The Trump Presidency

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No, oceanography and meteorology intake a lot of data so those models can work.
You then run the model too see if the predictions are correct, if not go back to the lab.

BS Aviation Science/Aeronautical Meteorology with Climatology and Statistical Climatology thrown in.
Forecast study for Soto Cano AB in Honduras, and I developed a "hip pocket" forecast technique for U-2 support in the Pacific.
Please post your scientific creds.

Actually warming will cause the oceans to lower a bit as ice has more volume than water.
(Expand this last section, I put my responses inside the quote box)

All that ice melting will cool the oceans, does adding ice to your drink make the drink warmer?

First of all, I wasn't talking to you, in any of these posts. I have made it abundantly clear I have no training or expertise in climate science.

Adding ice cools the drink, and causes the level of the fluid to rise once it is melted...

Also, the volume argument of ice melt only applies to sea ice. The ice that is melting in Antarctica, which is vastly more, would not have a correlating volume decrease.
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The heavier and lighter body theory boils down to surface area, rather than weight.

Seriously man, a senior in high school should have enough scientific understanding to talk about these points.
The most obvious for us military folks-

Dive vs. box-man vs. high-lift track, all the same surface area and weight falling towards the earth at different speeds.

It doesn't have anything to do with weight, but doesn't necessarily correspond to surface area either. When talking about aerodynamics and hydrodynamics, longer vessels with MORE surface area can actually have LESS drag- that can be demonstrated using the BC formulae.

Seriously man, high school students. If you're going to try to be psuedo-offensive, don't do it with an off the mark post.
The most obvious for us military folks-

Dive vs. box-man vs. high-lift track, all the same surface area and weight falling towards the earth at different speeds.

It doesn't have anything to do with weight, but doesn't necessarily correspond to surface area either. When talking about aerodynamics and hydrodynamics, longer vessels with MORE surface area can actually have LESS drag- that can be demonstrated using the BC formulae.

Seriously man, high school students. If you're going to try to be psuedo-offensive, don't do it with an off the mark post.

Keeping in the vein of the original context, which was a comic, I used the easiest example of something that wasn't understood.
Keeping in the vein of the original context, which was a comic, I used the easiest example of something that wasn't understood.
But you displayed that you didn't understand it either.

First of all, I wasn't talking to you, in any of these posts. I have made it abundantly clear I have no training or expertise in climate science.

Adding ice cools the drink, and causes the level of the fluid to rise once it is melted...

Also, the volume argument of ice melt only applies to sea ice. The ice that is melting in Antarctica, which is vastly more, would not have a correlating volume decrease.
Why so testy? Is open conversation not open to everyone?

Beneficial to your argument, glacial ice is also up to twice as dense as ice frozen at atmospheric pressure.

Eta- 50% more dense, I fact checked myself.
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Also, the volume argument of ice melt only applies to sea ice. The ice that is melting in Antarctica, which is vastly more, would not have a correlating volume decrease.

Antarctica is gaining ice; more than the pace in which glaciers are losing it. In fairness to the science, in the articles I read no one is sure why, or what it means.
Antarctica is gaining ice; more than the pace in which glaciers are losing it. In fairness to the science, in the articles I read no one is sure why, or what it means.

Possibility of a shift in the earth's axis. It would explain the warmer temps in the Northern Hemisphere as well, more solar radiation. And less in the South. I haven't had to keep track of that stuff in a long time for radio propagation, so I'm not exactly sure but it would be a probable explanation.
Antarctica is gaining ice; more than the pace in which glaciers are losing it. In fairness to the science, in the articles I read no one is sure why, or what it means.

Sea ice. Gaining sea ice while losing glacial ice. The sea ice is seasonal.
FYI, the Federal hiring freeze did include my VA police offer. Hopefully it is a temporary freeze and the hiring will be allowed to continue in a few months. I have not checked with CBP to see if that position is also frozen yet.
One very cranky Reed.
Makes shit way more exciting.

Wrong again! There is nothing exciting about "shit" and I have the meme to prove it ;-)

FYI, the Federal hiring freeze did include my VA police offer. Hopefully it is a temporary freeze and the hiring will be allowed to continue in a few months. I have not checked with CBP to see if that position is also frozen yet.
One very cranky Reed.

I'm sorry to hear that man. My BDE is running into the same thing (Army MI BDE under INSCOM). Our hiring efforts for DA civilians with an execution date before 22 FEB have all been frozen or cancelled.

However, the word we're getting through HQs is everyone is aware of the challenges with the executive order and they believe it will be lifted as congress goes back into session and some cuts start being put on the table. It's not 100% clear how much of the freeze effecting DoD is really a part of the President's intent - and how much of it is just interpretation.

Give it a month and things might be very different for your application process.
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I have not seen the 59% approval rating anywhere. In fact, I have seen very differnt numbers. What was the source?

So Rasmussen does a daily tracking poll on approval ratings, today was 55% . Wednesday, the Washington Times quoting the Rasmussen Poll said his approval rating was at 59%

However, I see that CNN is quoting a Quinnipiac Poll saying his approval rating is at 36%.
So Rasmussen does a daily tracking poll on approval ratings, today was 55% . Wednesday, the Washington Times quoting the Rasmussen Poll said his approval rating was at 59%

However, I see that CNN is quoting a Quinnipiac Poll saying his approval rating is at 36%.

Yeah, that CNN number is what I have been seeing: Poll: Trump begins presidency with 36 percent approval rating

Maybe the difference is the Rasmussen poll you cited used the figure for 'likely voters' and the Quinnipiac cited by the Hill used 'voters' - I'm assuming they mean people of voting age, or maybe registered voters? Still, that big of a difference makes me less confident in either number.

Also, it seems like stuff like that goes towards the narrative of the press/media being against the President. If you're reading the Rasmussen polls you cited - then see CNN or the Hill reporting the other numbers - it definitely opens up a lot of questions. Could certainly be other explanations - I don't know how well regarded either polling service is and I don't know enough about polling to know if 'likely voters' or 'eligible voters' is the traditional measurement of those numbers.
If this hiring freeze remains in place much longer it's likely to plummet even further, especially in some constituencies that are pretty important to the President.
I have not seen the 59% approval rating anywhere. In fact, I have seen very differnt numbers. What was the source?

Yesterday, a Rassmussen poll in the Washington Times, polling "among likely voters."

Polling about 45% in Gallup, Quinnipiac shows 36%.

Edited: I posted then saw the replies above. My bad.
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