...I finished 2nd....yes..just the first loser.. I wanted to say, but you have been doing CF for how long? Yet I beat you...don't you run the section? However, I didn't and it was probably for the best. I moved on and I had to actually try out for my slot at the new unit. Not once was I asked to demonstrate my snatch ability. I was expected to be in shape though and it was tested through doing my job. How I reached that level of fitness needed was unimportant.

There are numerous ways to get in shape safely. Crossfit, based on my experiences has a huge void to fill in regards to safety.