The self identity thread.

He's survived the more scandals than any US President. From blackface to rumors of paying off the family and school for a relationship with underage student at his last teaching job.

Technically the election should be next year. Unless the other left part the NDP that has a "confidence agreement" with, keeping him in power; pull support and an election is called.
Well that's fucked. How are Canadians taking this? Is there any way to dump him?
Seriously? I thought Canadians were getting sick and tired of Trudeaus woke shit and the importation of third world rejects into Canada. I mean fuck, I live close enough to their border and see their third-world rejects venture out into my neck of the woods.
As sick as they* are of him they have not been able to remove him despite multiple you-should-resign-immediately issues that have been nationally reported (ie not closed-door or unreported). The AG scandal was in the news for weeks and her testimony took at least a full day of the parliament’s time.

*”they” doesn’t necessarily refer to *all* Canucks, but generally the distaste with him and the number of people who despise him have both been growing.
As sick as they* are of him they have not been able to remove him despite multiple you-should-resign-immediately issues that have been nationally reported (ie not closed-door or unreported). The AG scandal was in the news for weeks and her testimony took at least a full day of the parliament’s time.

*”they” doesn’t necessarily refer to *all* Canucks, but generally the distaste with him and the number of people who despise him have both been growing.
Not trying to derail the thread further but here’s a detailed-but-succinct timeline of the SNC-Lavalin events that involved the AG if you’d like further reading. Note that this is a national news source up north.

Timeline: What’s happened so far in the SNC-Lavalin affair |
"And in other news today, noted critic of Vladimir Putin, and a member on the Shadowspear internet forum, was found dead this morning. The member, known only as 'Kaldak', is believed to have committed suicide. Police say they do not believe foul play was involved due to the multiple gunshot wounds sustained before falling from a ninth story window."
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"And in other news today, noted critic of Vladimir Putin, and a member on the Shadowspear internet forum, was found dead this morning. The member, known only as 'Kaldak', is believed to have committed suicide. Police say they do not believed foul play was involved due to the multiple gunshot wounds sustained before falling from a ninth story window."
Shot himself on the way down. Tragic.

Shot himself on the way down. Tragic.

He must have really had some demons he was dealing with - the coroner said he bludgeoned himself in one location, then used a car that had been modified so he could still drive even though he was hiding in the trunk - and then he drove himself to the building where he eventually shot himself SEVERAL TIMES on the way down...
...He will be missed.

He will walk with the chosen...
...Super guy.
Probably because the US defends Canada.
Hmm, good point. I have a thought so bear with me.

Back in 1930's Weimar Germany, hedonism and degeneracy became cultural and political norms. At the time Jewish Bolsheviks were knee deep in the promoting and profiting of prostitution, homosexuality, and pedophilia. The Weimar govt turned a blind eye to this and Germany became what was colloquially know as a sinners playground.

What if we're seeing the same exact thing play out in North America and in much of the Western world. Deviance has essentially been normalized and exported from the Western world, via culture, by the media and beltway elite. These same deviants have not only elevated themselves into the top rungs of the political arena, they actively shape and export culture.


Politically, even our neighbors to the North have been affected by this. Trudeau and his anti-Canadian coalition wouldn't have the influence they do if it weren't for the degeneracy and corruption we see here.

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it isnt the politicians that people should be mad at - they are only a mouthpiece for those that empower them
the people we see and talk to every day are the ones that brought us here
True, people are a big part of the problem as well. That said, most of these people are ultimately sheep or agreeable idiots. The media, political, and social classes, that have empowered this perversion, deserve to hang. These elites pushed a deviant ideology onto the public and effectively normalized a corrosive and degenerate culture.

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I've mentioned Yuri Bezmenov and his talks on ideological subversion here. What we're seeing isn't new, only the methods and manners of distribution are.

Add on: Apologies for so many edits. My brain is fucking up on me. Hard to get thoughts out. :ROFLMAO:
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Something happened in that poor woman's life for her to end up that screwed up. I can only imagine the multiple failures in her home, school, and social life, that ended with her being so thoroughly brainwashed. It's sad really. She could have been a dowdy and sweet tempered wife, with a gaggle of little ones running behind her.

Now she looks like a miserable creature, twisted by hormones, and destined to die alone, only to be eaten by the herd of cats she keeps. It's tragic really.
So, wild story. Infantry guy non-tabbed in my cavalry squadron. One of the hard chargers in the squadron. I remember our foot march at our Spur Ride and he ran it the whole way and did it in like 90 minutes. Was married, had one kid, by the time I left Bliss he and his wife had a second. He goes CA, they moved to Ft Lewis. He's in CA a bit. Three years ago he got out and started going to grad school, got divorced, met a smokeshow of a chick who was a Seahawks cheerleader...she was I guess one of those accepting people so they supported PRIDE. He works at Amazon in their space division. Well, now...he's not showing he's married. She's deleted her facebook. He's still posting photos as a dad. He went to Seattle's PRIDE parade alone this time. But the other day he posted himself in a dressing room putting on women's dresses.
So, I get a friend request on FB from the dude--er, chick--on the right. He--I mean she--was a coworker of mine, a paramedic. Ned--I mean Leanne--did the transgender thing before the transgender thing was cool. I reached out to old co-workers, apparently Ned made the switch back in the late '90s.

When he made the switch, he was married and had either two or three kids.
