The Trump Presidency

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Everyone protesting isn't protesting the "illegitimacy of the presidency".

I have a hard time with your second paragraph, because honestly people have the freedom to protest the President. Many conservatives protested Obama, many are going to protest Trump. It is their right. I don't get telling them to stop.

I am actually going to D.C. tomorrow with my wife for the women's march. So I guess I am some wacko SJW.:rolleyes:

See my last line, post 309. I never suggested you are a wacko SJW.

But c'mon, you are a smart man. There is a difference between protesting and rioting.

I suggested the past couple elections to my friends who are conservatives/Republicans that the Tea Party/knee-jerk ultra-right rhetoric or actions are not helpful for the GOP or any conservative, because we all get lumped into that basket. I don't think it too much to "police our own."

If you see Jane Fonda tell her I said "hey."
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Glad to know you're not one of them; the rational democrats seem few and far between.

This is an absurd statement to me. How many people voted democrat in the last election? 66 million? They are mostly lacking rational thought? Come on man. Thinking differently doesn't make you less rational. This is what is wrong in America today.

There are going to be something like 500k-1 million people in DC tomorrow protesting. If I see 1 shitbag, I'll definitely let you know.
When it comes to protests, I usually tell whoever I am talking with to "protest away." All I ever want from them is that they actually know "why" they are protesting. There are way too many "brain dead" protestors who when asked why they are there and what they are protesting, they simply look at me and say, "Because." I then tell them, "That's what I thought."

Protesting is our right, I just want people to be able to provide a reason for why they are doing it. I like people to independently think for themselves rather than simply follow the herd.
This is an absurd statement to me. How many people voted democrat in the last election? 66 million? They are mostly lacking rational thought? Come on man. Thinking differently doesn't make you less rational. This is what is wrong in America today.

There are going to be something like 500k-1 million people in DC tomorrow protesting. If I see 1 shitbag, I'll definitely let you know.

I stick by my verbage, "seem." I work at a hospital, an academic medical center, at a liberal university, in a liberal town. Sometimes I feel like Custer. I have been spat upon at Duke--yes, really--for merely being a veteran. So I am not apologizing for or defending my statement that "rational democrats seem few and far between."
Does anyone see Trump surviving 4 years? I'm not wishing that it happens by any stretch, but assassination or impeachment had to have crossed a few minds here.

Obama survived 8 years and he was very polarizing, but it seems to me Trump is even more so. I view impeachment as a more likely "Trump killer" vice an actual death, but how many think these are realistic possibilities...or am I being my usual pessimistic self?
Does anyone see Trump surviving 4 years? I'm not wishing that it happens by any stretch, but assassination or impeachment had to have crossed a few minds here.

Obama survived 8 years and he was very polarizing, but it seems to me Trump is even more so. I view impeachment as a more likely "Trump killer" vice an actual death, but how many think these are realistic possibilities...or am I being my usual pessimistic self?

I see him surviving by the skin of his teeth. I just don't see the other two happening.
Does anyone see Trump surviving 4 years? I'm not wishing that it happens by any stretch, but assassination or impeachment had to have crossed a few minds here.

Obama survived 8 years and he was very polarizing, but it seems to me Trump is even more so. I view impeachment as a more likely "Trump killer" vice an actual death, but how many think these are realistic possibilities...or am I being my usual pessimistic self?

I don't see him surviving four years, and to be specific, ousted by impeachment. If he let his handlers do their job all would be well, but with his ego and his seeming insistency to venture outside the yard on his own, he is going to do something stupid and potentially illegal.

It kind of reminds me of that meme that says, "If I was a Jedi and I had the force, there would a 100% chance I would use the force inappropriately."
Just once, Mr. Trump....button your suit coat jacket. :wall:

I like very much that Bible passages are still read at this ceremony.

From the "God I hope I'm wrong department", but I pray that we have not just elected President Underwood...

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I think all liberals are loons, especially @TLDR20.:D

Rational thinking and American politics do not intersect anywhere for either party. There is nothing rational coming out of DC. And yes the marches, demonstrations and protests are silly and stupid IMHO, but everyone has a right to do it, so have fun.

My biggest bitch right now, is waiting on this fucking brisket to finishing smoking. The "he's finally gone" party starts at 5pm.
I didn't love his speech. I get the need to highlight the separation, why he's going to be different, but man, he was belligerent. I would have liked to have heard more "coming together". Regardless, he is who he is, and he didn't say anything he hasn't been saying.
I rather enjoyed the unapologetic, 'changes will be made,' theme.
Does anyone see Trump surviving 4 years? I'm not wishing that it happens by any stretch, but assassination or impeachment had to have crossed a few minds here.

Obama survived 8 years and he was very polarizing, but it seems to me Trump is even more so. I view impeachment as a more likely "Trump killer" vice an actual death, but how many think these are realistic possibilities...or am I being my usual pessimistic self?
I've been thinking about this a lot. Pres Trump is a polarizing figure, and that's good for discourse, but I can forsee a situation where he won't back off and listen to his handler's and in the process, alienates enough Republicans to cause irreparable damage.
Huh -

I guess it's true. Siri says so!

Does anyone see Trump surviving 4 years? I'm not wishing that it happens by any stretch, but assassination or impeachment had to have crossed a few minds here.

Obama survived 8 years and he was very polarizing, but it seems to me Trump is even more so. I view impeachment as a more likely "Trump killer" vice an actual death, but how many think these are realistic possibilities...or am I being my usual pessimistic self?

I have a feeling the Secret Service will be working overtime to keep President Trump safe.
Does anyone see Trump surviving 4 years? I'm not wishing that it happens by any stretch, but assassination or impeachment had to have crossed a few minds here.

Obama survived 8 years and he was very polarizing, but it seems to me Trump is even more so. I view impeachment as a more likely "Trump killer" vice an actual death, but how many think these are realistic possibilities...or am I being my usual pessimistic self?
The last time a guy was impeached it was for touching a woman in the privates with a cigar ;) So I'd say probably not.

A friend of mine attended the inaugural today and is also attending the women's march tomorrow: Trump supporters to attend inauguration and Women's March
The last time a guy was impeached it was for touching a woman in the privates with a cigar ;) So I'd say probably not.

That is not why he was impeached. He was charged with perjury and obstruction of justice. That out-of-the-way, are you saying President Trump is more likely to be impeached?
That is not why he was impeached. He was charged with perjury and obstruction of justice. That out-of-the-way, are you saying President Trump is more likely to be impeached?

That's why I had the smiley (;-)), which didn't come through.

I don't think he will be impeached or assassinated. But there's a huge shot he's a one term President unless he makes nice with the rest of the leadership in the Republican Party.
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