The Trump Presidency

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Not saying anyone doesn’t have the right, or shouldn’t protest. Just saying other than number 3 – and that’s one that won’t have much of an impact for at least 2 years – it seems very ineffectual.

For my wife, and many of her girlfriends, it was an "anybody but Trump" election. He genuinely frightens them - take the whole 'women in combat roles' discussion in the other thread. Does anyone believe that thread would even exist if Romney had been elected? No chance. Gays/transgenders serving openly? Please. Eight years of Obama opened doors I had never expected to be seen open, and there are a lot of people who are absolutely terrified that Trump will slam those doors shut. <pulling anything to do with LGBT, civil rights, and health care from the website yesterday did not exactly produce a calming effect in that aspect.>

Looking at your list, I think for a lot of women (and men for that matter), it was #1 . (1. Demonstrate to political leadership or other power structures the popular strength of your positions – in order to influence their votes or actions.) With an extra dose of feeling overall helpless. I mean think about had TV reality show guy Donald Trump vs. Hillary Clinton, she was supposed to be the first woman president. And she got her ass kicked, hell the Dems didn't even bother with lawsuits and challenges.
For my wife, and many of her girlfriends, it was an "anybody but Trump" election. He genuinely frightens them - take the whole 'women in combat roles' discussion in the other thread. Does anyone believe that thread would even exist if Romney had been elected? No chance. Gays/transgenders serving openly? Please. Eight years of Obama opened doors I had never expected to be seen open, and there are a lot of people who are absolutely terrified that Trump will slam those doors shut. <pulling anything to do with LGBT, civil rights, and health care from the website yesterday did not exactly produce a calming effect in that aspect.>

Looking at your list, I think for a lot of women (and men for that matter), it was #1 . (1. Demonstrate to political leadership or other power structures the popular strength of your positions – in order to influence their votes or actions.) With an extra dose of feeling overall helpless. I mean think about had TV reality show guy Donald Trump vs. Hillary Clinton, she was supposed to be the first woman president. And she got her ass kicked, hell the Dems didn't even bother with lawsuits and challenges.

Yeah, I think that's the prevailing sentiment from those I know who are marching. I just have to wonder if the 'show of strength' is really going to have any effect. I mean, if you're the President why would you want to alter your actions for people who didn't vote for you - and are very unlikely to vote for you next time without you going back significantly on your campaign rhetoric?
I know several people participating in the women’s marches. As I see the protests though I’m wondering about their efficacy.

I’ve always thought the reasons to protest (in a political sense – not a personal sense) are:

1. Demonstrate to political leadership or other power structures the popular strength of your positions – in order to influence their votes or actions.
2. Win public support by raising awareness of your issue(s).
3. Increase political organization by making contacts and connections in person.
4. Provoke a repressive response from the civil authorities – thus winning increased sympathy/awareness of your issues.
5. Raise international awareness/concern/political action for your issues.


This was a very insightful and, I think accurate, post.

There's another reason or two left out:
6. Intimidate, harass, impede, and/or physically attack the opposition.
7. ...because you were paid or otherwise incentivized to
8. Get your fill of the"ultra-violence," just because you want to see the world burn.

Obviously I don't think the Women's March has violence as its goal, but marches like that tend to get infiltrated and used by those who do.
Yeah, I think that's the prevailing sentiment from those I know who are marching. I just have to wonder if the 'show of strength' is really going to have any effect. I mean, if you're the President why would you want to alter your actions for people who didn't vote for you - and are very unlikely to vote for you next time without you going back significantly on your campaign rhetoric?

I agree. It will have no effect. It's pointless. All these marches and demonstrations are just a chance for the losers to commiserate with one another and cry on each other's shoulders. It's a congregation of whiners who were shocked to the core that they didn't get their way.
For my wife, and many of her girlfriends, it was an "anybody but Trump" election. He genuinely frightens them - take the whole 'women in combat roles' discussion in the other thread. Does anyone believe that thread would even exist if Romney had been elected? No chance. Gays/transgenders serving openly? Please. Eight years of Obama opened doors I had never expected to be seen open, and there are a lot of people who are absolutely terrified that Trump will slam those doors shut. <pulling anything to do with LGBT, civil rights, and health care from the website yesterday did not exactly produce a calming effect in that aspect.>

Looking at your list, I think for a lot of women (and men for that matter), it was #1 . (1. Demonstrate to political leadership or other power structures the popular strength of your positions – in order to influence their votes or actions.) With an extra dose of feeling overall helpless. I mean think about had TV reality show guy Donald Trump vs. Hillary Clinton, she was supposed to be the first woman president. And she got her ass kicked, hell the Dems didn't even bother with lawsuits and challenges.

As for the website, the concerns are pure hysterical overreacting; even CNN explained it. This is normal and it needs to be pulled down to be updated with the new government policies.

What happened to Obama's White House website? -
Agree, I had a Freedom boner for 8 hours, I tried calling some hotline but I was on hold forever....:thumbsup:

Too many blue pills can do that.
Was at SHOT on Friday, small crowd with most (it seemed) glued to TV's showing the proceedings. Huge cheer as he finished the oath.
I think the lack of violence at the Women's marches speaks volumes, and the rest of the anti-Trumper should take note.
Wife got home from the march. Had to share this, it was what was being handed out to all participants.

Now I feel I've come a long way over the years, but I'm drawing the line here. Don't recreate my flag into a symbol of your agenda.


Are you talking the same speculation that said he would quit prior to actually accepting the parting nomination, and then the speculation that he would quit prior to the election?

Not busting balls, just genuinely curious what you are basing this one.


Just noticed that @Etype asked the same question.

There was an analyst who popped up with that one. I thought I'd throw it into the discussion.
I went to the march in D.C. It was a pretty cool experience. It was insanely packed, rough estimates are at least 500 thousand people there for the march. I enjoyed myself. There were some great signs. There were also the regular idiots who don't know the definitions of the words they spew. Also some Westboro Baptist action for good measure.
Another head scratcher today at the CIA.

Just, why? What am I supposed to take away from that?

ETA- sorry, I was talking about Prest Trump's speech today.
^that was Hillary Clinton's tweet yesterday while she was at the inauguration. In case I haven't made it very clear over the many years I've been a member here, I deeply dislike the Clintons. But what Sec. Clinton did yesterday, by not only going to the inauguration but also putting the above information out to her followers, not only shows class but is hugely important to our democratic process. "Yeah but it was an act." "She only did it to make it a lot less likely that Pres. Trump will prosecute her." Maybe so. I don't care why she did it, the fact is she did it. This has the potential to take a lot of the steam out of the "not my president" movement, if this is an enduring attitude and not just a one-off performance.

The trick that democracy plays is that the winner says that they will govern for all, including the people who didn't vote for the winner. In every democracy the statement "I govern for all" will appear in an acceptance speech. HRC is illustrating the point & Kudos for doing so. The NMP people, which I imaging are part of the Green/Far left, are more rabid that those on the right.
First 20 minutes of SNL was pretty good. Good comment in the monolog about the President denouncing some of the more racist groups who claim they are doing what they are doing in the name of the new President.
One big fuckin photo op for Hollywood has-beens, John Kerry and the ME generation, reducing their womanhood to the image of their sexual organ.

Next time, get off your pussies and vote...because your voice and your insipid posters mean nothing if you didn't go to the polls on Nov 8.
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