The Trump Presidency

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So there is this awesome law that passed Congress that is foundation of this executive order: Text - H.R.158 - 114th Congress (2015-2016): Visa Waiver Program Improvement and Terrorist Travel Prevention Act of 2015

There is already a law:

8 USC §1182

“Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate.”
I am confused on what the status of this is now? Are people being allowed in or not?
I am confused on what the status of this is now? Are people being allowed in or not?

No unless they were in transit with a visa or green card when the EO was signed.

The hypocrisy is killing me. The list of nations was drawn up by the Obama administration's State Department and even banned all immigration from Iraq for 6 months. Let's also not forget Carter and Iran. The pushback by Globalist open border types is getting out of hand.
No unless they were in transit with a visa or green card when the EO was signed.

The hypocrisy is killing me. The list of nations was drawn up by the Obama administration's State Department and even banned all immigration from Iraq for 6 months. Let's also not forget Carter and Iran. The pushback by Globalist open border types is getting out of hand.
So you're saying Obama's administration did a great thing and Pres Trump is just taking credit? :ROFLMAO:

I heard a term the other day that I like more and more. "Recreational Anger". Fits a lot of this stuff pretty well.
With National Security Council Shakeup, Steve Bannon Gets A Seat At The Table

So the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs and the Director of National Intelligence get a demotion, while Steve Bannon gets a seat at the table of the National Security Council.

Anyone else think Bannon getting a seat at the table is a bit nuts? Can't really offer an opinion on the two demotions, as I don't really know how that'll actually work in reality.
This move is really interesting to me. I thought the Chairman and DNI were natural parts of the NSC. I can kind of see the Chairman getting relegated to the kids' table if the SECDEF is still on the NSC, but the DNI? Wow. The DNI's power over important parts of the IC comes solely from access to the President. DNI has all of the responsibility and none of the real authority to run the IC. And now the position has even less.
So you're saying Obama's administration did a great thing and Pres Trump is just taking credit? :ROFLMAO:

I heard a term the other day that I like more and more. "Recreational Anger". Fits a lot of this stuff pretty well.

Taking credit or perhaps improving an already good thing. :-"

I like that, I'll have to use it on some of my relatives that seem to have taken up the hobby of being "Recreational Angry" lately; no matter the topic. Canada is a mess right now and no one cares; kind of the same situation that led to Trump.
As I posted months and months ago, I don't understand passing new laws until we start enforcing the existing laws. I totally support a temp ban on the ME countries listed, but how can we seriously propose long term fix actions when we don't enforce what's currently on the books? How do we explain to those who did the right thing and immigrated legally that it's okay for illegal immigrants to stay and get a pass?

Tango actual already told ICE etc to fully enforce everything on the books and has got to have people looking at what is there that can be modified thru congress for a permanent positive law solution.
This move is really interesting to me. I thought the Chairman and DNI were natural parts of the NSC. I can kind of see the Chairman getting relegated to the kids' table if the SECDEF is still on the NSC, but the DNI? Wow. The DNI's power over important parts of the IC comes solely from access to the President. DNI has all of the responsibility and none of the real authority to run the IC. And now the position has even less.

I thought the same thing, will be interesting to see how things shake out as organizations vie for influence. Although this, like most of the administration's moves, is not good government in my opinion I think in some ways it's better than the alternative.

I mean, I don't like those moves because I don't think these are the people that should be running the government - but we had an election that decided things and it didn't go my way, so that part is done. My understanding is the NSC is a filter to recommend national security action to the President. I think it's good to have the people in the NSC the President is actually going to listen to. In some ways it almost makes the government more transparent. The President is essentially saying 'look, here are the people I trust to look at national security information from across the spectrum and recommend policy to me.' I contrast that with the GW Bush administration where there was rampant speculation - in and out of government - that the NSC was not where he was going for his most influential policy recommendations. Instead, they were coming from meetings outside the NSC with the VP, the SECDEF, and Karl Rove as the most influential members of that cabal.

I think Steve Bannon seems like a super-smart dude who believes a bunch of shit that's anathema to what I believe. But, at least the President will be straight up about the fact that he's listening to him on national security and whatever else. I always thought it was fucked up in the GW Bush administration how Douglas Feith and Paul Wolfowitz and others would take the position after things went to shit that they were just a part of ongoing Pentagon planning and it was a team effort and they were just as surprised as everybody else - when they had been driving the process, then hid behind the institutions when it was convenient.

For the same reason I actually support President Trump's family getting security clearances and jobs in the white house regardless of nepotism charges. If that's who the President is going to listen to I'd rather them be able to have access to as much classified as possible - and to protect that classified to the best of our ability. The alternative is he's hitting them up on the landline or family dinner for the same thing. One thing I would think both sides would agree on President Trump isn't going to do something just because people told him 'those are the rules.'

I wish President Trump hadn't gotten elected, I think he's doing a terrible job, but I'd like him to have as many tools as possible to do as good a job as can be done. I'd much rather begrudgingly watch him go from success to success for the country than watch the place burn to the ground and be able to say 'I told you so.'
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I like that, I'll have to use it on some of my relatives that seem to have taken up the hobby of being "Recreational Angry" lately; no matter the topic. Canada is a mess right now and no one cares; kind of the same situation that led to Trump.
Yeah, fake outrage and recreational anger, on a short ass cycle, repeating every day.

"I am infuriated! This can't stand! I'll post about it! Glad I got that off my chest. How is my farm in farmville doing?"
Yeah, fake outrage and recreational anger, on a short ass cycle, repeating every day.

"I am infuriated! This can't stand! I'll post about it! Glad I got that off my chest. How is my farm in farmville doing?"

Your farm is still growing? Mine got hit by global warming and is now a dustbowl covered in ice.
Your farm is still growing? Mine got hit by global warming and is now a dustbowl covered in ice.
Well, listen man. I know it seems like you know more than me on this, and logic dictates that my uneducated opinion has no place arguing with you- but I don't believe you.

I don't give a shit if you get ALL your friends together, each of them smarter than the next, with all of your evidence, I am gonna go ahead and ignore that. I have a high school education, and I will believe what I think is facts, as told to me by my like minded friends, thank you very much. Your farm is probably iced over due to global warming cause you're stupid and I have google, and although I don't have any business commenting, I will anyway. Farmville global ice warming isn't a real thing.

So, we're actually going to start enforcing some of our laws... Hmmm. What a novel idea!

If nothing else, perhaps this represents a new era in Washington where we have someone that says what he means and does what he says (more so than not). Regardless of a persons view on the guy in office, he is making decisions and forcing positions; ie breaking log jams. If that's not change, I don't know what is (whether that's good or not is another question).

If people are really as upset as they claim, then they actually need to do something constructive to change laws and policies through their elected officials. If their elected officials can't figure out a way to be effective, then they need to be replaced by those that can. That's how our system works.
I was thinking about this the other day, but I wonder if Trump anticipated how incredibly unpopular he would become with the Hollywood crowd he used to rub elbows with. It took Mel Gibson a decade to be brought back into the fold after his many recorded rants. Assuming Trump does not run/win reelection, he may find himself awful lonely if he attempts to connect with his former "friends".

SAG Awards turn into protest against Trump immigration ban | Daily Mail Online
We are going to mess around and have an uprising in our country. There are a lot of very, very angry people in the US right now. :(

I think we'll be ok if the economy holds up but it good get very very bad if it goes south.

I think we can at least expect mass demonstrations that turn into riots. And if anybody here thinks liberals or leftists don't have the potential for violence, see the race riots, anti-draft riots, anti-war riots in the late 60's and early 70's...and the murders and bombings by the Black Panthers, the SDS and other ultra-leftist radical groups of that era. The hate and anger are just simmering now...where will we be a year down the road?
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