The Trump Presidency

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If this hiring freeze remains in place much longer it's likely to plummet even further, especially in some constituencies that are pretty important to the President.
I hope he's working quickly to identify positions that will be cut so hiring can reopen for positions that are deemed necessary.
Scorched the whole government. Burn it down, and start a new one. With shit like if you ain't a citizen "fuuuuuck you" and concription into government services for 2 years prior to college. Better yet mandatory 15 month deployment to the middle east. You don't have to fight, you can load the body bags, burn the shit, or whatever.

IRS? Burn it.
BATF? Burn it.
FBI? That's right Colmy you shit bag, burn it.
Burn them all, fire everyone!!!

Scorched the whole government. Burn it down, and start a new one. With shit like if you ain't a citizen "fuuuuuck you" and concription into government services for 2 years prior to college. Better yet mandatory 15 month deployment to the middle east. You don't have to fight, you can load the body bags, burn the shit, or whatever.

IRS? Burn it.
BATF? Burn it.
FBI? That's right Colmy you shit bag, burn it.
Burn them all, fire everyone!!!

"Liked" for the Ricky Bobby reference. "Anarchy! Anarchy!"
We're citing polls now? Didn't polls in the run up to the election predict a Clinton victory? You know nothing, Jon Snow.
Nope. I'm with Trump 100% on this one. Turn the water faucet off and get this shit under control.

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Public safety and national security both need to take priority over immigration.

It's very hard, if not impossible, to vet people coming from countries where we have no diplomatic presence.
We're citing polls now? Didn't polls in the run up to the election predict a Clinton victory? You know nothing, Jon Snow.
2017 has already claimed a handful of victims- polls, opinions of SME's that contradict our own uneducated opinions, actual facts, and the dude from the elephant man movie.

Maybe they're gonna make a sequel to this one-

Well, pretty much worse case scenario for the anti-immigration/Muslim ban crowd. Funny aside, Iran said they'll close their borders to Americans in response to P. Trump's ban. There goes my spring Tehran getaway.

Two Iraqis detained/denied entry to the US, and one of them was a terp with a decade of service as a contractor.

ETA- the second dude, contractor guy, was released. Also, I keep seeing that the two men "Sued President Trump", leading me to believe that they actually sued the person, Donald J. Trump, and not the government. Is that a thing? I know he has outstanding suits currently, but I guess I never thought of just suing the president.
We can split hairs over where it's a Muslim ban or just a ban from 6 countries that "sponsor terrorism", I suppose. At least we know how the VP feels on the issue!

Pence tweet.jpg
Well, pretty much worse case scenario for the anti-immigration/Muslim ban crowd. Funny aside, Iran said they'll close their borders to Americans in response to P. Trump's ban. There goes my spring Tehran getaway.

Two Iraqis detained/denied entry to the US, and one of them was a terp with a decade of service as a contractor.

ETA- the second dude, contractor guy, was released. Also, I keep seeing that the two men "Sued President Trump", leading me to believe that they actually sued the person, Donald J. Trump, and not the government. Is that a thing? I know he has outstanding suits currently, but I guess I never thought of just suing the president.

So from what I understand in regards to suing the administration, it happens all the time, it happened a lot under Clinton, Bush, and just never hear about it. Like the constitutional lawsuit against Trump for divesting all of his companies, which he is not required to do.

I wonder back in the day if federal dollars went towards peanuts from Carter's peanut farm.

Becuz Memes:
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Is it a right to immigrate or get a VISA to the US? Nope....I see no issue in stopping some immigration for a bit. I have always thought we should stop NEW Visa's into the US, until we can get a handle on all of the Visa overstays.
What makes her think this was ever a good idea? The part that I would be most concerned about, is that she felt okay openly acknowledging her violation of The Hatch Act, but does not appear to be concerned that she is also stating that if it came down to it, she'd let the President of the United States take bullet instead of her.

Disclaimer - I was not familiar with The Hatch Act, and had to look it up. In a nutshell it states that a person in her position cannot not openly campaign for one candidate over the other.

Secret Service agent wrote she wouldn't take a bullet for Trump

In her post, O’Grady acknowledged that expressing her political beliefs on social media is a violation of the Hatch Act. The act prohibits executive branch members, excluding the president, vice president and other designed officials, from making partisan statements.

“As a public servant for nearly 23 years, I struggle to not violate the Hatch Act. So I keep quiet and skirt the median. To do otherwise can be a criminal offense for those in my position,” she wrote. “Despite the fact that I am expected to take a bullet for both sides. But this world has changed and I have changed. And I would take jail time over a bullet or an endorsement for what I believe to be disaster to this country and the strong and amazing women and minorities who reside here. Hatch Act be damned. I am with Her.”

O'Grady serves as a Secret Service agent in Denver, where she helps coordinate presidential trips to the area.

Follow up.

Federal agent who wouldn't defend Trump placed on leave | Daily Mail Online
I am 100% for some sort of immigration reform. Maybe an 'all stop' is needed in the moment in order to come up with an actual plan, who knows. I certainly don't cause I'm not an international immigration reform expert. I'd like to see actual legislation and not this half assed executive order, and a way forward with this 'extreme vetting' I keep hearing so much about.
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