The self identity thread.

Nothing to see here, just dudes in Women's Boxing at the Olympic level.

I hope those dudes beat the absolute hell of the biological women. Obliterate them, Rocky style. Drilling holes in skulls to reduce the pressure...I mean beat the fuck out of them on TV.

Why? Because that's what's needed to fight this nonsense. Charts and science and logic and blahblahblah aren't getting it done. Maybe a bunch of dead and fucked up girls is what it will take to end or even slow down this madness.
Boxing women to death, trans kids committing suicide anyway after getting all their "high end" medical treatments, large scale terror attacks on U.S. soil after leaving the border open for years.

Unfortunately these things will have to happen to get any change. Temporarily. Some of the crazies will still be denying reality, and a few years on some new BS ideas will float into the mainstream consciousness and the cycle will start all over again...
Boxing women to death, trans kids committing suicide anyway after getting all their "high end" medical treatments, large scale terror attacks on U.S. soil after leaving the border open for years.
Ironically, I watched on Fox this morning where the Dems are now using "weird" and "strange" as catch words to describe the Trump/ Vance campaign. lol.
The only non-violent way out is for every female athlete to boycott every match with a biological male. Everyone or near enough to 100% to make the statement. Most sports, there are no consequences, you lose a race or don't lift as much or whatever. Combatives like boxing and MMA will need a universal walk out or a bunch of disfigured or dead women before the world takes notice., the Algerian boxer is already being spun/ "fact checked" that:
- They are a woman, born with woman's parts.
- Algeria being Muslim would never allow a trans person to represent the country.
- The IOC doesn't recognize the IBA's classification of them as a man due to the circumstances behind the IBA's process.
- Therefore, the IOC fell back upon previously used wording to admit them.

But...what's not being discussed is why did the IOC need to check anything if they are a biological woman? Why did the IOC have to reverse the IBA's decision if they are a biological woman? If they are indeed a biological woman, how was the trans narrative allowed in the first place?, the Algerian boxer is already being spun/ "fact checked" that:
- They are a woman, born with woman's parts.
- Algeria being Muslim would never allow a trans person to represent the country.
- The IOC doesn't recognize the IBA's classification of them as a man due to the circumstances behind the IBA's process.
- Therefore, the IOC fell back upon previously used wording to admit them.

But...what's not being discussed is why did the IOC need to check anything if they are a biological woman? Why did the IOC have to reverse the IBA's decision if they are a biological woman? If they are indeed a biological woman, how was the trans narrative allowed in the first place?

Apparently they used testosterone testing. Seems like they are on gear more than they are trans., the Algerian boxer is already being spun/ "fact checked" that:
- They are a woman, born with woman's parts.
- Algeria being Muslim would never allow a trans person to represent the country.
- The IOC doesn't recognize the IBA's classification of them as a man due to the circumstances behind the IBA's process.
- Therefore, the IOC fell back upon previously used wording to admit them.

But...what's not being discussed is why did the IOC need to check anything if they are a biological woman? Why did the IOC have to reverse the IBA's decision if they are a biological woman? If they are indeed a biological woman, how was the trans narrative allowed in the first place?
I'll add...

They want me to believe this guy had some incredibly rare condition, DSD or whatever (1 in 20,000 births), AND jusr happened to became one of the <1% that are Olympic athletes? 🤔

I'll add...

They want me to believe this guy had some incredibly rare condition, DSD or whatever (1 in 20,000 births), AND jusr happened to became one of the <1% that are Olympic athletes? 🤔


Do you have a link the says they have an X chromosome? Everything I have read said their testosterone test was what disqualified them. The Algerian also competed in 2020.
Caster Semenya was confirmed with DSD, she has testes in her body. She never sought for their removal. Eventually she was finally disqualified from competition.

No one knows if Khelife is a man or woman, but she failed the actual test by the IBA. it is likely that she is a DSD female, where she knows it or not. DSD's can be born with the full on organs of a man supposedly. There was a whole ER episode way back in the day about a hermaphrodite kid I think they were talking surgical options.

So if Khelife has DSD is she still a woman? Yeah, but she also is XY and that means she shouldn't be competing in women's categories as its essentially someone who has been doping their entire life.