The Trump Presidency

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I have gotten conditioned to a point where I can not WAIT to see how Spicy squares this circle!!! This administration keeps it interesting, I will say that.

He has reached Comical Ali levels of ridiculousness.
Creators get's an "A" for propaganda, but from what I can find online, an "F" for facts.

It is not the end of Sesame Street, regardless of whether or not Trump defunds PBS; in my opinion, this is a perfect example of fake news.

The comeback will be to "lighten up", it's just satire. I disagree, the average person will watch this and believe that Sesame Street is going off the air because of Trump and PBS is doomed.

Creators get's an "A" for propaganda, but from what I can find online, an "F" for facts.

It is not the end of Sesame Street, regardless of whether or not Trump defunds PBS; in my opinion, this is a perfect example of fake news.

The comeback will be to "lighten up", it's just satire. I disagree, the average person will watch this and believe that Sesame Street is going off the air because of Trump and PBS is doomed.

Sesame Street is on HBO
Sesame Street is on HBO

PBS pays a licensing fee to broadcast shows at the 9 month mark; which is why I am interested to eventually find out who put out the Elmo video.
A jaded person might be willing to believe that PBS or a group with attachments to PBS put out the video to play off of the emotions of people who are not aware of the HBO connection.

B Is for Broke: Why 'Sesame Street' Is Moving to HBO

PBS pays a licensing fee to broadcast shows at the 9 month mark; which is why I am interested to eventually find out who put out the Elmo video.
A jaded person might be willing to believe that PBS or a group with attachments to PBS put out the video to play off of the emotions of people who are not aware of the HBO connection.

B Is for Broke: Why 'Sesame Street' Is Moving to HBO
I understand it, PBS gets the shows for free which took a huge chunk out of their expenses and then get to capitalize by airing in syndication. Much cheaper than losing money on it every year like they did the three previous seasons. The deal also doubled the amount of episodes per year, so pretty lucrative for PBS from that perspective.

I will point out that the youtube channel for Sesame Street is one of the most lucrative channels out there...but the revenue sharing there doesn't approach the production budget.
Creators get's an "A" for propaganda, but from what I can find online, an "F" for facts.

It is not the end of Sesame Street, regardless of whether or not Trump defunds PBS; in my opinion, this is a perfect example of fake news.

The comeback will be to "lighten up", it's just satire. I disagree, the average person will watch this and believe that Sesame Street is going off the air because of Trump and PBS is doomed.

TV ads have been targeting kids for decades. They push kids to tell parents what cereal to buy, what jeans to buy, you name it, kids have always been targets. This one just
Brilliant writing by WSJ editorial team. Difficult to call this publication a tool of the left....

A President’s Credibility

If President Trump announces that North Korea launched a missile that landed within 100 miles of Hawaii, would most Americans believe him? Would the rest of the world? We’re not sure, which speaks to the damage that Mr. Trump is doing to his Presidency with his seemingly endless stream of exaggerations, evidence-free accusations, implausible denials and other falsehoods.
The WSJ makes a great point. Trump came in on the promise of shaking up the status quo in Washington, but he's going about it in entirely the wrong way. I was not a Trump supporter at any point, although I did think he would make a better POTUS than Hillary Clinton. He campaigned on "draining the swamp" in Washington. He is going about it the wrong way though. Despite the power that comes with the office of the POTUS, the person holding that office has GOT to have some measure of credibility. He is quickly burning through that.
It will be interesting to see if McConnell exercises the nuclear option as he has threatened to.

Also, stay tuned for the house vote on AHCA today.

Yeah, I think the Trumpcare voting is going to be very interesting - through the whole process. Republicans are really struggling on the moderate and freedom caucus ends of the party with the content of Trumpcare with opposite pressures. Because of the make-up of the house the freedom caucus has the power - likely pushing the bill to the right - but the opposite is the case in the Senate meaning even if it passes the house there's going to be some serious wrangling going on in committee.

Will be interesting to see the judgment of Republicans individually and collectively. The individual pressures will likely push against passage but collectively they've got to realize failing to pass President Trump's first major policy initiative (not to mention the thing they've been campaigning on for 7 years) will be a massive blow to the ability of the Trump administration - or congress - to get their agenda passed. I think tax reform would be tough to do if you can't do Obamacare repeal - much less all the tougher stuff like infrastructure, immigration and government reform.

I think if Trumpcare becomes law - even substantially modified - we've got to start admitting that President Trump's business or other experience did translate into an ability to get things done. That's hard shit to pass in any administration - even if there are other circumstances impacting choices legislators are making. But, if he is unable to get it through I think people have got to start considering that maybe all that 'outside government' stuff is a lot better in theory than in practice in terms of effectiveness.
I haven't seen the projections for insurance under the ACA for 2018, but 2017 was bad if you didn't have an employer based program here in Arizona. It needs to go.
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