The self identity thread.

Looks like the Biden admin is trying to distance itself from Freakshow Levine. These people mutilated kids and now the MSM, which shilled for these same people, is running a piece on it.

Biden Officials Pushed to Remove Age Limits for Trans Surgery, Documents Show

The draft guidelines, released in late 2021, recommended lowering the age minimums to 14 for hormonal treatments, 15 for mastectomies, 16 for breast augmentation or facial surgeries, and 17 for genital surgeries or hysterectomies.

The proposed age limits were eliminated in the final guidelines outlining standards of care, spurring concerns within the international group and with outside experts as to why the age proposals had vanished.

A firing squad is too good for these people, they're no better than the Jihadis with chai and dancing boys. Just disgusting degenerate trash.
No sane, rational, or agendaless adult would allow a child to mutilate themselves.

Look at it another way: if you are a "cutter" then you are automatically referred to counseling. By "cutter" I mean someone who slices open their skin "just to feel alive" kind of shit. "That's how I deal with my emotional pain" kind of shit. If you want to show up and mutilate your body because you don't like how you were born? People bend over backwards for you.

As an aside, for all of the "inclusion" we think exists in the LGBTWhatever community... yeah, nah. There are factions within factions and this "everyone is loved" or "love is love" shit isn't 100%. Don't be fooled. Bisexuals are treated with scorn in some circles. So are Trans. So is the term "queer" and on and on. Don't buy the united front bullshit, because it isn't true, the cowards usually remain silent outside of their larger circle.

Nothing more nothing less - unless you are a leftist that believes in "science" - in which case, all bets are off - war is peace - up is down - love is hate - gender is fluid - no rights are absolute - and Joe Biden got 81 million votes...
...fair and square
Monty Python once again discussing trump being a putins Puppet Witch! Same  answer, YES, HE IS! - Imgflip
I shutter to think of what will occur over the next 8 years...

IN the 1990's when "DADT" was pushed - conspiracy theorist right wing conservatives warned their friends (not me - OTHER conspiracy theorist right wing conservatives) that it was just the beginning of the US Military celebrating it and letting trannies serve in spite of their documented mental dysphoria...

I was called an These irredeemable conspiracy-theorist right-wing conservatives were dismissed as irredeemable conspiracy-theorist right-wing conservatives that were silly for thinking it would ever go this far get this far.

...where will we be in ten years?

"No sane, rational, or agendaless adult" has any doubt where we will be in ten years if we continue on our current trajectory.

But I'm not going to try and guess - that would just be silly. Besides, I would just be accused of being and irredeemable conspiracy-theorist right-wing conservative...
I was watching this new (to me) podcast on YouTube, A to B something or other, a couple former Marines host. They were interviewing a recruiter who said in current climate kids aren't necessarily bailing because of this, but a lot of parents are turning their kids away from joining because of this administration and the DEI/wokeism.
I'm at work and bored, so I pulled up the study.

It's basically 80 pages of complaining about "wokeness" like somebody would on Facebook, but with citations.
A fun one is complaining George Takei gave a talk at the USAFA, because he's a "unhinged partisan twitter warrior".

Another is West Point changing their mission statement:
"To build, educate, train, and inspire the Corp of Cadets to be commissioned leaders of character committed to the Army Values and ready for a lifetime of service to the Army and the Nation."
Apparently educate, train, and Army values actually means DEI, because the mission statement doesn't say "Duty, Honor, Country" anymore.

There's pretty much nothing in here about the actual effect these programs have that I've seen so far. That's the info we actually need.
as if the results of a study that was not specifically sanctioned by the DOD are at all interesting to political representatives and senior military leader - and NOBODY has any plans to turn back now...
..."irreversible momentum" is the phrase that I've heard the most

we spent countless hours on "WISR" studies then ignored them - all the while yelling, "Warp Factor 9 Mr Sulu"

Our enemies are mocking us due to the degeneracy that's been allowed to spread. Recruitment numbers are down. The United States military as a whole has been associated with the lifestyle choices of the mentally deranged, leading to a loss of prestige and power.

To simplify this. Goat-fuckers and child molesting retards, who have no concept of plumbing or running water, have successfully painted our forces as a bunch of feminized homosexual degenerates and surgically mutilated monstrosities. We have shown weakness, because of this our enemies are literally laughing at us and rightfully so.

The fact we still have people championing DEI and love is love garbage is quite frankly insanity. Our purpose is to kill and break stuff. It's not to empower the mentally deranged dregs of society, to chop off their tits or dicks.

Our society is currently ill and the military is a reflection of that illness.
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I'm surprised this took so long... the majority of black Canadians are recent immigrants.

The strategy calls on the government to reduce the rate of incarceration for black people by 30% relative to the population by 2034. The report also recommends that the government cut incarceration rates of black and Indigenous Canadians by 50% by releasing individuals currently held in custody and arresting fewer black people. The steering committee recommended that the government establish a committee of black academics and community leaders to study options for reparations to black Canadians for slavery, segregation, and racially biased laws. The report also recommends that black Canadians be given preferential treatment to a variety of government programs. This includes creating black-specific job programs, prioritizing black Canadians for apprenticeship and entrepreneur programs, and prioritizing black people in Canada’s national housing strategy.

Special attention is given to reforming criminal law around drug possession offenses. The steering committee recommended that the government get rid of drug possession penalties for up to a 30-day supply of the given drug, grant automatic record suspension for all possession related offences, and expand “safe supply” programs in black communities. The steering committee placed a great emphasis on expanding anti-racism training for prosecutors, judges, the police and expanding anti-racism curriculum in schools. The steering committee made a series of seemingly unrelated recommendations, including a proposal to raise the minimum wage to $21 an hour and establish a universal basic income program.

Federal government committee urges reduction in incarcerated black Canadians
I'm surprised this took so long... the majority of black Canadians are recent immigrants.

Federal government committee urges reduction in incarcerated black Canadians
How long does Trudeau and his party have left? Cause if they're going to release a bunch of third word criminals, back on the streets, they might be trying to sabotage y'all. Also, how are native Canadians not turning anti-immigrant due to this?

It used to be that Canada and the US wanted civilized and Western educated immigrants. Not a bunch of third world villagers shitting up the streets and being uncivilized idiots.
How long does Trudeau and his party have left? Cause if they're going to release a bunch of third word criminals, back on the streets, they might be trying to sabotage y'all. Also, how are native Canadians not turning anti-immigrant due to this?

It used to be that Canada and the US wanted civilized and Western educated immigrants. Not a bunch of third world villagers shitting up the streets and being uncivilized idiots.
The dude survived blackmailing his own AG.
The dude survived blackmailing his own AG.
Seriously? I thought Canadians were getting sick and tired of Trudeaus woke shit and the importation of third world rejects into Canada. I mean fuck, I live close enough to their border and see their third-world rejects venture out into my neck of the woods.
Seriously? I thought Canadians were getting sick and tired of Trudeaus woke shit and the importation of third world rejects into Canada. I mean fuck, I live close enough to their border and see their third-world rejects venture out into my neck of the woods.
He's survived the more scandals than any US President. From blackface to rumors of paying off the family and school for a relationship with underage student at his last teaching job.

Technically the election should be next year. Unless the other left part the NDP that has a "confidence agreement" with, keeping him in power; pull support and an election is called.