This is probably a pipe dream, but I would love to see this BS actually turn into a massive reform of the party system. Two parties simply don't have the necessary scope or ability to encompass the entire political spectrum with which people (even-relatively under-informed people) think about politics or government and it's role in society. Failing that, I would love to see the Republican party look at its young people more or even society as a whole and accept some social progress as concrete and not going away. For example, I'm from the Deep South, and while being gay around here isn't exactly en vogue, most young people and a growing number of middle-aged people staunchly Christian people, simply don't give a flying fuck if you are or not. The prevailing opinion is "they're American give them their rights and let's move on to why I'm getting laid off because of a poor economy". The Republican party has remained entrenched in a social platform that just doesn't fit the worldview of a growing number of their constituency any more, and in my opinion, the only reason the Republicans did so well in the overall elections nationwide was the anti-establishment view put forth by Trump. All anyone had to say was that they support Trump as the Republican nominee and boom, you're anti-establishment in a lot of people's books which got you elected much easier.
The pipe dream is
1. To see a viable third party emerge that is progressive or liberal on some matters and staunchly conservative on others so that our government can be governed more effectively by compromise rather than who happens to have the most control at the moment.
2. See the Republican party shift to better encompass the ideology of its constituency because frankly at this point, a lot of people are only Republican because they don't like the Democratic party, and they have no other option.
Of course the odds that either one comes to fruition peacefully in the next five years are slim to none, but one can still dream.