The Trump Presidency

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I read and shared that article as well. There was an Acura ad above the article when I checked it just now, that and the anti-Trump one you saw are probably part of a rotating package of ads built around likely interests of the regular readers.
Some nice Sunday morning reading: I Had Dinner With the Afghan Ambassador. What He Said About the Differences Between Trump, Obama Is Stunning

"Trump would listen intently after each question, often asking follow-ups. Trump's second call with our president was even longer than the first. Asking these types of questions for our country is something the Obama administration never did. The Obama administration was the most academic administration we have ever had to deal with but the Trump administration has been the most thoughtful and intelligent." - Dr Hamdullah Mohib, just a snippet from the quotes of the Afghan Ambassador's Q&A session.
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They just keep coming...and coming...and coming...pretty soon France is going ask us to send the Statue of Liberty to you guys!

The border town where immigrants are creeping into Canada | Daily Mail Online

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It's getting out of control, there's been over 2300 since Jan 1 and most have legit US Visa's that were issued in Riyadh. Many making the crossing within days of arriving in the US. In Manitoba alone, there's over a dozen caught that are now in prison due to their criminal record and threat to the public. That's just the ones caught.
One positive note from all of this: Small business owners are more confident now than they were under the Obama administration

TOLEDO, Ohio — The cream of the small-business community here tucked into their lunch on a top floor of a bank building and pondered the question put to them by their local lender’s economist.

More than any other president since Ronald Reagan, President Trump is moving to strip away regulations and slash taxes, said Jeffrey Korzenik, an investment strategist with Fifth Third, a large regional bank in the Midwest and Southeast. In meetings with clients, Mr. Korzenik has been making the case that these policies will rouse the slumbering animal spirits in businesses across America.

“And now we have seen this huge spike in small-business confidence since the election,” Mr. Korzenik said, pointing to a chart. “So I have to ask you: Do you feel more confident now?”

There was a moment of silence, broken only by a howling northwestern Ohio wind that rattled the floor-to-ceiling windows in the bank’s boardroom.

Then, with rapid-fire speed, came the responses.

The president of a trucking company spoke of a “tremendous dark cloud” lifting when he realized he would no longer be feeling the burden of rules and regulations imposed by the Obama administration.

The owner of an automotive parts assembler gave thanks that he would not be receiving visits from pesky environmental and workplace overseers.

And the head of a seating manufacturer expressed hope that, finally, his health care costs would come down when the Affordable Care Act was repealed.

It's good to see that business confidence is up, though I wonder (and the article correctly points this out) if the country will be able to achieve the kind of economic growth that the president wants now that the fed is planning to raise interest rates. Certainly we're going to experience growth, but it will be more difficult to borrow money in the long term.
Certainly we're going to experience growth, but it will be more difficult to borrow money in the long term.

It can't be more difficult. With an 800+ credit score (out of 850), high revenue, positive cash flow and a perfect payment history, I couldn't/can't take a small business loan without taking a second mortgage or paying usury rates to one bank in Utah for a line of credit (that decreases if your cash flow decreases, but never goes back up). The best that I could find over two years of searching was a business credit card with a $5k limit. In businesses under $50M (revenue), and most over $50M, money comes from equity investment not banks.
CNBC anchor to a guest: "How unprecedented is this, that members of the Trump Administration, during the campaign, were meeting with the ambassador of a hostile foreign nation?"

He meant Russia. You know, the country with whom we share a space station. The country who supposedly is an ally of ours in the fight against ISIS. Since when did Russia become a hostile foreign nation? Since Trump got elected. My question is, where were all these vehemently anti-Russian Leftist bastards when we were actually fighting Soviet and Chicom-backed proxy wars? They were waving Viet Cong flags, hanging up Che posters in their dorm rooms, quoting Marxist dogma...
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