The keywords in
@Ooh-Rah 's statement are United States and bathroom. The article cited occurred in Toronto, and the assault was in a shelter,which happens quite regularly, unfortunately, in shelters. This is why many homeless refuse to go into a shelter unless absolutely necessary. Weapons are not allowed, your meager personal effects are stolen, and there is little the shelter can legally do to protect you from others. Not excusing what happened by any means, but trying to give some insight into what happens in shelters that is outside of daily view.
Additionally, you cannot expect any group to have zero idiots or malcontents. We had them in the military, and we have them on the civvie side. Similar arguments were used in virtually every state that has passed shall issue concealed carry permits. "Someone with a permit to carry a gun could go crazy and kill someone!" Again, unfortunately there are always a very small group that will abuse the law and get in trouble. As what happens in the rare few instances where a concealed carry holder commits a crime thinking they are John E. Law or Bill Badass. That doesn't mean we scrap everyone's right to defend themselves.
No disrespect intended to anyone, but this emotional outrage over someone going into the bathroom with their wife or daughter screams of a nice juicy liberal emotional argument devoid of logic

. If they are worried about someone causing trouble with their precious wives and daughters, why aren't they also worried about someone causing trouble in the men's bathroom with their precious sons? I guess conservative emotional appeal is ok as long as it meets the agenda

, sounds like a liberal tactic to me.
I have to say though, all kidding aside this has been a remarkably civil discussion with great input from all sides.