This man does NOT like Jocko...

Stolen valor will do that to you. Wonder how quickly he gets PNG'd from the political circles as well.

No money, no clout, my guess is the uninformed will keep him? Or the rabid supporter types?

He created a brand based in part on public perception fueled by his stories. That same perception will kill his brand because the stories are proving to be false. He did this, not Youtubers looking for clicks or clout, Tim made his decisions. Podcast guys may have their own motivations, but those motivations don't control Tim's own words or actions. I think that's lost in the discussion.

This sadly dovetails with my poser thread. People want to believe their heroes, the facts be damned. Should you dare to question those "facts" then you are dragged through the mud.
Oh, Timmy, Timmy, did you really think no one was going to call you out on your stories? You should have quit while you were ahead.
No money, no clout, my guess is the uninformed will keep him? Or the rabid supporter types?

He created a brand based in part on public perception fueled by his stories. That same perception will kill his brand because the stories are proving to be false. He did this, not Youtubers looking for clicks or clout, Tim made his decisions. Podcast guys may have their own motivations, but those motivations don't control Tim's own words or actions. I think that's lost in the discussion.

This sadly dovetails with my poser thread. People want to believe their heroes, the facts be damned. Should you dare to question those "facts" then you are dragged through the mud.

I feel like the anti-hero guys came out of nowhere, but that's besides the point. They came with a pedigree to challenge his narrative and they came with receipts. I'm surprised Tim was able to make it through the Afghan pull out mess he created, but he won't make it out of this one. He'll be radioactive soon and anyone that touches it will pay the price as well. Drinkin Bros, Hard AF, BRCC, 5.11, etc, would be smart to part ways.

ETA... he has a relationship with SECDEF as well, so we'll see how long that lasts.
No money, no clout, my guess is the uninformed will keep him? Or the rabid supporter types?

He created a brand based in part on public perception fueled by his stories. That same perception will kill his brand because the stories are proving to be false. He did this, not Youtubers looking for clicks or clout, Tim made his decisions. Podcast guys may have their own motivations, but those motivations don't control Tim's own words or actions. I think that's lost in the discussion.

This sadly dovetails with my poser thread. People want to believe their heroes, the facts be damned. Should you dare to question those "facts" then you are dragged through the mud.

Is there a cliff notes of what happened? I don't know any of his backstory other than he was SF active and guard and also ran a profitable shooting academy/school/center.
Is there a cliff notes of what happened? I don't know any of his backstory other than he was SF active and guard and also ran a profitable shooting academy/school/center.
Tim's book came out and he made a bunch of claims people pretty determined were false or exaggerated. Things like:

-Claiming distinguished honor grad at Ranger
-Claiming a Purple Heart
-Claiming he took (and used) 50 frags on a mission
-Claiming he was a leading member of JTF when he was an E6
-Claiming he dressed down his TF CO on mission
-Claiming he engaged in Hand to hand combat during the attack on Anaconda
-Claiming he was on a 100 vehicle convoy and lost double digit amounts of vehicles
-Claiming a BSM with V
-Using Mike Goble as the only witness to a bunch of stories.
- And so on and so on.

Some of those (Ranger, BSM, PH, dressing down his CO) have been proven false by records/the people involved. Others are just claims people say are highly unlikely/Tim admitting to war crimes.
ETA... he has a relationship with SECDEF as well, so we'll see how long that lasts.
I vaguely remember a post from Tim where he claimed he was supposed to serve some sort of role in the new administration and accused the Anto-Hero guys of coming after him because of "politics".
I just started watching this podcast, which includes Kennedy's responses to some of the allegations.

Man 20yrs ago I would have some shit to say... But now, I find it comical that Tim Kennedy is being baptized in the bullshit social media, for "faking the funk" when I could name a laundry list of people who lied about there own story from that same regiment. Hell I was accused of being a poser by one of those same funny hat wears... Yeah, eat your own... I've listened to plenty of those "how much more I was" stories.

Funny thing, that dude has done more in his life time than 99% of y'all taking pokes at him on here...and y'all fucking know it...🤘🙄😉
Funny thing, that dude has done more in his life time than 99% of y'all taking pokes at him on here...and y'all fucking know it...🤘🙄😉
And Michael Jackson we a great entertainer. OJ was a great football player. Epstein was a powerhouse in the financial sector. All things that people say to overlook or ignore the transgressions of the wrongdoers.
It’s not okay to claim you’re a wounded PH recipient when you’re not. Ever. No matter who the fuck you are or how many scalps you’ve taken. And it’s especially not okay when you’re using it to pad your business portfolio.

That's fair. I should have a few that are not documented. But when they tried to give me one for a headache....mehhh

I didn't read his book, I honestly don't care, except he put in his time, he finished a few schools I never even got the opportunity to attend, and he was a top ranked UFC fighter and held a few silly TV shows. CIF guy who is totally backed up by a D boy and still got his hat in the ring with the NG.

Yeah I'd drink a beer with him, and I am not any kind of a fan boy....

That all said, my point wasn't to be a dick, but to say.... Yeah that ol boy did a bit, and regardless he probably shouldn't be roasted over something he probably didn't even actually write.
I was never wounded and never felt like I was in any real mortal peril during any of my deployments. The only way I can relate to the above is that on my first trip to Iraq I visited a SOT-A (SIGINT intel support to SF) soldier who was out on a mission with a team and got both of his legs traumatically amputated by an IED. I didn't know him but we visited him at the MASH at Balad when we went to give blood. He was drugged up of course but conscious. He was a sergeant and he was messed up bad and I didn't think he would live. He looked at me like he was expecting me to say something. I said the only thing that came to mind which was, "your men are OK." He was so messed up and so high on drugs I'm sure he doesn't remember us going to visit him. But I do.

He got evac'd to Germany shortly after and I didn't hear what happened after. But a couple of months into the deployment, there was a commercial on AFN that showed him at Walter Reed (I think?) doing physical therapy. He had gained weight and it looked like he was starting to find his way around on prosthetics. I was glad he made it.

Years later I visited an SF member of our site who was in Walter Reed who was an 18D. He had gotten blown up (for the second time) in Afghanistan and had one of his legs traumatically amputated. He was being tended to by another former SF member of the site who was also 18D, and the two of them were having a professional back-and-forth with the doctor regarding the next steps for his care.

My first tour at West Point, I worked with a guy who lost his entire right leg to an IED in Iraq. Like almost from the hip down.

That's one of the reasons I didn't file for disability as I was leaving the Army; the above men are "disabled," I have "inconveniences."

And that's why I also go out of my way to not "church up" what I did overseas. I'm proud of what I did but I know what I didn't do, and what didn't happen to me. It's too bad we can't all be content with where our military careers took us.
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I got my bell rung pretty good, told after the fact probably have mild TBI, definitely had post-concussive syndrome. I was told I should to the paper chase and get the medal because 1) I 'earned' it, and 2) there would be documentation for later down the road for bennies, maybe disability, etc.

I just shook it off and never followed up on it. Just didn't seem right.