Meme, schmeme. Pass the peanuts.
If you want to fact check my meme. We better start fact checking every one.
First 20 minutes of SNL was pretty good. Good comment in the monolog about the President denouncing some of the more racist groups who claim they are doing what they are doing in the name of the new President.
While those marching probably voted, they still ignore many of the election demographics, look at the Black/Hispanic vote % for Trump. He did pretty well for a (pretend) Republican.One big fuckin photo op for Hollywood has-beens, John Kerry and the ME generation, reducing their womanhood to the image of their sexual organ.
Next time, get off your pussies and vote...because your voice and your insipid posters mean nothing if you didn't go to the polls on Nov 8.
ETA: Kellyanne Conway is a fucking twit.
Like Obama decrying BLM and the New Black Panther Party, don't bitch after ignoring racism for the last 8 years. <snip>
Trump freezes federal hiring
Mr Cox...who says you're going to have funding to hire a contractor to do your work, get more efficient bro.
You're good. "Trump made exceptions for military, national security and public safety positions, as well as others deemed "otherwise necessary" by the Office of Personnel Management."This single action may prevent me from realizing my dream of working law enforcement. I was just hired for VA police and now it is unsure if I will be allowed to do it. Not happy.
Maybe. VA HR office is moving forward on the assumption that both the VA itself and VA law enforcement in particular fall under public safety, but the wording of the order is very vague. I think the intent is that it is better to beg forgiveness then ask permission.
Public safety is public safety virtually everywhere. IIRC the VA cops are duly sworn and bonded federal LEOs so I am fairly sure you will be ok. One of the new administration's areas of focus is law enforcement. Let us know how it goes. Good luck!Maybe. VA HR office is moving forward on the assumption that both the VA itself and VA law enforcement in particular fall under public safety, but the wording of the order is very vague. I think the intent is that it is better to beg forgiveness then ask permission.
Jesus. The incoming administration continues to give me the willies. In his first set of executive orders, Trump signed, among other things, a proclamation commemorating his inauguration day.
Now, this has been done by past presidents before. Bill Clinton proclaimed his a "National Day of Fellowship and Hope." Sounds fine, right?
GWB named his a "National Day of Prayer and Thanksgiving." Kinda close to another holiday, but whatever.
Obama titled his "National Day of Renewal and Reconciliation." Not terribly original, but I can deal. Trump, what you got?
Well, uh...okay
That's like some DPRK shit.
What?Like that one president who awarded himself a medal, you know, like any good African dictator would and has done.
If you want to fact check my meme. We better start fact checking every one.
It's one of the few policy decisions that I actually agree with. I don't think it's the panacea for stagnant wages, but it's certainly a start.If he does nothing else for the rest of his administration, he's already done more for the American people on his first day than most of the Presidents we've had in the past. This one will directly affect every single American citizen that is in the work force in a positive way, including those that simply *want* to be in the work force. TPP was a job killer and would have contributed to salary declines as cheaper foreign workers flooded all industries similar to the way that H1-B visas have flooded the IT industry. If he does the same for NAFTA, it will take a true disaster for me to be unhappy with his first term.
Nope. I believe in personal accountability. The person responsible for fact-checking memes should be the person responsible for sharing them. And it should happen BEFORE they get shared. If you want to fact-check every post on ShadowSpear, be my guest.
I fact-check two types of posts: ones I find interesting, and ones from people I respect. If something doesn't interest me, or isn't posted by someone I respect, I ignore it. Since that post both interested me (since I'm an educator and it was hard for me to see what some of the "errors" were) and it was posted by someone I respect (self-explanatory), I decided to check it out. And I found it didn't "check out."
I've seen that meme posted all over my FB feed, and I'm fairly certain that nearly none of the people who posted it could explain what is really wrong with it, or why. They just saw something that reinforced their political biases and blasted it out. That annoys me. My request for an explanation of the grammatical errors was legitimate: I'm confused by what was marked in the text.
That meme made me think of the one below. Without critical analysis and a little bit of thought, a lot of what gets put out, by all manner of people, is a whole lot of this:
View attachment 17823
He said it was through word of mouth. After recently having internet service installed at his house, he was “really able to look into it.” He said that substantial evidence from a combination of sources had left him with the “impression something nefarious was happening.”