The "CrossFit Culture" is a bunch of DORKS!!!


Crossfitters are basically Scientologists in PT gear.

So, my wife is strong as shit. Like, pulls a 365 lb deadlift. She just watched this video and was appalled. I hate crossfit so much. And she knows that you could just load 3 45's, 1 25, and a 2.5 to each side right? 4 plates. Why is her bar loaded all the way out?

Oh, I guess for the same reason she is lifting in her bra and volleyball shorts. Idiot.
So, my wife is strong as shit. Like, pulls a 365 lb deadlift. She just watched this video and was appalled. I hate crossfit so much. And she knows that you could just load 3 45's, 1 25, and a 2.5 to each side right? 4 plates. Why is her bar loaded all the way out?

Oh, I guess for the same reason she is lifting in her bra and volleyball shorts. Idiot.

A lot of times when people are making smaller jumps they will just keep adding weight, instead of pulling smaller plates off to exchange for a larger plate. Perhaps some do it to make their bar look more impressive. I have issues with CF as well, but sometimes the people that bash it display the same characteristics they so despise in CF. I am not saying you are doing this, just making a point. And it's not like CF has the market cornered on poor lifting form. I've seen plenty of powerlifters, strongmen, bodybuilders, military guys, and others, that have poor form when lifting.
So, my wife is strong as shit. Like, pulls a 365 lb deadlift. She just watched this video and was appalled. I hate crossfit so much. And she knows that you could just load 3 45's, 1 25, and a 2.5 to each side right? 4 plates. Why is her bar loaded all the way out?

Oh, I guess for the same reason she is lifting in her bra and volleyball shorts. Idiot.

When a lot of people go for PR's, they work up to it...funny enough nobody else really cares what the bar looks like, I guess except for people who look to bash CF.
When a lot of people go for PR's, they work up to it...funny enough nobody else really cares what the bar looks like, I guess except for people who look to bash CF.
lol. Or actual lifters.

If you did this in a strength and conditioning gym worth its salt, you would get laughed out of it. Then again, if you tried to do this in an actual gym (with an actual coach, not some guy that was delivering pizzas two weeks ago that paid 1 grand for a bullshit cert), a good coach would talk you out of it. You know, cause that's what good coaches do.

I have no issue bashing literally hundreds of other things I hate about CF, that was just an easy one. Would you rather I dissect her awful sacral/lumbar articulation, the anti-lordotic curvature of her L/S section, undoubtedly resulting in a poor setup and potentially injurious behavior? How she didn't set her lift, properly causing intra-thoracic pressure spikes and muscular tension through her abs, hip flexors, and hamstring prior to loading the lift? Her shitty setup?

Problem is, THAT video is the standard, not the exception. Shitty form is the rule at a "box". How about Dave Castro saying, and I quote "You have to sacrifice form for intensity." Uh, he's the HEAD OF TRAINING. Greg Glassman- "Shit, yeah, your form is going to be worse with added intensity. You might just spill your fucking tea." He was talking about high rep, mid weight oly lifts. Tell me again how the CF community's acceptance of shitty form and general douchebaggery is able to be defended?

I am not saying you are doing this, just making a point. And it's not like CF has the market cornered on poor lifting form. I've seen plenty of powerlifters, strongmen, bodybuilders, military guys, and others, that have poor form when lifting.

No issue here. I'll wager we have all seen people of all ilk's use crappy form. Sometimes it happens, and sometimes it's a coaching issue, sometimes it isnt. However, that's not the issue. While military guys, strongmen, powerlifters etc. may have poor foorm on occasion, the entire CF community (from their head shed on down) accepts and encourages dangerous behavior in favor of intensity. It's asinine, dangerous, and you're paying $1500 a year for coaching you could get online for free.

"If falling off the rings and breaking your neck is foreign to you, you don't belong in our ranks."- Greg Glassman
Would you rather I dissect her awful sacral/lumbar articulation, the anti-lordotic curvature of her L/S section...intra-thoracic pressure spikes...

I don't know what you just said, but it sounds bad enough someone should dial 911. Spikes within her chest? Isn't that some weird BDSM type shit or something?
lol. Or actual lifters.

If you did this in a strength and conditioning gym worth its salt, you would get laughed out of it. Then again, if you tried to do this in an actual gym (with an actual coach, not some guy that was delivering pizzas two weeks ago that paid 1 grand for a bullshit cert), a good coach would talk you out of it. You know, cause that's what good coaches do.

I have no issue bashing literally hundreds of other things I hate about CF, that was just an easy one. Would you rather I dissect her awful sacral/lumbar articulation, the anti-lordotic curvature of her L/S section, undoubtedly resulting in a poor setup and potentially injurious behavior? How she didn't set her lift, properly causing intra-thoracic pressure spikes and muscular tension through her abs, hip flexors, and hamstring prior to loading the lift? Her shitty setup?

Problem is, THAT video is the standard, not the exception. Shitty form is the rule at a "box". How about Dave Castro saying, and I quote "You have to sacrifice form for intensity." Uh, he's the HEAD OF TRAINING. Greg Glassman- "Shit, yeah, your form is going to be worse with added intensity. You might just spill your fucking tea." He was talking about high rep, mid weight oly lifts. Tell me again how the CF community's acceptance of shitty form and general douchebaggery is able to be defended?

No issue here. I'll wager we have all seen people of all ilk's use crappy form. Sometimes it happens, and sometimes it's a coaching issue, sometimes it isnt. However, that's not the issue. While military guys, strongmen, powerlifters etc. may have poor foorm on occasion, the entire CF community (from their head shed on down) accepts and encourages dangerous behavior in favor of intensity. It's asinine, dangerous, and you're paying $1500 a year for coaching you could get online for free.

"If falling off the rings and breaking your neck is foreign to you, you don't belong in our ranks."- Greg Glassman

Good points. I agree that many gyms are rife with the acceptance, and even encouragement, of poor form as being indicative of effort.
Ok here is a test question...what do you think of their form?
View attachment 7652
The answer is who gives a sh#t, let me spot next!
HAHAHA. Well, lets see- proper lordotic curvature, nice tight posture throughout the hip, chest presentation and no "flare" of the elbows- I will give it a solid 9 out of 10. need a closer look though.
When I lift at Audie Murphy I try to just focus on myself, I do the WOD on the board when I don't have time. I've actually attempted to do the kipping bullshit on pull-ups...I literally don't know how to. It's not really a question of core strength as I can jump up from the laying down pull-ups are lacking though.
I think crossfit is a great start for people who are stuck in a traditional globogym that want results and to better themselves. But It's a stepping stone. Do crossfit for 3-6months and you'll probably get a lot more than some workout that or whatever the new muscle and fitness says you should do this month. After 6 months at my gym that's owned by a prior service soldier, I've hit a point where I need to up the game and have stepped over to military athlete Ruck Based Selection prep for the next 8 weeks and it's kicking my butt. Myself and 1 other are coming in at an odd hour, paying a little more than everyone else and doing our own wod's with supervision. For those thinking CF is the "end all be all" you've got another thing coming and all the stupid fads that go with it are pretty lame, but if you get a great coach who is a form nazi and would rather you start a pvc pipe until you have perfect form over just throwing on some weight and figuring it out it's a fantastic start.

I will say this, in the beginning I was a CF tool bc I had horrible numbers and wouldn't shut the hell up about how awesome it was. I think over time you get past it or hit a point where you need to step up your game and go to something more challenging, if you don't you'll get left behind. The people that actually compete in the games do more than just crossfit, there is no way you can get to that point by just crossfitting.
Fuck Crossfit! It's basically the black cat that keeps crossing my path everywhere I go.

Story to come.......:thumbsup:
This is a great video on how Crossfit is impacting the sport of Olympic Weightlifting. I'm not gonna lie, it kind of put how significant this sport is into perspective when he says "when is the last time you saw 60,000 people on their feet cheering for a woman about to snatch 235 pounds?" Some of you do Crossfit, and some of you think it is the stupidest thing you have ever seen. Either way, I think this guy brings up some very valid, un-biased views on it.
I watched the video when you posted it up on FB. Some very good points from beginning to end. And like you said, unbiased as well. I like that he said, "some of you coaches, you know who you are, and you fucking suck".
Yup, and everyone that does CF knows it is out there. You get some folks who see the dollar signs, and do not have enough of an athletic background to be a coach, yet they go get there LVL 1 and open a gym to ride the wave of popularity. Those are the ones that give everyone a bad name.
110 bucks a month at the box in my hometown is the .mil discount...yeah um no.
Guess what, it's twice that here in SOCAL. Least expensive I've found is $135 with a military discount, and that's on Coronado island. I'd be willing to bet you could easily come up with worse shit that you spend $110 on every month. It's all about perspective.