The self identity thread.


I love her name - Ann Lesby
...or if its on a military roster: Lesby, Ann

OMFG - I need to go and reacquaint myself with my dogs toys.
...and they've both had their balls snipped.

What if I inadvertently complicated their gender choices??

One of my biological male dogs still humps the other biological male dog - then they fight, then my daughters biological girl dog thats ALSO been "fixed" tries to hump the biological male dog thats constantly trying to hump the other one biological male dog - then they fight too - then on rare occasions, the biological male dog that gets humped by the other biological male dog will try and hump the biological female dog - then they all fight some more.

Dear sweet baby Jesus on a Ritz cracker what in the name of identity politics have I done to these poor creatures ???
One of my biological male dogs still humps the other biological male dog - then they fight, then my daughters biological girl dog thats ALSO been "fixed" tries to hump the biological male dog thats constantly trying to hump the other one biological male dog - then they fight too - then on rare occasions, the biological male dog that gets humped by the other biological male dog will try and hump the biological female dog - then they all fight some more.

We have a 3YO snipped female mini dachshund who humps blankets and pillows so hard she grunts.

Looks like her Halloween costume will be a dick. Would that make her a dickshund, then?
It is soul crushing that a US Senator needs to ask a Judge in the US legal system to explain why "a six foot two serial rapist with male genitalia" needs to be in a women's prison.

Lets think about that for a second.
No jokes about President Biden
No jokes about President Trump
No jokes about liberal leaning ideology
No jokes about unapologetic conservatism
No jokes about being 1/64th Native American
No jokes about flying tic-tacs from planet Nibiru...

Lets just focus on the scenario:
A professional member of the American Judicial system is seeking appointment a a federal judge. Her mother fucking job is literally "to judge" people that have been accused of and/or convicted of crimes against the citizens of the United States of America. This woman is paid using tax payer money to exercise her ability to pass judgement.
I don't care who she votes for or what her politics may be - my concern is what yardstick for justice she uses when she passes judgement.

Yet here we are - in a senate hearing wondering trying to decide if someone who thinks a serial rapist with a dick should be placed in a women's prison.
Here we are - with a mother fucking nacho-cheese-doritos-locos-taco supreme court justice that cant speak to gender because she is not a biologist...

what in the actual fuck
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That reminds me of a soldier who was on R&R in Doha the same time I was (January 2009 timeframe.) We were walking through one of the souqs and he was dead serious when he said “I can’t believe they are so conservative here! I always thought they’d be more progressive.”

They exist, they vote, and they multiply.

There are so many threads here where this can be used, and this is one.
