lol. Or actual lifters.
If you did this in a strength and conditioning gym worth its salt, you would get laughed out of it. Then again, if you tried to do this in an actual gym (with an actual coach, not some guy that was delivering pizzas two weeks ago that paid 1 grand for a bullshit cert), a good coach would talk you out of it. You know, cause that's what good coaches do.
I have no issue bashing literally hundreds of other things I hate about CF, that was just an easy one. Would you rather I dissect her awful sacral/lumbar articulation, the anti-lordotic curvature of her L/S section, undoubtedly resulting in a poor setup and potentially injurious behavior? How she didn't set her lift, properly causing intra-thoracic pressure spikes and muscular tension through her abs, hip flexors, and hamstring prior to loading the lift? Her shitty setup?
Problem is, THAT video is the standard, not the exception. Shitty form is the rule at a "box". How about Dave Castro saying, and I quote "You have to sacrifice form for intensity." Uh, he's the HEAD OF TRAINING. Greg Glassman- "Shit, yeah, your form is going to be worse with added intensity. You might just spill your fucking tea." He was talking about high rep, mid weight oly lifts. Tell me again how the CF community's acceptance of shitty form and general douchebaggery is able to be defended?
No issue here. I'll wager we have all seen people of all ilk's use crappy form. Sometimes it happens, and sometimes it's a coaching issue, sometimes it isnt. However, that's not the issue. While military guys, strongmen, powerlifters etc. may have poor foorm on occasion, the entire CF community (from their head shed on down) accepts and encourages dangerous behavior in favor of intensity. It's asinine, dangerous, and you're paying $1500 a year for coaching you could get online for free.
"If falling off the rings and breaking your neck is foreign to you, you don't belong in our ranks."- Greg Glassman