The Trump Presidency

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Does anyone see Trump surviving 4 years? I'm not wishing that it happens by any stretch, but assassination or impeachment had to have crossed a few minds here.

Obama survived 8 years and he was very polarizing, but it seems to me Trump is even more so. I view impeachment as a more likely "Trump killer" vice an actual death, but how many think these are realistic possibilities...or am I being my usual pessimistic self?

I think the Democrats will be looking for any pretext to bring up the word "impeachment." They may try to impeach him for something--real or contrived--but in a GOP-controlled congress they'll need more than pretexts or rumors, they'll need real high crimes and misdemeanors to get a conviction. Whether or not Trump gives them something to latch onto remains to be seen.

As far as assassination goes, given the absolute hatred coming from the Left, I wouldn't be surprised to see a John Hinkley or Squeaky Fromm or even some whacked out, self-appointed political activist trying to be the "savior of the republic." Jesus Christ and John Wilkes Booth, they're already marketing "Sic Semper Tyrannis Trump" T-shirts,
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I greatly dislike President Trump.

That said: I think an impeachment would be bad for America. He has only been in office a few hours, I'm still playing let's wait and see.
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Trump will be fine (physically).

Now that he is no longer president I feel okay say this. I never expected Obama to survive his first term, much less his 2nd. Those milita's and KKK groups might have some nuts in them, but also have some very well trained shooters in them; to include long range.

I shoot with a dude twice a year who competes all over the US, he has won a lot of "stuff" for being the first to hit his the 1 Mile target with first shot. He HATED Obama and told me over beers that he fantasized that his target was the sitting Command in Chief.

I say all that to say this, there were some very motivated and capable folks who hated Obama and would have loved to be the trigger puller.

The folks who hate Trump? Yep, they HATE him, but I question whether they have the same skills and abilities of those who hated Obama.

Disclaimer -
I'm not saying that the liberal's who dislike Trump are not former military or capable warriors who could do damage if they wanted to, I'm saying that in most cases those are not the people joining militia's and fantasying about shooting a sitting president.
The last time a guy was impeached it was for touching a woman in the privates with a cigar ;) So I'd say probably not.

A friend of mine attended the inaugural today and is also attending the women's march tomorrow: Trump supporters to attend inauguration and Women's March

Smiley or not, your words, smug or smart ass, were reflecting an untruth. The real reason for the impeachment you chose to not mention, I wonder why you did that.
I greatly dislike President Trump.

That said: I think an impeachment would be bad for America. He has only been in office a few hours, I'm still playing let's wait and see.

It would indeed be bad, unless it was for an ironclad reason. I also think absent such a reason, it's very short-sighted. Waiting in the wings to sit in the Oval is someone far more conservative than Trump. I do not think a President Pence would be very good for the DNC.
Smiley or not, your words, smug or smart ass, were reflecting an untruth. The real reason for the impeachment you chose to not mention, I wonder why you did that.
Tough crowd. Looking at it objectively, I did not go and look it up before I wrote that post. I was 10 when that went down, and all I recall from the news coverage was the president supposedly did something with an intern named Monica Lewinsky, who had a boyfriend, and then she got a book deal. Looking it up I knew nothing of the rest of it. But if you take it for than a humorous jibe, that's your business.

ETA: I'm off to the salle de musculation, I will watch the Alma Mater crossing the reviewing stand on tape delay. Rah Va Mil.
Trump will be fine (physically).

Now that he is no longer president I feel okay say this. I never expected Obama to survive his first term, much less his 2nd. Those milita's and KKK groups might have some nuts in them, but also have some very well trained shooters in them; to include long range.

I shoot with a dude twice a year who competes all over the US, he has won a lot of "stuff" for being the first to hit his the 1 Mile target with first shot. He HATED Obama and told me over beers that he fantasized that his target was the sitting Command in Chief.

I say all that to say this, there were some very motivated and capable folks who hated Obama and would have loved to be the trigger puller.

The folks who hate Trump? Yep, they HATE him, but I question whether they have the same skills and abilities of those who hated Obama.

Disclaimer -
I'm not saying that the liberal's who dislike Trump are not former military or capable warriors who could do damage if they wanted to, I'm saying that in most cases those are not the people joining militia's and fantasying about shooting a sitting president.

J., Ford was shot at, Reagan was shot at and hit. Both were GOP presidents. The former was shot at by a Manson acolyte and former drugged out hippy chick; the latter was shot by a nut job with a .22. Neither were military, militia or gun savvy and yet only random circumstances or ballistics prevented them from killing their targets. You don't need to be a marksman to assassinate a political figure, and there are plenty of crazy motherfuckers all over the political spectrum.
Does anyone see Trump surviving 4 years? I'm not wishing that it happens by any stretch, but assassination or impeachment had to have crossed a few minds here.

Obama survived 8 years and he was very polarizing, but it seems to me Trump is even more so. I view impeachment as a more likely "Trump killer" vice an actual death, but how many think these are realistic possibilities...or am I being my usual pessimistic self?

I think impeachment is a danger, but I think it would come as a result of failure to follow conservative orthodoxy - not from a corruption scandal (though that might be the excuse). I think we've largely seen over the last 16-22 years congressional oversight and investigations essentially fall into the 'can I cause you political damage with this, because I don't give a fuck if my side does exactly the same thing - my outrage is 100% fabricated.'

I think President Trump's real danger for impeachment is if a big enough block of the Republican establishment decide he's doing more harm to their goals than not - and decide to trade him in for VP Pence. I don't think you'll see impeachment driven by the left - because they won't be in power, but there will always be a block of votes on the Democratic side ready to vote the President into impeachment.

Will be interesting to see from that perspective if President Trump moves to the middle or to the left on any of his policies that go against conservative orthodoxy (his stances on infrastructure, free trade, international alliances) and actually wins over a shield of Democrats unwilling to vote for impeachment as they view VP Pence as worse for their interests.
Tough crowd. Looking at it objectively, I did not go and look it up before I wrote that post. I was 10 when that went down, and all I recall from the news coverage was the president supposedly did something with an intern named Monica Lewinsky, who had a boyfriend, and then she got a book deal. Looking it up I knew nothing of the rest of it. But if you take it for than a humorous jibe, that's your business.

ETA: I'm off to the salle de musculation, I will watch the Alma Mater crossing the reviewing stand on tape delay. Rah Va Mil.

It has been a while since VMI marched at an Inauguration.
Watching the parade. Thinking the Secret Service must HATE everytime Trump and his family get out of that tank they are riding in.
I think impeachment is a danger, but I think it would come as a result of failure to follow conservative orthodoxy - not from a corruption scandal (though that might be the excuse). I think we've largely seen over the last 16-22 years congressional oversight and investigations essentially fall into the 'can I cause you political damage with this, because I don't give a fuck if my side does exactly the same thing - my outrage is 100% fabricated.'

I think President Trump's real danger for impeachment is if a big enough block of the Republican establishment decide he's doing more harm to their goals than not - and decide to trade him in for VP Pence. I don't think you'll see impeachment driven by the left - because they won't be in power, but there will always be a block of votes on the Democratic side ready to vote the President into impeachment.

Will be interesting to see from that perspective if President Trump moves to the middle or to the left on any of his policies that go against conservative orthodoxy (his stances on infrastructure, free trade, international alliances) and actually wins over a shield of Democrats unwilling to vote for impeachment as they view VP Pence as worse for their interests.

Very interesting perspective, @Il Duce . A Trump impeachment from the right. I might've bought that had he not done some late hour fence-mending, i.e. Reince Priebus as Chief of Staff, etc. never know with Trump. There's always the unexpected. He'd really have to piss off the GOP to get them to take a drastic move like that. Certainly, he's capable of it...

But still there has to be something for a conviction. You can't impeach a guy because he cracks jokes like Joan Rivers...

Or can you???
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J., Ford was shot at, Reagan was shot at and hit. Both were GOP presidents. The former was shot at by a Manson acolyte and former drugged out hippy chick; the latter was shot by a nut job with a .22. Neither were military, militia or gun savvy and yet only random circumstances or ballistics prevented them from killing their targets. You don't need to be a marksman to assassinate a political figure, and there are plenty of crazy motherfuckers all over the political spectrum.

Reagancarried a 1911 after he was shot.
This is going to be a long 8 years in Canada... I swear the Libtards are getting dumber by the day. Traveling with 6 people you met online, 2 from another country using our country as a stop over, admitting your hate for the incoming President and expect to be given entry. Being a moron must be contagious.

No offence to any of our resident Liberals, none of you have crossed the Libtarded threshold. ;-)
'We got sent back': Montrealer denied entry into U.S. on eve of Donald Trump inauguration
The right can be brutal in a brutal business, particularly in Britain when Thatcher was disposed of, and previously Churchill. It's an interesting point to come to Vis a vis Trump. There's also speculation he may quit if things don't go his way, which would be a first for the office.
This is going to be a long 8 years in Canada... I swear the Libtards are getting dumber by the day. Traveling with 6 people you met online, 2 from another country using our country as a stop over, admitting your hate for the incoming President and expect to be given entry. Being a moron must be contagious.

No offence to any of our resident Liberals, none of you have crossed the Libtarded threshold. ;-)
'We got sent back': Montrealer denied entry into U.S. on eve of Donald Trump inauguration

So he tries to enter the US without his US passport? He's an idiot.
This is going to be a long 8 years in Canada... I swear the Libtards are getting dumber by the day. Traveling with 6 people you met online, 2 from another country using our country as a stop over, admitting your hate for the incoming President and expect to be given entry. Being a moron must be contagious.

No offence to any of our resident Liberals, none of you have crossed the Libtarded threshold. ;-)
'We got sent back': Montrealer denied entry into U.S. on eve of Donald Trump inauguration

No offense brother, but as you well know, most Canucks have a special level of derp when it comes to US politics.

ETA: with statements only from the complaining party and a shrugging attorney, I get the sense we're not getting the complete story
Rest of the world better get ready to "Bend and damn thrust..."

Trump's Marine Generals Mattis and Kelly confirmed | Daily Mail Online

President Donald Trump's first two confirmed cabinet secretaries have started their new jobs mere hours after the U.S. Senate green-lighted them.

Vice President Mike Pence fetched retired Marine Generals James 'Mad Dog' Mattis and John Kelly and took them to the Eisenhower Executive Office Building so they could be 'immediately' sworn in, according to White House press secretary Sean Spicer.

That followed Trump's first two signatures in the Oval Office, officially commissioning them in their new positions.

Mattis became the U.S. secretary of Defense after he took the oath of office, which pence himself administered. Kelly has taken over the Department of Homeland Security.
This is going to be a long 8 years in Canada... I swear the Libtards are getting dumber by the day. Traveling with 6 people you met online, 2 from another country using our country as a stop over, admitting your hate for the incoming President and expect to be given entry. Being a moron must be contagious.

No offence to any of our resident Liberals, none of you have crossed the Libtarded threshold. ;-)
'We got sent back': Montrealer denied entry into U.S. on eve of Donald Trump inauguration
The two French nationals did not help in the least. We've had this discussion before with almost no one believing it can be an issue, but I am not making this stuff up.
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