The Trump Presidency

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There's also speculation he may quit if things don't go his way, which would be a first for the office.
Where did this come from?
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There's also speculation he may quit if things don't go his way, which would be a first for the office.

Are you talking the same speculation that said he would quit prior to actually accepting the parting nomination, and then the speculation that he would quit prior to the election?

Not busting balls, just genuinely curious what you are basing this one.


Just noticed that @Etype asked the same question.
Watching the parade. Thinking the Secret Service must HATE everytime Trump and his family get out of that tank they are riding in.

That's why they're there and what they get paid for.

Hate it all they want, but the fact remains it's their job description.

Not to mention the fact he truly appreciates LE and regularly takes the time to show it.
SNL is taking it (rightly so) on the chin for this one. I remember the bit where they went after a very young Chelsea Clinton....Bill was NOT amused and that was the end of SNL making fun of the children of Presidents.

One has to wonder if this writer took it upon herself to tweet this, or if the show as a whole felt they would be "safe" because it was regarding Trump. Either way, it shows again how out of touch most Hollywood types are - Trump or not, you cannot go after kids. It's hard enough to be that age without your peers making fun of you for being the first presidential private-school 'school shooter.'

What a dumbass.

SNL writer deletes tweet targeting Barron Trump | Daily Mail Online
Screen Shot 2017-01-21 at 6.14.02 AM.png
I'm here today to honor our democracy & its enduring values. I will never stop believing in our country & its future. #Inauguration

^that was Hillary Clinton's tweet yesterday while she was at the inauguration. In case I haven't made it very clear over the many years I've been a member here, I deeply dislike the Clintons. But what Sec. Clinton did yesterday, by not only going to the inauguration but also putting the above information out to her followers, not only shows class but is hugely important to our democratic process. "Yeah but it was an act." "She only did it to make it a lot less likely that Pres. Trump will prosecute her." Maybe so. I don't care why she did it, the fact is she did it. This has the potential to take a lot of the steam out of the "not my president" movement, if this is an enduring attitude and not just a one-off performance.
America's "Change of Command," as explained as only an NCO can.

Fun fact: @Il Duce and I both worked overseas with the author. Just in case, you know, anyone wants to call this a "fluff" piece.

Excellent article, sound and sensible attitude...and yet there is this kind of shit going around, strident and prolific. If we thought our country was polarized during the Obama years, just wait...

"It’s time to put the safety pins away and drop the blinders and mental constructions that have shielded us from the reality of the horror befalling the nation. Instead, it’s time to roll up our sleeves and fight this bastard."

Sic Semper Tyrannis, Trump! - iPinion Syndicate
SNL is taking it (rightly so) on the chin for this one. I remember the bit where they went after a very young Chelsea Clinton....Bill was NOT amused and that was the end of SNL making fun of the children of Presidents.

One has to wonder if this writer took it upon herself to tweet this, or if the show as a whole felt they would be "safe" because it was regarding Trump. Either way, it shows again how out of touch most Hollywood types are - Trump or not, you cannot go after kids. It's hard enough to be that age without your peers making fun of you for being the first presidential private-school 'school shooter.'

What a dumbass.

SNL writer deletes tweet targeting Barron Trump | Daily Mail Online
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It's really shitty to go after a kid like that.

He's only 10 years old for fuck sake.
I can't read this, it's behind a pay wall...but Identity politics are why the Democrats lost. Doubling down is how they'll continue to lose:

Also, the picture of a woman in an American Flag Hidjab, no thanks.

Trump, in Oval Office, signs first order on Obamacare

Weakening the ACA in regards to enforcement, I'll be honest, I'm all about that as healthcare costs in Arizona doubled for FY 17. As far as employers offering Health Insurance, that used to be a thing called an incentive. However, I'm for an actual system that makes coverage better and costs lower.

Trump's first executive action: Cancel Obama's mortgage premium cuts

I'm not exactly sure what this does per se, other than it makes government backed loans less competitive. As I understand it, keeping the premiums higher puts more money into the fund that insures the FHA loans. It's basically stopping a last minute policy change that they would have inherited and allows the Trump Administration to make it's own determination
My wife and her girlfriends went to the Minnesota version of the march. Told her I didn't necessarily believe Trump & Co. are truly the evil empire they are being made out to be, but that I supported her beliefs and offered to walk with her.

Thankfully she declined my offer. Said she wanted to hang with her friends and knew I would be miserable with the crowds and the "chanting".

She just texted me, said organizers had planned on about 20k people but estimates are now about double that! They are not so much marching as kind of shuffling!

Love you Honey Bunny, wherever you are!!!

You know, both times I voted for Obama I said they weren't coming for the guns. That was quite true, as a California resident that was Kamala Harris and Jerry Brown.

And now they're saying Trump is coming for their rights. So in regards to abortion rights, I think Birth Control should be provided at a cheap cost when uninsured and no out of pocket expense when insured. I'm all about birth control, but if you willingly have sex with someone, knew you were pregnant, and all of a sudden decide to have a second trimester abortion, I have a serious problem. Not my body, all that BS. But if you didn't want a child, you could have exercised some serious brain power and gotten the birth control prior to engaging in intercourse.

A lot of that happens to be supported by my faith with life beginning at conception.

Fearmongering sold a lot of rifles and created ammunition shortages, what are the fearmongers selling now?
Some of the garbage being spewed by female celebrities at the Womens March has been utterly hilarious.

Madonna talking about how she thought about blowing up the White House... Clown.
Get this goddamn shit show of a thread back on track.

If I see another post about who shoots more people the person that posts it is on a week long vacation.

If your posts are deleted get the fuck over it.
My wife and her girlfriends went to the Minnesota version of the march. Told her I didn't necessarily believe Trump & Co. are truly the evil empire they are being made out to be, but that I supported her beliefs and offered to walk with her.

Thankfully she declined my offer. Said she wanted to hang with her friends and knew I would be miserable with the crowds and the "chanting".

She just texted me, said organizers had planned on about 20k people but estimates are now about double that! They are not so much marching as kind of shuffling!

Love you Honey Bunny, wherever you are!!!

View attachment 17794

I know several people participating in the women’s marches. As I see the protests though I’m wondering about their efficacy.

I’ve always thought the reasons to protest (in a political sense – not a personal sense) are:

1. Demonstrate to political leadership or other power structures the popular strength of your positions – in order to influence their votes or actions.
2. Win public support by raising awareness of your issue(s).
3. Increase political organization by making contacts and connections in person.
4. Provoke a repressive response from the civil authorities – thus winning increased sympathy/awareness of your issues.
5. Raise international awareness/concern/political action for your issues.

All those seem like they worked very well during the civil rights era, and some social issues in America. But, I must wonder about how applicable any of that stuff really is in the current environment.

In the US number 4 and 5 are pretty much out. You’re not going to provoke a response from the federal government – and generally not from local authorities without a fair amount of rioting. Even in protests in the 1960s a big chunk of the US electorate wanted more crackdowns on protestors, not less – Nixon won the white house in 1968 and 1972 by huge margins and a significant shift of folks who voted the other party in 1964. Understand the political landscape was much more complicated – just saying reasons 4 and 5 are very tough to pull off in the US and I can’t think of a modern example that has worked (I include Ferguson in that) in terms of changing public opinion or action by the government.

When we’re talking about the Presidential election it doesn’t seem to me you can really raise any more awareness, demonstrate political strength, or forge political organization in a way that outshines the most significant measurement of all those things – the Presidential election that just went to the party/candidate you oppose.

What you’re left with is the hope that someone demonstrating your numbers/strength will influence or motivate existing power structures. But if your 65 million votes didn’t do it why would you believe even 2-5 million people in the streets across the world would have any influence?

I think very likely the most effective protests are those in the vein of the Tea Party. They weren’t out to win over the President – they were demonstrating political power and voter anger towards their own party. I think the same think should be taken on by the left if they really want to influence policy – target Democrats because Republicans and the President could give a shit.

Not saying anyone doesn’t have the right, or shouldn’t protest. Just saying other than number 3 – and that’s one that won’t have much of an impact for at least 2 years – it seems very ineffectual.
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