The self identity thread.

This is pure fucking gold

I raise you this! Happened in Canada, maybe RM can chime in.

Five trans players dominate women’s college volleyball game, sparking outrage and claims of ‘cheating’

Same people who be wanting an open border are affirming their 5 year olds desire to be a different gender.

How gender dysphoria rates have changed in YOUR state since 2018

S. Dakota for the win! NY kind of a surprise with only a 55% increase. Growing up in NY, I guess you got to do more than change your gender to stand out.

First I've heard of it but I don't follow a lot of college sports. The Province of Alberta and the federal Conservative leader are taking all the trans air time. Alberta banned hormone blockers and transition surgery for minors. Pierre Poilievre said he agrees with it. So the woke machine is in full declare that Nazis mode.

That said. This is full on cheating. Don't tell me this school happens to randomly have 5 trans athletes that play volleyball. Schools are now recruiting female to male trans athletes to prop up their teams. If my daughter lost out on a spot because of this bullshit, I don't know exactly how I'd react. I do know that not many people have seen the kind of angry I'd be. I spent a lot of time in therapy to put that version of me away but release it, in a heart beat.

They are just jealous because men are better at everything - including better at being female volleyball players. It's not my narrative folks - I'm just jumping on board.

HOORAY victorious bio-males - BOOOO jealous bio-women.

Train harder ladies - train harder.
She is a full blooded Liberal Pretendian from the Phulosheet Tribe and she is perpetually empowered by the democrat side of broken amMereekuh and its failed expirmentation with the witchcraft known as identity politics...